NUR4667 Chamberlain College of Nursing NP Definition and Consensus Mode

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Health Medical


Chamberlain College of Nursing


1.)After completing your reading assignments and reviewing the websites, respond to the following prompts:

  • Choose a client you have seen this week or one from the previous term (ensure you do not include any identifying information). The client should be someone with whom you have conducted a thorough growth and development, biopsychosocial profile and screening assessment.
  • Briefly describe the client’s demographic profile honoring HIPAA regulations.
  • Discuss the rationale for the assessment and the tools used, as well as how they informed the plan of care as related to the DSM-5.
  • Discuss the ways are you integrating these tools into your clinical and/or work settings.


  • American Psychiatric Association (2015). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.) (DSM-5). Washington, DC: Author.
    • Review and utilize as needed throughout the course
  • Carlat, D.J. (2017). The psychiatric interview (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
    • Topics: Screening tools; Logistic preparation; Therapeutic alliance; Asking questions
  • Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A. & Ruiz, P. (2015). Kaplan and Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
    • Chapter 3: Contribution of the socialcultural sciences
    • Chapter 4: Theories of personality and psychopathology
    • Chapter 28: Psychotherapies (read the section on biofeedback)

2) Please rewrite the information below to prevent plagiarism according to the state of Florida its pretty much the same as the document below.

Individual Professional Practice Document

Module 1: NP Definition and Consensus Model

Student Name:

APRN Specialty: Psychiatry

If you live on the border of other states that you plan to practice in or if you already practice in

multiple states, it is highly recommended that you complete this information for each state, as

state regulations vary greatly, and you need to know what each state’s regulations are. This will

help you immensely as you approach graduation.

State in which you will be practicing as an APRN: Kentucky

State’s definition of Nurse Practitioner:

"Advanced practice registered nurse" or "APRN" means a certified nurse practitioner, certified registered nurse anesthetist, certified nurse midwife, or clinical nurse specialist, who is licensed to engage in advance practice registered nursing pursuant to KRS 314.042 and certified in at least one (1) population focus;

"Advanced practice registered nursing" means the performance of additional acts by registered nurses who have gained advanced clinical knowledge and skills through an accredited education program that prepares the registered nurse for one (1) of the four (4) APRN roles; who are certified by the American Nurses' Association or other nationally established organizations or agencies recognized by the board to certify registered nurses for advanced practice registered nursing as a certified nurse practitioner, certified registered nurse anesthetist, certified nurse midwife, or clinical nurse specialist; and who certified in at least one (1) population focus. The additional acts shall, subject to approval of the board, include but not be limited to prescribing treatment, drugs, devices, and ordering diagnostic tests. Advanced practice registered nurses who engage in these additional acts shall be authorized to issue prescriptions for and dispense nonscheduled legend drugs as defined in KRS 217.905 and to issue prescriptions for but not to dispense Schedules II through V controlled substances described in or as classified pursuant to KRS 218A.020, 218A.060, 218A.080, 218A.100, and 218A.120 under the conditions set forth in KRS 314.042 and regulations promulgated by the Kentucky Board of Nursing on or before August 15, 2006.

Title/Initials allowed to use according to state regulations: Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner/APRN, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Board Certified/PMHNP-BC

Board of Nursing hyperlink:

Using the Map feature on the NCSBN Consensus Model State Alignment, write a summary of

how the state in which you plan to practice is meeting the components of the Consensus Model:

Currently Kentucky currently rates at 24 points in the Consensus Model, which they adopted in 2010 with regulatory components of licensure, accreditation, certification and education. Kentucky follows regulations for the title of APRN, roles of NCP/CNS/CRNA/CNM, licensure of RN+APRN, education of a graduate degree and certification for advanced roles. The state is working towards independent practice for eligible ARNPs without MD oversight or written collaborative agreement and full prescriptive authority without MD oversight or written collaborative agreement.

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Psychiatric SOAP Note Template There are different ways in which to complete a Psychiatric SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) Note. This is a template that is meant to guide you as you continue to develop your style of SOAP in the psychiatric practice setting. Refer to the Psychiatric SOAP Note PowerPoint for further detail about each of these sections. Criteria Subjective Include chief complaint, subjective information from the patient, names and relations of others present in the interview, and basic demographic information of the patient. HPI, Past Medical and Psychiatric History, Social History. Objective This is where the “facts” are located. Include relevant labs, test results, vitals, and Review of Systems (ROS) – if ROS is negative, “ROS noncontributory,” or “ROS negative with the exception of…” Include MSE, risk assessment here, and psychiatric screening measure results. Assessment Include your findings, diagnosis and differentials (DSM-5 and any other medical diagnosis) along with ICD-10 codes, treatment options, and patient input regarding treatment options (if possible), including CG&AM&BF_10/10/18 Clinical Notes obstacles to treatment. Plan Include a specific plan, including medications & dosing & titration considerations, lab work ordered, referrals to psychiatric and medical providers, therapy recommendations, holistic options and complimentary therapies, and rationale for your decisions. Include when you will want to see the patient next. This comprehensive plan should relate directly to your Assessment. CG&AM&BF_10/10/18
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Hi, find attached the completed work for your review.Let me know if I should edit or change anything.Looking forward to working with you in future.Thank you.



Assessment Tools


Assessment Tools

Briefly describe the client’s demographic profile honoring HIPAA regulations.

The HIPAA and its regulations advocate the significance of considering all the essential
details of a patient or a client in order to enhance the effectiveness of the entire treatment
process. This response considers a patient who I conducted a thorough biopsychosocial profile,
screening as well as growth and developmental assessment on a client from the previous term.
Throughout the assessment, I used a number of tools and also some of the ways of integrating the
tools to my clinical setting. Patient demographics is an essential factor since it is the core of the
client’s data. According to Carlat (2017), patient demographics enables for patient identification
and their categorization into groups primarily for statistical analysis. My client is a male African
American born in March 1993. He is American by birth and his blood type is O negative. He is
allergic to pollen and has not been diagnosed with major illnesses to date.
Discuss the rationale for the assessment and the tools used, as well as how they informed the
plan of care as related to the DSM-5.
The assessment of the client was conducted to the patient primarily to determine the
progress of the patient as well as his response to treatment. It further enables the care provider to
clearly determine patient’s needs. The assessment was...

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