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Bacon Rebellion and Land Policy Discussion
Analyze the Evidence
What evidence do we &nb ...
Bacon Rebellion and Land Policy Discussion
Analyze the Evidence
What evidence do we have to support Mark Peterson's thesis that Bacon's Rebellion primarily resulted from uneven distribution of land?
As you review the sources in this problem--the "Declaration," the map, and the Background information--select 8-9 phrases, facts, or visual data that support Mark Peterson's thesis that the system of land distribution around the Chesapeake Bay created a two-class society that came into open and violent dispute. Organize the evidence into 3 categories of arguments (concepts) about land (its acquisition and protection). Write the arguments in the left column of the Concepts and Evidence Chart. Next to each argument, list the appropriate supporting evidence. An example of this might be Concept: Wealthy people's control of government allowed them to acquire more and better land and protect it. Evidence from the Background Information: The headright system allowed those who had enough wealth to buy indentured servants and, thus, acquire more land. Then locate 2 more pieces of evidence that show how the wealthy were acquiring and protecting their land with their control of the government.

Visio diagram and Vulnerabilities write up
Your first milestone consists of two deliverables: a Visio diagram that depicts your interpretation of the current ...
Visio diagram and Vulnerabilities write up
Your first milestone consists of two deliverables: a Visio diagram that depicts your interpretation of the current network and a written summary of network vulnerabilities that you uncover. Your network diagram doesn't have to depict every object. Instead, you can summarize objects.
Good general guidelines for your diagram are as follows:
1. The diagram fits on one page.
2. Your name is on the diagram.
3. Your diagram has a title or heading that contains the assignment number.
4. It is formatted nicely to make it easy to understand.
5. The objects in the diagram are clearly identified.
6. When a single object is used to represent multiple objects, it is labeled to show the correct numbers.
7. Connections are labeled.
Your written summary is an explanation of the network, system, and server assets along with any vulnerabilities you may observe. This should be done in Microsoft Word and should follow standard academic formatting with proper attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Make sure you include a brief introduction explaining your document.
Harry & Mae's Case Study:
"Welcome! I’m Tom Pierce, the president of Harry and Mae’s Inc. Recently, my company suffered a security breach where hackers obtained credit card data on over 25,000 of our customers. I need your expertise to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Come on, let’s get started. First, I’ll give you a little background about my company and then I will go into detail about the security we currently have in place.
Harry and Mae’s Inc. is a diner franchise that supports over 100 diners located in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. Harry and Mae Pierce started the original Harry and Mae’s diner with two railroad passenger cars back in 1954. Since then, his children and grandchildren have transformed the company from a single restaurant into a chain of restaurants, and, most recently, to a publicly traded franchise business. The franchise business provides restaurant owners with everything they need to open and run their own operation, including buildings, fixtures, restaurant products, support services, and food. As another service to franchise owners, we resell credit card payment processing services to them at competitive rates. Harry and Mae’s reimburses, up front, for credit card transactions that are funneled through their payment processing system as an incentive for franchise owners to use our services.
As for location of the corporate headquarters, Harry and Mae Inc. call Windsor, Pennsylvania home. Both of the corporate headquarters and warehouses are located there. We built the campus from the ground up at that location because it was central to our operation and both the business climate and tax structure were favorable. The campus currently employs slightly over 400 people that see to the day to day business operations.
What about our physical security, you may be asking. Well, the campus’ physical security system was designed by a retired Army general. Its main features include a perimeter fence, cameras, smart card access points, alarms, and a full-time security staff.
The campus also features a three-layer wired network infrastructure. Plus, it has full wireless access provided by an Aruba Networks grid. Comcast Business Solutions provides Harry and Mae’s with Internet. We have a number of security appliances and devices already in place, but I’m not sure how effective they are. As for the active directory domain, there is a single one for the entire campus. It was configured using default settings, and uses the default domain group policy with one exception. Password history and complexity requirements have been disabled to make it easier for employees to use passwords they can remember and reuse them if they want. The rationale for making this change was that I had difficulty remembering my password, so I began to write it down. A member of the cleaning crew saw it and used my machine to view pornographic material. When I discovered the breach, I fired the person responsible and directed the password policy change. Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 2 of 6
Our headquarters also features servers, and web hosting; however, the specifics for each are a bit detailed. Next, let’s focus on the on and off campus workstations. The company has over 400 Dell Optiplex 3020 workstations on campus. Each computer is installed with Windows 7. Plus, all computers are joined to the company’s Active Directory domain. Off campus, the default configuration for new restaurants consists of a high speed Internet connection supplied by a local provider, a Network Address Translation firewall device that includes a wireless access point, an office computer, and two point-of-sale computer systems that include credit card processing software. Even though we try to stay up-to-date with the latest software and hardware, our system is not immune to failure. While all employees have user names and passwords for the system, there have been problems with computers becoming infected with malware because the point-of-sale software can be minimized.
