Write a java program for a guessing game.Generate a random number and prompt the user to enter a number between a range of 1 to 100 repetitively until he/she gets the correct guess. Output the number of guesses and the correct guess number
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Java Programming
PROSITE ( is a database of protein domains, families and
functional sites. Each PROSITE ...
Java Programming
PROSITE ( is a database of protein domains, families and
functional sites. Each PROSITE record is often associated with a pattern or
profile to describe the protein domain or functional site. Please look at the
record of PDOC00300 ( which
is a GATA-type zinc finger domain that binds to DNA sites with the consensus
sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G). This type of “zinc finger” domains consist of a
consensus sequence of C-x2-C-x17-C-x2-C , which means one Cys, two any amino acids, one Cys, 17 any
amino acids, one Cys, two any amino acids, and one Cys.Please use this consensus sequence, and write an
equivalent regular expression pattern.
1) Record the regular expression pattern below:
2) Please develop a Java program that uses this regular expression pattern to
search through a FASTA format file containing more than 300 protein sequences
and all contain the “zinc finger” in their title lines, but not all of them
contain this pattern in their sequences. In the output of the program, print
out the title line, the position of the pattern in the sequence, and followed
by the sequence itself. Here is the protein sequence file zincFinger.txt.
Below is part of a sample output of the program:
>gi|116268103|ref|NP_001070736.1| zinc finger FYVE domain-containing
protein 19 [Homo sapiens]
contains the zinc finger
3) Please modify the above print
out of the sequence to include a label underneath the zinc finger consensus
sequence. See below the sample output. (2 points)
>gi|116268103|ref|NP_001070736.1| zinc finger FYVE domain-containing
protein 19 [Homo sapiens]
contains the zinc finger site: CSGCLSFSAAVPRTGNTQQKVCKQC
at locations:
103 128
American Military University Week 8 Python Exercises
# You must add comments to your code# Program name : Student Name : Ymmas Azaba# Course : ENTD2 ...
American Military University Week 8 Python Exercises
# You must add comments to your code# Program name : Student Name : Ymmas Azaba# Course : ENTD220# Instructor : My instructor# Date : Any Day# Copy Wrong : This is my workYou are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following1) Add menu items to write to a file and to read from a file2) create a class wrfile() with two methods to write the results to a file, and to read the results from a file.Sample outputUse the same output from last assignmentmust be in Python IDLE
Significance of IPs
research about the following:IPv4IPv6Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following:What are the key d ...
Significance of IPs
research about the following:IPv4IPv6Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following:What are the key differences between the following two terms: supernetting and subnetting? Provide examples for each.Invariably, all technologies are replaced with newer technologies. IPv6 is in the process of replacing IPv4. What are the technical roles of addressing, security, and mobility in the design of IPv6? Do you expect IPv6 will replace IPv4 completely in the coming future? Why or why not? Additionally, can IPv4 networks communicate with IPv6 networks? If yes, how?cite references in APA format
Beer Yaakov Talmudic Seminary Java 2D Graphics Worksheet
Create 3 simple, images or your choice and use Java 2D graphic methods to rotate, scale and translate each of the images.
Beer Yaakov Talmudic Seminary Java 2D Graphics Worksheet
Create 3 simple, images or your choice and use Java 2D graphic methods to rotate, scale and translate each of the images.
Using Netbeans or Eclipse, develop a Java 2D graphics application that creates 3 images. The images should have the following specifications:
a. Size: minimum 25x25 pixels, larger images are Okay
b. Type: Color (consists of two or more colors)
c. Simple form or shape (Hint: consider a letter or number, or even simple shapes such as crossing lines, rectangles, or circles
d. You should generate the image inside of separate methods and store them as 2D arrays.
2. Use Java 2D graphics to display your original images.
3. For each image use the existing Java 2D graphics transformation methods to translate, rotate and scale each object. You should perform the following transformations on each image:
a. Translate -5 in x direction, Translate +7 in the y direction.
b. Rotate 45? counter clockwise.
c. Rotate 90? clockwise
d. Scale 2 times for the x component, scale 0.5 times for the y component
e. Each of these transformations should be displayed in sequence with the images always starting from the previous transformation as opposed to the original image.
f. Use Java 2D graphics to display each transformation for each image. (Hint: review the Project 1 template for a good start for this project.)
4. All Java source code should be written using Google Java style guide.
5. Prepare, conduct and document a test plan verifying your application is working as expected. This plan should include a test matrix listing each method you tested, how you tested it, and the results of testing.
1. All Java source code used for this project. Code should adhere to the Google Java style guide.
2. Word or PDF file demonstrating with clearly labeled screen captures and associated well-written descriptions, the success execution of your 2D graphics transformation. The document should be well-written, well-organized, include your test plan, include page numbers, captions for all screen captures, and a title page including your name, class, section number and date. References should be included for all sources used and formatted in APA style.
