Students for your final project please select a networking topic related to the Hybrid OSI
– TCP/IP architecture from the textbook (Page 45 Figure 2-6) and (Page 48 Figure 2-7)
and conduct a 4 – 6 research paper on the layer or topic of your choice. This is an
individual assignment and your topics are due the end of week 3 on September 1, 2019. I
will have to approve the topic before you can submit your project summary or outline and
begin researching the topic. Also, your outline or project summary will be due week 4 on
September 8th, 2019. Please email me your topic and also if you have questions about
choosing a topic for a particular layer then please do not hesitate to contact me. Your
research paper will be 4 – 6 typed pages excluding any illustrations or tables you include
in the paper. Your paper must be in APA or MLA format and minimum of 2 in text
citations and 1 reference with a reference page attached. I am looking forward to assisting
anyone that may need help selecting a topic and reading your final paper and let’s have a
wonderful time researching networking !!
My final project topic is How does the Internet link layer send packets through multiple routers--layer 3--internet of Hybrid TCP/IP-OSI Standards Architecture.
Also need a outline or summary.
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Explanation & Answer

How the Internet link layer send packets through multiple routers--layer 3--internet of Hybrid
TCP/IP-OSI Standards Architecture
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Layer 3 – the Internet layer – is responsible for hop-by-hop reassemble and
fragmentation, error notification, routing, and addressing. It deals with the conveyance of data
from host to host and oversees a packet's transmission over an entire internet (Kozierok, 2005).
This layer primarily handles start to finish routing of packet data from the source to the
destination. Routers or gateways are the tools used to route messages.
At this layer, the Internet Protocol (IP) is the primary protocol. The Internet Protocol
frame format incorporates information fields for checksums and system addressing, otherwise
called IP addresses, like those highlighted in the OSI network layer. Internet Protocol addresses
are vital to the protocol. They are utilized across the Internet to distinguish every node in the
world associated with it (Fall & Stevens, 2011). The IP protocol additionally incorporates
information fields for block re-ordering and fragmentation. These generally relate to those
highlighted in the OSI transport layer. More supporting protocols are additionally accessible at
this layer level. Examples include the reverse address resolution protocol (RARP) and the
address resolution protocol (ARP). These are utilized by nodes to match IP addresses to
corresponding physical addresses.
The Internet's core is a system of routers that move packets to many destinations from
various so...