Now that I’ve explained the history and background of my company as well as the infrastructure of our system, it’s time to get to work. Visit your course site to check out your assignment. Be sure to ask your instructor any questions that arise. Good luck!
IT & Security Infrastructure
Below are details on the Information Technology and Security infrastructure, policies, and equipment currently in place at the client.
Physical security:
The campus physical security system was designed by a retired Army general. Its main features include a perimeter fence, cameras, smart card access points, alarms, and a full-time security staff. Access to all buildings on campus is restricted through smart cards. The server room is a 1600 square foot building within the main headquarters building. It has climate control, redundant uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), and a generator with enough capacity for 36 hours of uninterrupted operation. The walls, floor and ceiling are constructed of reinforced concrete and are two feet thick. In addition, the entire building is shielded against electromagnetic radiation. It has an outer set of vault doors and an inner door that is equipped with a biometric scanner. The interior of the room is equipped with fire, water, and motion sensors, as well as cameras. The sensor and video feeds from the campus are centrally monitored by a staff of three people 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Wired network Infrastructure:
The wired network infrastructure consists of three layers. The innermost layer consists of consists of two Cisco Nexus 7000 switches populated with M1-Series 8-port fiber optic switches running NX-OS Release 5.0. These switches provide fully redundant 10Gbit connectivity between servers, to the Internet, and to the second layer. The second layer consists of a 10 Gbit dual fiber ring that provides connectivity between the core network and 2 Cisco ME 3600X Series Ethernet Access Switches located in each building on campus. The third layer consists of Gigabit copper local area networks that connect computers and Power over Ethernet (PoE) Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 3 of 6
phones with Cisco 2960-S PoE switches that are located in communication closets in close proximity to their users. Each subnet in the third layer is connected to the second layer through both Cisco ME 3600X Series Ethernet Access Switches that provide access to the fiber ring for the building. Layers 1 and 2 are fully redundant. Layer 3 doesn’t provide redundant connections, but less than 50% of the available ports are used on each switch. The communication closets are equipped with patch panels that would permit network administrators to manually bypass a defective switch.
Wireless connectivity on the campus:
The campus has full wireless access provided by an Aruba Networks grid. There are two Aruba 6000 Modular Mobility Controllers serving over 100 Aruba Networks AP-125 wireless access points. The wireless network interfaces directly with the corporate headquarters wired network. The mobility controller has the ability to serve as a firewall, but the default settings currently allow all traffic in both directions. In addition, the president of the company has directed that the current wireless system be configured to provide open access without logon capability because he wants to make it as easy as possible for employees to use their mobile devices. When asked about potential security issues, he said that the convenience of mobile devices outweighs the risk. He is emphatically supporting BYOD throughout the company. He had his physical security consultant walk the perimeter with a mobile device to confirm that the signals from wireless devices on the campus were too weak to register.
The Internet connection for the company is provided by Comcast Business Services. Comcast provides a fully redundant 1000Mbps down and 50Mbps up fiber connection to the campus on a fully redundant dual fiber ring consisting of two fiber pairs.
Security appliances:
The campus network has two Dell SonicWAll NSA 4600 Firewall Security Appliances that connect the Comcast Internet connections to the core network. These two devices are currently configured to allow all traffic in both directions. These devices are capable of up to 1000 VPN connections each. However, the company chooses to forward VPN traffic through the firewalls and handle it using a Microsoft PPTP solution.
The campus also has two Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall 300 appliances. These devices are located on the core network, and all mail traffic is forwarded through them. However, the company has not activated the subscription that updates the signature files, and some users are Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 4 of 6
complaining about excessive SPAM. Other users (especially Sales and Accounts) are complaining about missing email.
