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Abdill Career College


Required Reading:

Archer, Verity. 2016. ‘Class and Class Relations' [Chapter 11], in James Arvanitakis (ed) Sociologic: Analysing Everyday Life and Culture. Oxford University Press: Melbourne, p.98-118.

Tutorial Discussion:

1. What are the main causes of class?

2. In what ways does class position influence and shape our daily lives?

3. Can you think of the different ways in which class manifest in everyday life?

3. How does class create inequalities of opportunity and inequalities of rewards?

4. Is class inequality in Australia growing or declining? Why? 

Explanation & Answer:
4 Questions
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Explanation & Answer



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Discussion Questions
The leading causes of class are conflicts among the community, family or country, climatic change
which causes lack of food and water to some states leading to poverty in various countries or cities
that are faced by climatic change, little or no access to livelihood jobs and opportunity in the area
which leads to jobless people in the countries involved and they may cause poverty in the country
since they cannot even afford basic needs. Class position affects our daily lives in such a way that
when you are in a high class or upper class, the respect and...

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