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GED 155 Final Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet) 1. A lexicographer is a person who ________. a. determines the grammar rules b. compiles dictionaries c. edits the reference guides d. writes well 2. You should ________ go see the doctor for that cold of yours. a. defiantly b. definitely c. definitly d. definately 3. That man over at the next table keeps ________ at me. a. staring b. starring c. stairing d. None of the above. 4. The word run is what part of speech? a. subject b. adjective c. noun d. verb 5. In the word congratulations, which syllable has the primary stress? a. first b. second c. third d. fourth e. fifth 6. What part of speech is the word accurate? a. noun b. verb c. adjective d. adverb 4 Final Examination GED 155 English 7. Which of the following is not a good use for a college dictionary? a. find the definition of a word b. understand the usage of a word c. find out the etymology of a word d. find out the preferred spelling of a word e. answer a grammar question 8. A(n) ________ takes the place of a noun. a. adjective b. adverb c. pronoun d. preposition 9. To run, to see, and to go are examples of ________. a. infinitives b. verbs c. gerunds d. prepositional phrases Identify the part of speech or the form of a part of speech in the underlined portion of each sentence. (10-14) 10. The yellow house down the street from me is for sale. a. preposition b. conjunction c. adjective d. adverb 11. The groundhog looked down and saw its shadow. a. preposition b. conjunction c. adjective d. adverb 5 Final Examination GED 155 English 12. The children steadily eased themselves into the cold water of the neighborhood pool. a. common noun b. proper noun c. pronoun d. adjective 13. What year did you graduate from high school? a. proper noun b. common noun c. adjective d. adverb 14. Matt has been helping me overcome some difficulties. a. linking verb b. action verb c. helping verb d. gerund 15. Two sentences joined together with a coordinating conjunction and a comma form a ________. a. compound sentence b. complex sentence c. comma splice d. run-on Identify the subject and complete verb in each of the following sentences. (16-18) 16. A pen and a pad of paper are in the top drawer of my desk. a. pen; are b. pen/paper; are c. pen/pad; are d. paper/drawer; are 17. Please go to the store and buy some milk for the baby. a. you; go/store b. you; go/buy c. store; go/buy d. milk; go/buy 6 Final Examination GED 155 English 18. Have you ever been to Georgetown to visit your brother? a. you; been b. you; have c. you; have been d. you; have ever been Identify each as fragment, run-on, comma splice, or sentence. (19-21) 19. One legend has it that an old lady tried to dry off her sopping wet dog by putting it in the microwave but this legend also predates the microwave oven. a. fragment b. run-on c. comma splice d. correct sentence 20. A couple renting a hotel room complained bitterly to management about a horrible smell, they found the stench had been coming from a corpse under the bed. a. fragment b. run-on c. comma splice d. correct sentence 21. Clarissa carefully studied all her notes and worked on additional problems, then she took her test online. a. fragment b. run-on c. comma splice d. correct sentence 22. Which of the following nouns will always be plural? a. news b. series c. pants d. politics 7 Final Examination GED 155 English 23. The ________ will meet tomorrow to discuss some upcoming projects. a. editor-in-chiefs b. editor in chiefs c. editors in chief d. editors-in-chief 24. My ________ are coming over for Thanksgiving Dinner. a. sister in laws b. sisters in law c. sisters-in-law d. sister-in-laws 25. Several ________ have to be considered before making a final decision. a. criteria b. criterion c. criterias 26. Have you completed all of your ________ yet? a. homework b. home work c. homeworks d. home-works 27. The editor is in charge of proofreading all of the ________ for the newspaper. a. head lines b. head-lines c. headlines’ d. headlines 28. Which of the following nouns can be singular or plural, depending on the context of the sentence? a. scissors b. news c. measles d. statistics e. None of the above. 8 Final Examination GED 155 English 29. After a ________ consideration, I’ve decided to use my ________ savings. a. weeks’/lives b. week’s/life’s c. weeks’/live’s d. week’s/lifes’ 30. My ________ cooking is the best. a. mother-in-laws b. mothers-in-law c. mother-in-law’s 31. The ________ emails were forwarded to the ________ office. a. secretaries/managers b. secretary/manager c. secretarys’/manager’s d. secretary’s/manager’s 32. The new ________ salary for 12 ________ is $90,000. a. principal’s/ months’ b. principals/months c. principal’s/months d. principals’/months 33. Several ________ ________ were missing the required documentation for the research presented. a. students/essays b. student’s/essay’s c. students’/essays d. students/essay’s 34. My father-in-law’s retirement party, which was held at ________ and ________ house, was actually more enjoyable than I thought it would be. a. Cecil/Deborah b. Cecil/Deborahs’ c. Cecil’s/Deborah’s d. Cecil/Deborah’s 9 Final Examination GED 155 English 35. Apostrophes should not be used with which of