Active Directory Domain:
There is a single Active Directory domain for the entire campus with two Domain Controllers. It was configured using default settings, and uses the default domain group policy with one exception: password history and complexity requirements have been disabled to make it easier for employees to use passwords they can remember and reuse them if they want. The rationale for making this change was that Tom Pierce had difficulty remembering his password, so he began writing it down. A member of the cleaning crew saw it and used Tom’s machine to view pornographic material. When Tom discovered the breach, he fired the person responsible and directed the password policy change. There are five members of the IT group with domain administrative privileges.
There is a second AD Organization Unit set by the Chief Financial Officer for the Accounting and Finance Group. In this OU, all administrative assistants are also administrators in order to quickly add or remove user accounts. This OU has full password complexity turned on.
The headquarters has a 200TByte HP StorageWorks Storage Area Network (SAN) that provides storage for 10 Hewlett Packard ProLiant DL380 G7 servers. The firmware and drivers was last updated in July 2013. The HP servers are running VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) version 5.1. On that virtual platform, the company currently hosts redundant virtual servers for their domain controllers, Inventory Tracking System (ITS) Point of Sale (POS) system, accounting system, payment processing system, email system, Web site with database support for active content, Windows Routing and Remote Access Server (used for VPN connections,) authentication services, and database management systems. All virtual machines are running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter edition. The administrative staff elected to not install antivirus software on any of the virtual servers, as that would slow them down. After all, Web browsers are disabled on all servers and by policy administrators are not allowed direct access or email.
The Web servers (IIS) and Email servers (Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP3) have two network connections: an internal one and external one with a public IP address. There are no firewalls on the external connections. The Web Server uses SSLv3.0 for any sensitive pages along with certificates signed by Verisign. Web developers move web pages to the Web server using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP is enabled for both internal and external networks, as some programmers access the Web server from home. Security is enabled, so they must log in using Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 5 of 6
their Active Directory user accounts. In addition, the system administrators have discovered that FTP is a convenient way to move files, and they often log in using their accounts, as well. Using the FTP server as a staging server, it is possible to move files from the outside to the Web server, and then from the Web server to a workstation.
Web hosting:
The Web server is used to host the company’s web site. The site has two parts that are both hosted on the same server, a public part that is available over the Internet using the company’s URL, and a "private" part that is available on the internal network only that is accessible only by using the internal URL http://www.haryandmae.local. Employees can log into the "private" Web site using their Windows login credentials and view their pay statements, work performance reports, vacation time, and other personal information.
The franchise owner in Scranton, PA purchased and uses the domain for customers at his three restaurants. He also has an active Facebook page and Twitter and Instagram accounts. He often runs contest using these sites.
Campus workstations:
The company has over 400 Dell Optiplex 3020 workstations with Windows 7 Professional installed. All computers are joined to the company’s Active Directory domain. These computers are configured for IPv4 only, and IPSec is disabled by group policy. All workstations have Symantec Endpoint Protection installed. About 1/3 of employees have local administrator access in order to install and run applications. The company uses WSUS to update Microsoft applications. There is no standard process for updating other programs.
In spite of the new relaxed password rules, some employees still write their passwords down, and they can be found taped to the inside of drawers, on the bottom of mouse pads, or on notes stuck to their monitors. The company uses a Web front end for all of its applications, and the workstations are capable of accessing them using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. IE10 is the company standard. Some employees have installed and use other browsers. Remote users have access to the same applications via the VPN.
Off campus:
The default configuration for new restaurants consists of a high speed Internet connection supplied by a local provider, a Network Address Translation (NAT) firewall device that includes a wireless access point, an office computer, and two point-of-sale computer systems that include Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 6 of 6
credit card processing software. The WAP router at each store is procured and set-up by the franchise owner. All franchises are supposed to have free Internet WiFi for customers. All computers are Microsoft Windows 7 machines with Norton Antivirus software. All employees have user names and passwords for the system. There have been problems with computers becoming infected with malware because the point-of-sale software can be minimized. Point-of-sale computers connect with the corporate headquarters for payment processing using Microsoft PPTP VPN clients on each machine".

Article Analysis
For this assignment:Search the GCU Library and find three different health care articles that use quantitative research. ...
Article Analysis
For this assignment:Search the GCU Library and find three different health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles that appear in the Topic Materials or textbook. Complete an article analysis for each using the "Article Analysis 1" template.Refer to the "Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital‐at‐Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial," in conjunction with the "Article Analysis Example 1," for an example of an article analysis.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance

PD 2070 University of Cincinnati Wk 15 Future Career Goals Essay and Presentation
So this paper is about my two different career paths in a 10-15 year span. A link to the requirements should b ...
