Ashford University Crime Scene Management Discussion

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Crime scene management skills are an extremely important component of an investigation because evidence that originates at the crime scene will provide a picture of events for the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime, evidence transfer occurs between the victim, suspect, and scene. In this paper, you will identify the key elements of crime scene management, the function served by each, as well as repercussions of allowing a scene to become contaminated or not establishing a solid chain of custody. Support your paper with examples from this week’s required material(s) and/or a minimum of three other scholarly or credible resources and properly cite any references.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review the following:

You are also strongly encouraged to review the recommended resources, as they will help you explore the different types of evidence, as well as proper packaging and processing.

In your paper, address the following:

  • Explain why it is important to secure the crime scene and provide examples.
  • Identify possible ways that evidence might be contaminated.
  • Identify different methods that might be necessary to document evidence at a crime scene.
  • Identify different collection methods that might be used at a crime scene.
  • Explain chain of custody and why it is important.
  • Identify the repercussions of failure to protect evidence or establish chain of custody.
  • Explain how an investigator or forensic expert differentiates between what is or is not evidence.

The Crime Scene Management paper

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Explanation & Answer


Crime Scene Management-Outline
Thesis: Therefore, understanding how to secure areas of crime is critical as it helps in
proper documentation and reporting.

The integrity of the crime scene should be protected at all costs for the investigator to
acquire any detail of what might have transpired.


Once an officer identifies an area of inactive criminal activity, securing it is most critical
to avoid contamination that may hinder evidence recovery.


Documenting evidence at the crime scene is crucial for the progress of any investigation.


A chain of custody refers to a track of all events and evidence taking place after the
discovery of a crime scene.


Improper chain of custody documentation could lead to loss of contamination of evidence
during an investigation.


Crime Scene Management



Crime Scene Management

Crime scene management is pertinent for solving any offence as it gives a picture of what
might have led to the crime. Responding to a crime is vital, but officers have to be careful not to
contaminate a crime scene as it may delay investigations and justice for any victims. Therefore,
understanding how to secure areas of crime is critical as it helps in proper documentation and

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