the following? a. proper nouns ending in s b. plural nouns c. possessive nouns 36. The Volkswagen buses plastered with peace and flower-power decals, the people selling the Grateful Dead paraphernalia, and the sharing of food and resources—no one enjoyed these more than ________. a. we b. us c. ours 37. Perhaps no one understands how influential the Beatles were more than ________. a. her b. she c. herself 38. The email was confusing; the contents confused Veronica as well as ________. a. I b. myself c. me 39. Choose the correct sentence. a. Us kids are to blame for the mess in the kitchen. b. Don’t talk to we teenagers about curfews. c. Cheryl, Doug, and myself went to the beach on Independence Day. d. He corrected himself immediately. e. The manager and myself will attend the meeting. 40. Choose the correct sentence. a. He voted hisself a raise. b. We voted ourselfs a raise. c. She injured herself. d. The twins dress theirselves. 10 Final Examination GED 155 English Choose the correct pronoun. 41. That quilt is ________; my grandmother and ________ made it before she passed away. a. mines/I b. mine/me c. mines/myself d. mine/I 42. You can’t trust ________ or ________ to complete the project on time. a. him/she b. him/her c. he/her d. he/she Choose the correct pronoun to fit the context of the sentence. 43. The dog chewed ________ leash apart. a. its b. his or her c. it’s d. their e. its’ 44. Either Brenda or her mother lost ________ keys. a. their b. her c. hers 45. A pregnant person knows how difficult it is to get in and out of ________ car in ________ eighth month. a. her, their b. their, her c. her, her d. his or her, their 11 Final Examination GED 155 English 46. Nobody on the Tri Rail seems to know ________ way around Miami. a. their b. his c. there d. his or her 47. Is technology with all ________ advances working for the better of ________? a. its/mankind b. it’s/humankind c. it’s/mankind d. its/humankind 48. Which sentence is correct? a. The salesman from Florida made record sales. b. The salesperson from Florida made record sales. c. The policeman fired a shot at the suspect. d. The stewardess made the announcement on the plane. 49. Which sentence is preferable? a. Every editor has his job to do. b. Every editor has his or her job to do. c. Every editor has a job to do. d. Every editor has her job to do. e. Every editor has their job to do. Choose the correct verb to fit the context of the sentence. 50. If the manager ________ here, we could meet the person who ________ all loans. a. were/approves b. was/approves c. were/approve d. was/approve 51. If I ________ you, I ________ to find a better job. a. was/will try b. were/would try c. were/try d. was/would try 12 Final Examination GED 155 English 52. I thought the massager was ________ , but it was just ________ out. a. broken/wore b. broken/worn c. broke/worn d. broke/wore 53. When I ________ to pay my restaurant bill, I realized I ________ my credit card at home. a. try/forget b. tried/have forgotten c. tried/had forgotten d. tried/had forgot 54. Kristen is a prolific writer. She ________ a couple books of poetry and about a hundred short stories. Someday she ________ as famous as Edgar Allen Poe. a. was writing/will be b. has written/would be c. had written/would be d. has written/will be 55. When my daughter gets older, I ________ her the value of an education, so she won’t make the same mistakes I ________. a. will teach/have done b. will teach/did c. will be teaching/did d. will be teaching/do 56. Identify the sentence that correctly uses the simple past tense. a. Jeannie begun her homework yesterday. b. Jeannie was beginning her homework yesterday. c. Jeannie began her homework yesterday. d. Jeannie had began her homework yesterday. 13 Final Examination GED 155 English Choose the correct verb to fit the context of the sentence. 57. Some of the students from class ________ to the Writing Center for help with writing because they ________ often unclear on how to fix their errors. a. go/are b. goes/are c. go/is d. goes/is 58. On the mantle ________ my children’s softball trophies that they won when they ________ younger. a. is/was b. is/were c. are/was d. are/were 59. In the Miranda decision, the Supreme Court ________ that officers ________ warnings to potential criminals. a. require/provides b. require/provide c. requires/ provide d. requires/provides 60. A house down the street and the duplex next door ________ for sale, but the prices ________ too expensive for most people to afford. a. is/seem b. are/seems c. is/seems d. are/seem 61. Identify the correct sentence. a. Large corporations and small businesses today believe that “going green” is of paramount importance. b. Large corporations along with small businesses today believes that “going green” is of paramount importance. c. Large corporations and small businesses today believe that “going green” are of paramount importance. d. Large corporations along with small businesses today believes that “going green” are of paramount importance. 14 Final Examination GED 155 English 62. Identify the correct sentence. a. A giant spider with long legs are crawling on the wall in the living room. b. A giant spider with long legs is crawling on the wall in the living room. c. Neither the roach nor the spider are still alive. d. Neither the spider nor the roaches is still alive. 