PD 2070 University of Cincinnati Wk 15 Future Career Goals Essay and Presentation
So this paper is about my two different career paths in a 10-15 year span. A link to the requirements should be attached, but I will tell you my answers. My two career paths are Nursing & Athletic Training. For Nursing, I want to be a Nurse Practioner I'd like to work with Trihealth (look into their mission statement). I've been employed with them before and also had a medical assistant internship with them during my senior year of high school. I'd be grateful to work in any location in the U.S. Eventually, I'd want to branch off and own my own Women's Health Practice. For Athletic Training, I would like to work with professional sports teams (NFL or NBA) in any location of U.S. Eventually, I'd like to have my own practice as well filled with different Athletic Trainers, Physical Trainers, and Sports psychiatrists/therapists. Trihealth uses my values of relationships, success, compassion, relationship, diversity, and equalityNBA/NFL uses my values of diversity, success, compassion, relationship, and equality
Nursing utilizes my strengths of being a developer because I get to help patients. A specific skill that will help me in this career is my compassion for helping peopleAthletic Training utilizes my strengths of being a developer as well because I get to help athletes with their injuries and help them get back to their strength. it also utilizes my strength of positivity because this career is something I'd be engaged in. A specific skill that would help me in this career is my knowledge of sports as well as my compassion. Being an athletic trainer will cause me to change my major as well as transition into the college of Allied Health and Sciences. At UC, I would need to take musculoskeletal anatomy, physics, intro into athletic training, pathophysiology, etc. I would be able to be a part of REHABCATS and shadow underneath different athletic trainers within the different sports at UC. I will continue to connect with my roommate, Brooke Rice, who is also an athletic training major and the president of REHABCATS, and keep in close contact with the Athletic Training Clinical Coordinator, Jeromy Alt. I will also use LinkedIn and message and meet with different athletic trainers within different programs Being a Nurse, I wouldn't need to change my major because that's my current major. I would need to take microbiology, stats, and the required nursing classes. I'm currently involved in AMBITION and though I haven't been exposed to the different internships through UC in this specific major, they expose us to different volunteer opportunities. I will connect with my AMBITION organization who are student nurses and alumni of UC who are working nurses. (Just think of some ways I can prioritize my networking skills with them).Ill use my family, my roommate, students, teachers, fellow athletic trainers I meet along the way as a support group.

Stakeholder Communications Management Plan, computer science homework help
Overview This assessment requires you to consider your previous work in understanding and documenting the needs of projec ...
Stakeholder Communications Management Plan, computer science homework help
Overview This assessment requires you to consider your previous work in understanding and documenting the needs of project stakeholders to develop a Stakeholder Communications Management Plan. The plan should demonstrate an understanding of communication models, needs analysis, management process, and communication tools and techniques. It should consider stakeholders engagement requirements and other information sharing enhancements that might be appropriate to the project. Directions Create a Stakeholder Communications Management Plan that effectively defines how communications will be conducted and controlled to serve stakeholders associated with the impending launch of the Alfred 2.0 software upgrade. The plan should be suitable for presentation to management and meet the needs of your boss with regard to the project stakeholders identified in your earlier assessments. It should include and consider the work you completed in earlier assessments and contain the following elements: Executive Summary (include a brief description of the communications model that you intend to use and why it appropriate for the plan.) Stakeholder Registry (updated from earlier assessment). Stakeholder Communications Requirements Document (updated from earlier assessment). Communications Flow Chart (create with Visio or another appropriate graphics tool) that depicts the communication flows among the stakeholders. Description of the escalation process for resolving any communication-based conflicts or issues. Communication Control and Monitoring Process. For each stakeholder: Description of what information will be communicated with other stakeholders. How the information will be communicated—in meetings, email, telephone, web portal, et cetera. Communications activities schedule that covers from now until product launch. Submission Requirements Font: Times New Roman, 12-point. Length: 10–12 pages double-spaced. References: Provide a minimum of 3 supporting references using current APA style.

Per Member Per Month Rates
Your assignment should be addressed in an 8- to 10-page document. Submit your document to this appropriate Submissions Are ...
