Compare the advantages of ATM and Gigabit Ethernet technologies, computer science homework help

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Computer Science


Compare the advantages of ATM and Gigabit Ethernet technologies as high-speed networking solutions. Describe how to migrate from Fast Ethernet to Gigabit Ethernet, and to 10-Gbps Ethernet. 

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Explanation & Answer

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ATM is the ultimate networking technology that has the ability toallow real broadband networking the days to come.when ATM was introduced, it was actually estimated that it would be just a matter of time when ATM overans and dominates other network we speak the estimates no longer favour ATM. The most preffered LAN technology, Ethernet, is  a hot technology upto now, despite its age. Switching, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet have brought more bandwidth to the technology, quality of service is under development and the road goes towards company backbones. There is an ongoing battle between ATM and Ethernet and this paper studies the two technologies, their advantages and disadvantages compared to each other.

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