63. Identify the correct sentence. a. Fighting on school grounds are a serious offence. b. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets are a good movie. c. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a good movie. d. A new Boys and Girls Club are keeping many children off the streets. 64. Identify the correct sentence. a. In my top drawer is a birthday card from my grandmother and a gold watch from my mother. b. In my top drawer are a birthday card from my grandmother and gold watch from my mother. c. In my top drawer are a birthday card from my grandmother as well as a gold watch from my mother. d. In my top drawer are a birthday card from my grandmother in addition to a gold watch from my mother. 65. Nureyev danced ________ than the others in the ballet troupe. a. more gracefully b. more gracefuller c. gracefuller d. more graceful 66. The class was asked to sit ________ ________. a. quiet anywhere b. quietly anywheres c. quiet anywheres d. quietly anywhere 15 Final Examination GED 155 English 67. Which is ________ to write, a letter or an essay? a. most easiest b. more easy c. easiest d. easier 68. Dana works ________ than Susan. a. more efficiently b. most efficiently c. more efficient 69. Since Sandra had her car repaired, it runs ________ than it did before. a. more smoother b. smooth c. more smoothly d. more smooth 70. Identify the correct sentence. a. The new air conditioner works quieter. b. This engine runs smoother. c. He speaks more distinct than she does. d. I feel bad that I didn’t call you earlier. 71. Identify the incorrect sentence. a. I can hardly see you. b. She did well on her report card. c. I can’t hardly see you. d. The student answered me rather rudely. 72. Identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly. a. Social issues involving computers and society are, privacy, unemployment and technological complexity. b. Social issues involving computers and society are privacy, unemployment, and technological complexity. c. Social issues involving computers and society are, privacy, unemployment and, technological complexity. 16 Final Examination GED 155 English 73. Identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly. a. Boston, Massachusetts played an important role in American history and politics. b. Boston, Massachusetts played an important role, in American history and politics. c. Boston, Massachusetts, played an important role in American history and politics. 74. Identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly. a. These products may not seem as exciting as they did in the past but maybe that’s the time to do a little buying. b. Prior to Webster’s complete two-volume edition he had compiled three shorter and incomplete versions. c. Markets that will do well in the future include telecommunications and the energy sector. 75. Identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly. a. Here is our check, Mr. Vons, for $7.35. b. Here is our check Mr. Vons, for $7.35. c. Here is our check, Mr. Vons for $7.35. 76. Identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly. a. Once inside my mother’s house seemed much larger, than it appears on the outside. b. Once inside, my mother’s house, seemed much larger than it appears on the outside. c. Once inside, my mother’s house seemed much larger than it appears on the outside. 77. Identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly. a. She wore an unusual, attractive dress. b. She wore an unusual, and attractive dress. c. She wore an unusual attractive dress. 78. Identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly. a. “Come back here”! screamed the boy’s mother as he ran into the street. b. “Come back here!” screamed the boy’s mother. As he ran into the street. c. “Come back here” screamed the boy’s mother, as he ran into the street! d. “Come back here!” screamed the boy’s mother as he ran into the street. 17 Final Examination GED 155 English 79. Identify the sentence that is correctly punctuated. a. Clara did not study very much for her biology test, therefore, she guessed at many of the answers. b. Clara did not study very much for her biology test; therefore she guessed at many of the answers. c. Clara did not study very much for her biology test; therefore, she guessed at many of the answers. d. Clara did not study very much for her biology test, therefore; she guessed at many of the answers. 80. Identify the sentence that is correctly punctuated. a. We stopped at several places during our drive up the East Coast: Savannah, Georgia, Charleston, South Carolina, Trenton, New Jersey, and Allentown, Pennsylvania. b. We stopped at several places during our drive up the East Coast: Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Trenton, New Jersey; and Allentown, Pennsylvania. c. We stopped at several places during our drive up the East Coast, Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Trenton, New Jersey; and Allentown, Pennsylvania. d. We stopped at several places, during our drive up the East Coast; Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Trenton, New Jersey; and Allentown, Pennsylvania. 