Per Member Per Month Rates
Your assignment should be addressed in an 8- to 10-page document. Submit your document to this appropriate Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
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Bacon Rebellion and Land Policy Discussion
Analyze the Evidence
What evidence do we &nb ...
Bacon Rebellion and Land Policy Discussion
Analyze the Evidence
What evidence do we have to support Mark Peterson's thesis that Bacon's Rebellion primarily resulted from uneven distribution of land?
As you review the sources in this problem--the "Declaration," the map, and the Background information--select 8-9 phrases, facts, or visual data that support Mark Peterson's thesis that the system of land distribution around the Chesapeake Bay created a two-class society that came into open and violent dispute. Organize the evidence into 3 categories of arguments (concepts) about land (its acquisition and protection). Write the arguments in the left column of the Concepts and Evidence Chart. Next to each argument, list the appropriate supporting evidence. An example of this might be Concept: Wealthy people's control of government allowed them to acquire more and better land and protect it. Evidence from the Background Information: The headright system allowed those who had enough wealth to buy indentured servants and, thus, acquire more land. Then locate 2 more pieces of evidence that show how the wealthy were acquiring and protecting their land with their control of the government.

Visio diagram and Vulnerabilities write up
Your first milestone consists of two deliverables: a Visio diagram that depicts your interpretation of the current ...
Visio diagram and Vulnerabilities write up
Your first milestone consists of two deliverables: a Visio diagram that depicts your interpretation of the current network and a written summary of network vulnerabilities that you uncover. Your network diagram doesn't have to depict every object. Instead, you can summarize objects.
Good general guidelines for your diagram are as follows:
1. The diagram fits on one page.
2. Your name is on the diagram.
3. Your diagram has a title or heading that contains the assignment number.
4. It is formatted nicely to make it easy to understand.
5. The objects in the diagram are clearly identified.
6. When a single object is used to represent multiple objects, it is labeled to show the correct numbers.
7. Connections are labeled.
Your written summary is an explanation of the network, system, and server assets along with any vulnerabilities you may observe. This should be done in Microsoft Word and should follow standard academic formatting with proper attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Make sure you include a brief introduction explaining your document.
Harry & Mae's Case Study:
"Welcome! I’m Tom Pierce, the president of Harry and Mae’s Inc. Recently, my company suffered a security breach where hackers obtained credit card data on over 25,000 of our customers. I need your expertise to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Come on, let’s get started. First, I’ll give you a little background about my company and then I will go into detail about the security we currently have in place.
Harry and Mae’s Inc. is a diner franchise that supports over 100 diners located in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. Harry and Mae Pierce started the original Harry and Mae’s diner with two railroad passenger cars back in 1954. Since then, his children and grandchildren have transformed the company from a single restaurant into a chain of restaurants, and, most recently, to a publicly traded franchise business. The franchise business provides restaurant owners with everything they need to open and run their own operation, including buildings, fixtures, restaurant products, support services, and food. As another service to franchise owners, we resell credit card payment processing services to them at competitive rates. Harry and Mae’s reimburses, up front, for credit card transactions that are funneled through their payment processing system as an incentive for franchise owners to use our services.
As for location of the corporate headquarters, Harry and Mae Inc. call Windsor, Pennsylvania home. Both of the corporate headquarters and warehouses are located there. We built the campus from the ground up at that location because it was central to our operation and both the business climate and tax structure were favorable. The campus currently employs slightly over 400 people that see to the day to day business operations.
What about our physical security, you may be asking. Well, the campus’ physical security system was designed by a retired Army general. Its main features include a perimeter fence, cameras, smart card access points, alarms, and a full-time security staff.
The campus also features a three-layer wired network infrastructure. Plus, it has full wireless access provided by an Aruba Networks grid. Comcast Business Solutions provides Harry and Mae’s with Internet. We have a number of security appliances and devices already in place, but I’m not sure how effective they are. As for the active directory domain, there is a single one for the entire campus. It was configured using default settings, and uses the default domain group policy with one exception. Password history and complexity requirements have been disabled to make it easier for employees to use passwords they can remember and reuse them if they want. The rationale for making this change was that I had difficulty remembering my password, so I began to write it down. A member of the cleaning crew saw it and used my machine to view pornographic material. When I discovered the breach, I fired the person responsible and directed the password policy change. Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 2 of 6
Our headquarters also features servers, and web hosting; however, the specifics for each are a bit detailed. Next, let’s focus on the on and off campus workstations. The company has over 400 Dell Optiplex 3020 workstations on campus. Each computer is installed with Windows 7. Plus, all computers are joined to the company’s Active Directory domain. Off campus, the default configuration for new restaurants consists of a high speed Internet connection supplied by a local provider, a Network Address Translation firewall device that includes a wireless access point, an office computer, and two point-of-sale computer systems that include credit card processing software. Even though we try to stay up-to-date with the latest software and hardware, our system is not immune to failure. While all employees have user names and passwords for the system, there have been problems with computers becoming infected with malware because the point-of-sale software can be minimized.