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Java Programming
PROSITE ( is a database of protein domains, families and
functional sites. Each PROSITE ...
Java Programming
PROSITE ( is a database of protein domains, families and
functional sites. Each PROSITE record is often associated with a pattern or
profile to describe the protein domain or functional site. Please look at the
record of PDOC00300 ( which
is a GATA-type zinc finger domain that binds to DNA sites with the consensus
sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G). This type of “zinc finger” domains consist of a
consensus sequence of C-x2-C-x17-C-x2-C , which means one Cys, two any amino acids, one Cys, 17 any
amino acids, one Cys, two any amino acids, and one Cys.Please use this consensus sequence, and write an
equivalent regular expression pattern.
1) Record the regular expression pattern below:
2) Please develop a Java program that uses this regular expression pattern to
search through a FASTA format file containing more than 300 protein sequences
and all contain the “zinc finger” in their title lines, but not all of them
contain this pattern in their sequences. In the output of the program, print
out the title line, the position of the pattern in the sequence, and followed
by the sequence itself. Here is the protein sequence file zincFinger.txt.
Below is part of a sample output of the program:
>gi|116268103|ref|NP_001070736.1| zinc finger FYVE domain-containing
protein 19 [Homo sapiens]
contains the zinc finger
3) Please modify the above print
out of the sequence to include a label underneath the zinc finger consensus
sequence. See below the sample output. (2 points)
>gi|116268103|ref|NP_001070736.1| zinc finger FYVE domain-containing
protein 19 [Homo sapiens]
contains the zinc finger site: CSGCLSFSAAVPRTGNTQQKVCKQC
at locations:
103 128
American Military University Week 8 Python Exercises
# You must add comments to your code# Program name : Student Name : Ymmas Azaba# Course : ENTD2 ...
American Military University Week 8 Python Exercises
# You must add comments to your code# Program name : Student Name : Ymmas Azaba# Course : ENTD220# Instructor : My instructor# Date : Any Day# Copy Wrong : This is my workYou are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following1) Add menu items to write to a file and to read from a file2) create a class wrfile() with two methods to write the results to a file, and to read the results from a file.Sample outputUse the same output from last assignmentmust be in Python IDLE
Significance of IPs
research about the following:IPv4IPv6Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following:What are the key d ...
Significance of IPs
research about the following:IPv4IPv6Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following:What are the key differences between the following two terms: supernetting and subnetting? Provide examples for each.Invariably, all technologies are replaced with newer technologies. IPv6 is in the process of replacing IPv4. What are the technical roles of addressing, security, and mobility in the design of IPv6? Do you expect IPv6 will replace IPv4 completely in the coming future? Why or why not? Additionally, can IPv4 networks communicate with IPv6 networks? If yes, how?cite references in APA format
Beer Yaakov Talmudic Seminary Java 2D Graphics Worksheet
Create 3 simple, images or your choice and use Java 2D graphic methods to rotate, scale and translate each of the images.
Beer Yaakov Talmudic Seminary Java 2D Graphics Worksheet
Create 3 simple, images or your choice and use Java 2D graphic methods to rotate, scale and translate each of the images.
Using Netbeans or Eclipse, develop a Java 2D graphics application that creates 3 images. The images should have the following specifications:
a. Size: minimum 25x25 pixels, larger images are Okay
b. Type: Color (consists of two or more colors)
c. Simple form or shape (Hint: consider a letter or number, or even simple shapes such as crossing lines, rectangles, or circles
d. You should generate the image inside of separate methods and store them as 2D arrays.
2. Use Java 2D graphics to display your original images.
3. For each image use the existing Java 2D graphics transformation methods to translate, rotate and scale each object. You should perform the following transformations on each image:
a. Translate -5 in x direction, Translate +7 in the y direction.
b. Rotate 45? counter clockwise.
c. Rotate 90? clockwise
d. Scale 2 times for the x component, scale 0.5 times for the y component
e. Each of these transformations should be displayed in sequence with the images always starting from the previous transformation as opposed to the original image.
f. Use Java 2D graphics to display each transformation for each image. (Hint: review the Project 1 template for a good start for this project.)
4. All Java source code should be written using Google Java style guide.
5. Prepare, conduct and document a test plan verifying your application is working as expected. This plan should include a test matrix listing each method you tested, how you tested it, and the results of testing.
1. All Java source code used for this project. Code should adhere to the Google Java style guide.
2. Word or PDF file demonstrating with clearly labeled screen captures and associated well-written descriptions, the success execution of your 2D graphics transformation. The document should be well-written, well-organized, include your test plan, include page numbers, captions for all screen captures, and a title page including your name, class, section number and date. References should be included for all sources used and formatted in APA style.
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