81. Identify the sentence that is correctly punctuated. a. Our goal is simple: we aim to be the best in the industry. b. Our goal is simple, we aim to be the best in the industry. c. Our goal is simple—we aim to be the best in the industry. d. Our goal is simple: we aim to be the best, in the industry. 82. Identify the sentence that is correctly punctuated. a. My mother called earlier and asked if I wouldn’t mind taking her to the grocery store since her car broke down? b. My mother called earlier, and asked if I wouldn’t mind taking her to the grocery store. Since her car broke down. c. My mother called earlier and asked if I wouldn’t mind taking her to the grocery store since her car broke down. 83. Use a ________ after an independent clause that introduces a clause, a phrase, or even a single word that explains the original clause a. comma b. colon c. semicolon 18 Final Examination GED 155 English 84. Use ________ to emphasize a word or an expression. a. quotation marks b. italics c. All of the above. d. None of the above. 85. Which of the following means expressing someone else’s exact words? a. direct quotation b. paraphrasing c. plagiarizing d. indirect quotation 86. He took the womans hat and hid it in the men’s room. a. correctly punctuated b. change womans to womens’ c. change men’s to mens’ d. change womans to woman’s 87. Among her last words were, “I am settled in my own faith.” a. correctly punctuated b. change the comma to a semicolon c. move the period outside of the quotation mark d. add a comma after settled 88. The case against the Dallas based-company was handled in Seattle. a. correctly punctuated b. add a comma after company c. add a hyphen after Dallas and delete the hyphen after based d. add a hyphen after Dallas 89. The article “Bug Off” is in the March issue of Camper’s Guide. a. correctly punctuated b. underline or italicize Camper’s Guide c. underline Bug Off d. none of the above 19 Final Examination GED 155 English Choose the option that corrects the error in the underlined portion. If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.” 90. Bill, the foreman of the construction company, is concerned about the safety in the large building. They have had three accidents in the past week. a. It has had b. She has had c. Members of the crew have had d. No change is necessary. 91. It says that more students learn through visual and hands-on teaching methods than through auditory ones. a. Chapter 19 says b. They say c. She says d. No change is necessary. 92. Ted told James that they had been given too much work by their boss and the deadline was tomorrow, which seemed unfair. a. tomorrow; which seemed unfair b. tomorrow, although it c. tomorrow. This demand seemed d. No change is necessary. 93. If you want to feel really well, you should get enough sleep. a. properly constructed sentence b. lacks parallel parts c. comma splice d. misplaced words e. dangler 94. Identify the correct sentence. a. While studying for her psychology test, Francina had trouble concentrating because her friends were calling her, her brother’s blasting stereo, and her dad mowing the lawn. b. While studying for her psychology test, Francina had trouble concentrating because her friends were calling her, her brother was blasting his stereo, and her dad was mowing the lawn. c. While studying for her psychology test, Francina had trouble concentrating because of phone calls from her friends, noise from her brother’s stereo, and her dad was mowing the lawn. 20 Final Examination GED 155 English 95. Identify the correct sentence. a. The suspicious man in the black trench coat walked through the yard, across the street, and down the dark alley. b. The suspicious man in the black trench coat walked through the yard, crossed the street, and down the dark alley. c. The suspicious man in the black trench coat walked through the yard, across the street, and went into the dark alley. 96. Which of the following is the correct abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy? a. PhD b. Ph.D. c. Phd. 97. Identify the correct sentence. a. 3 CEOs will meet at the Regency Hotel tomorrow to discuss the possible merging of companies. b. Three CEOS will meet at the Regency hotel tomorrow to discuss the possible merging of companies. c. Three CEO’s will meet at the Regency Hotel tomorrow to discuss the possible merging of companies. d. Three CEOs will meet at the Regency Hotel tomorrow to discuss the possible merging of companies. 98. Identify the correct sentence. a. I’ve seen the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 times. b. I’ve seen the movie Raiders Of The Lost Ark 3 times. c. I’ve seen the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark three times. d. I’ve seen the Movie Raiders of the Lost Ark three times. 99. Identify the correct sentence. a. Have you spoken to your professor about your grade in English class? b. Have you spoken to your prof about your grade in english class? c. Have you spoken to your Professor about your grade in English class? d. Have you spoken to your Prof. about your grade in English class? 21 Final Examination GED 155 English 100. Identify the correct sentence. a. Daniel’s science class starts at 7:30 am in the morning. b. Daniel’s science class starts at 7:30 a.m. c. Daniel’s Science class starts at 7:30 in the morning.
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