Now that I’ve explained the history and background of my company as well as the infrastructure of our system, it’s time to get to work. Visit your course site to check out your assignment. Be sure to ask your instructor any questions that arise. Good luck!
IT & Security Infrastructure
Below are details on the Information Technology and Security infrastructure, policies, and equipment currently in place at the client.
Physical security:
The campus physical security system was designed by a retired Army general. Its main features include a perimeter fence, cameras, smart card access points, alarms, and a full-time security staff. Access to all buildings on campus is restricted through smart cards. The server room is a 1600 square foot building within the main headquarters building. It has climate control, redundant uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), and a generator with enough capacity for 36 hours of uninterrupted operation. The walls, floor and ceiling are constructed of reinforced concrete and are two feet thick. In addition, the entire building is shielded against electromagnetic radiation. It has an outer set of vault doors and an inner door that is equipped with a biometric scanner. The interior of the room is equipped with fire, water, and motion sensors, as well as cameras. The sensor and video feeds from the campus are centrally monitored by a staff of three people 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Wired network Infrastructure:
The wired network infrastructure consists of three layers. The innermost layer consists of consists of two Cisco Nexus 7000 switches populated with M1-Series 8-port fiber optic switches running NX-OS Release 5.0. These switches provide fully redundant 10Gbit connectivity between servers, to the Internet, and to the second layer. The second layer consists of a 10 Gbit dual fiber ring that provides connectivity between the core network and 2 Cisco ME 3600X Series Ethernet Access Switches located in each building on campus. The third layer consists of Gigabit copper local area networks that connect computers and Power over Ethernet (PoE) Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 3 of 6
phones with Cisco 2960-S PoE switches that are located in communication closets in close proximity to their users. Each subnet in the third layer is connected to the second layer through both Cisco ME 3600X Series Ethernet Access Switches that provide access to the fiber ring for the building. Layers 1 and 2 are fully redundant. Layer 3 doesn’t provide redundant connections, but less than 50% of the available ports are used on each switch. The communication closets are equipped with patch panels that would permit network administrators to manually bypass a defective switch.
Wireless connectivity on the campus:
The campus has full wireless access provided by an Aruba Networks grid. There are two Aruba 6000 Modular Mobility Controllers serving over 100 Aruba Networks AP-125 wireless access points. The wireless network interfaces directly with the corporate headquarters wired network. The mobility controller has the ability to serve as a firewall, but the default settings currently allow all traffic in both directions. In addition, the president of the company has directed that the current wireless system be configured to provide open access without logon capability because he wants to make it as easy as possible for employees to use their mobile devices. When asked about potential security issues, he said that the convenience of mobile devices outweighs the risk. He is emphatically supporting BYOD throughout the company. He had his physical security consultant walk the perimeter with a mobile device to confirm that the signals from wireless devices on the campus were too weak to register.
The Internet connection for the company is provided by Comcast Business Services. Comcast provides a fully redundant 1000Mbps down and 50Mbps up fiber connection to the campus on a fully redundant dual fiber ring consisting of two fiber pairs.
Security appliances:
The campus network has two Dell SonicWAll NSA 4600 Firewall Security Appliances that connect the Comcast Internet connections to the core network. These two devices are currently configured to allow all traffic in both directions. These devices are capable of up to 1000 VPN connections each. However, the company chooses to forward VPN traffic through the firewalls and handle it using a Microsoft PPTP solution.
The campus also has two Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall 300 appliances. These devices are located on the core network, and all mail traffic is forwarded through them. However, the company has not activated the subscription that updates the signature files, and some users are Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 4 of 6
complaining about excessive SPAM. Other users (especially Sales and Accounts) are complaining about missing email.
