This is a particle system made using Javascript (CoffeeScript)
How do I add more colors to the particles? Like Rainbow colors or RGB?

Explanation & Answer

Try the below code snippet. (i+j)% number of colors will give value from 0 to number of colors-1. Each time you push a new particle value of i+j%5 will increase by 1. Use this fact to change the value of colors to one of your choice of color. In below I have chosen 5 values of colors at random which gives nice pattern. By the way, it's pretty cool code.
switch ((i+j)%5)
when 0 then colors = ['#FF2233']
when 1 then colors = ['#002233']
when 2 then colors = ['#FF33FF']
when 3 then colors = ['#0033FF']
when 4 then colors = ['#00FF00']
display_list.push new Particle(i)