Active Directory Domain:
There is a single Active Directory domain for the entire campus with two Domain Controllers. It was configured using default settings, and uses the default domain group policy with one exception: password history and complexity requirements have been disabled to make it easier for employees to use passwords they can remember and reuse them if they want. The rationale for making this change was that Tom Pierce had difficulty remembering his password, so he began writing it down. A member of the cleaning crew saw it and used Tom’s machine to view pornographic material. When Tom discovered the breach, he fired the person responsible and directed the password policy change. There are five members of the IT group with domain administrative privileges.
There is a second AD Organization Unit set by the Chief Financial Officer for the Accounting and Finance Group. In this OU, all administrative assistants are also administrators in order to quickly add or remove user accounts. This OU has full password complexity turned on.
The headquarters has a 200TByte HP StorageWorks Storage Area Network (SAN) that provides storage for 10 Hewlett Packard ProLiant DL380 G7 servers. The firmware and drivers was last updated in July 2013. The HP servers are running VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) version 5.1. On that virtual platform, the company currently hosts redundant virtual servers for their domain controllers, Inventory Tracking System (ITS) Point of Sale (POS) system, accounting system, payment processing system, email system, Web site with database support for active content, Windows Routing and Remote Access Server (used for VPN connections,) authentication services, and database management systems. All virtual machines are running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter edition. The administrative staff elected to not install antivirus software on any of the virtual servers, as that would slow them down. After all, Web browsers are disabled on all servers and by policy administrators are not allowed direct access or email.
The Web servers (IIS) and Email servers (Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP3) have two network connections: an internal one and external one with a public IP address. There are no firewalls on the external connections. The Web Server uses SSLv3.0 for any sensitive pages along with certificates signed by Verisign. Web developers move web pages to the Web server using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP is enabled for both internal and external networks, as some programmers access the Web server from home. Security is enabled, so they must log in using Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 5 of 6
their Active Directory user accounts. In addition, the system administrators have discovered that FTP is a convenient way to move files, and they often log in using their accounts, as well. Using the FTP server as a staging server, it is possible to move files from the outside to the Web server, and then from the Web server to a workstation.
Web hosting:
The Web server is used to host the company’s web site. The site has two parts that are both hosted on the same server, a public part that is available over the Internet using the company’s URL, and a "private" part that is available on the internal network only that is accessible only by using the internal URL http://www.haryandmae.local. Employees can log into the "private" Web site using their Windows login credentials and view their pay statements, work performance reports, vacation time, and other personal information.
The franchise owner in Scranton, PA purchased and uses the domain for customers at his three restaurants. He also has an active Facebook page and Twitter and Instagram accounts. He often runs contest using these sites.
Campus workstations:
The company has over 400 Dell Optiplex 3020 workstations with Windows 7 Professional installed. All computers are joined to the company’s Active Directory domain. These computers are configured for IPv4 only, and IPSec is disabled by group policy. All workstations have Symantec Endpoint Protection installed. About 1/3 of employees have local administrator access in order to install and run applications. The company uses WSUS to update Microsoft applications. There is no standard process for updating other programs.
In spite of the new relaxed password rules, some employees still write their passwords down, and they can be found taped to the inside of drawers, on the bottom of mouse pads, or on notes stuck to their monitors. The company uses a Web front end for all of its applications, and the workstations are capable of accessing them using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. IE10 is the company standard. Some employees have installed and use other browsers. Remote users have access to the same applications via the VPN.
Off campus:
The default configuration for new restaurants consists of a high speed Internet connection supplied by a local provider, a Network Address Translation (NAT) firewall device that includes a wireless access point, an office computer, and two point-of-sale computer systems that include Bellevue University As of March 2015 Page 6 of 6
credit card processing software. The WAP router at each store is procured and set-up by the franchise owner. All franchises are supposed to have free Internet WiFi for customers. All computers are Microsoft Windows 7 machines with Norton Antivirus software. All employees have user names and passwords for the system. There have been problems with computers becoming infected with malware because the point-of-sale software can be minimized. Point-of-sale computers connect with the corporate headquarters for payment processing using Microsoft PPTP VPN clients on each machine".

Article Analysis
For this assignment:Search the GCU Library and find three different health care articles that use quantitative research. ...
Article Analysis
For this assignment:Search the GCU Library and find three different health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles that appear in the Topic Materials or textbook. Complete an article analysis for each using the "Article Analysis 1" template.Refer to the "Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital‐at‐Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial," in conjunction with the "Article Analysis Example 1," for an example of an article analysis.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance

PD 2070 University of Cincinnati Wk 15 Future Career Goals Essay and Presentation
So this paper is about my two different career paths in a 10-15 year span. A link to the requirements should b ...
PD 2070 University of Cincinnati Wk 15 Future Career Goals Essay and Presentation
So this paper is about my two different career paths in a 10-15 year span. A link to the requirements should be attached, but I will tell you my answers. My two career paths are Nursing & Athletic Training. For Nursing, I want to be a Nurse Practioner I'd like to work with Trihealth (look into their mission statement). I've been employed with them before and also had a medical assistant internship with them during my senior year of high school. I'd be grateful to work in any location in the U.S. Eventually, I'd want to branch off and own my own Women's Health Practice. For Athletic Training, I would like to work with professional sports teams (NFL or NBA) in any location of U.S. Eventually, I'd like to have my own practice as well filled with different Athletic Trainers, Physical Trainers, and Sports psychiatrists/therapists. Trihealth uses my values of relationships, success, compassion, relationship, diversity, and equalityNBA/NFL uses my values of diversity, success, compassion, relationship, and equality
Nursing utilizes my strengths of being a developer because I get to help patients. A specific skill that will help me in this career is my compassion for helping peopleAthletic Training utilizes my strengths of being a developer as well because I get to help athletes with their injuries and help them get back to their strength. it also utilizes my strength of positivity because this career is something I'd be engaged in. A specific skill that would help me in this career is my knowledge of sports as well as my compassion. Being an athletic trainer will cause me to change my major as well as transition into the college of Allied Health and Sciences. At UC, I would need to take musculoskeletal anatomy, physics, intro into athletic training, pathophysiology, etc. I would be able to be a part of REHABCATS and shadow underneath different athletic trainers within the different sports at UC. I will continue to connect with my roommate, Brooke Rice, who is also an athletic training major and the president of REHABCATS, and keep in close contact with the Athletic Training Clinical Coordinator, Jeromy Alt. I will also use LinkedIn and message and meet with different athletic trainers within different programs Being a Nurse, I wouldn't need to change my major because that's my current major. I would need to take microbiology, stats, and the required nursing classes. I'm currently involved in AMBITION and though I haven't been exposed to the different internships through UC in this specific major, they expose us to different volunteer opportunities. I will connect with my AMBITION organization who are student nurses and alumni of UC who are working nurses. (Just think of some ways I can prioritize my networking skills with them).Ill use my family, my roommate, students, teachers, fellow athletic trainers I meet along the way as a support group.

Stakeholder Communications Management Plan, computer science homework help
Overview This assessment requires you to consider your previous work in understanding and documenting the needs of projec ...
Stakeholder Communications Management Plan, computer science homework help
Overview This assessment requires you to consider your previous work in understanding and documenting the needs of project stakeholders to develop a Stakeholder Communications Management Plan. The plan should demonstrate an understanding of communication models, needs analysis, management process, and communication tools and techniques. It should consider stakeholders engagement requirements and other information sharing enhancements that might be appropriate to the project. Directions Create a Stakeholder Communications Management Plan that effectively defines how communications will be conducted and controlled to serve stakeholders associated with the impending launch of the Alfred 2.0 software upgrade. The plan should be suitable for presentation to management and meet the needs of your boss with regard to the project stakeholders identified in your earlier assessments. It should include and consider the work you completed in earlier assessments and contain the following elements: Executive Summary (include a brief description of the communications model that you intend to use and why it appropriate for the plan.) Stakeholder Registry (updated from earlier assessment). Stakeholder Communications Requirements Document (updated from earlier assessment). Communications Flow Chart (create with Visio or another appropriate graphics tool) that depicts the communication flows among the stakeholders. Description of the escalation process for resolving any communication-based conflicts or issues. Communication Control and Monitoring Process. For each stakeholder: Description of what information will be communicated with other stakeholders. How the information will be communicated—in meetings, email, telephone, web portal, et cetera. Communications activities schedule that covers from now until product launch. Submission Requirements Font: Times New Roman, 12-point. Length: 10–12 pages double-spaced. References: Provide a minimum of 3 supporting references using current APA style.

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Your assignment should be addressed in an 8- to 10-page document. Submit your document to this appropriate Submissions Are ...
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Your assignment should be addressed in an 8- to 10-page document. Submit your document to this appropriate Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
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