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Perception Checking Assignment handout What you need to do? 1) Out of the 8 situations mentioned below, choose 4 among these to work on. 2) Follow steps #1, #2, #3 and apply to each of the 4 situations chosen by you. (Typed in blue) 3) Each situation carries 10 points i.e. (4 X 10=40) and 10 points will be devoted to the presentation. 4) The rubric for the assignment is mentioned at the end of this handout. PERCEPTION CHECKING ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Perception-Checking Practice: The purpose of this activity is to create effective perceptionchecking statements. Write out perception checking statements for the following scenarios. Remember the steps: #1 - Restate what was said "word for word" or seen from your perception in a very neutral tone. #2 - Give 2 options for what was said that are neutral. (They may be valid or not valid -though not sarcastic.) #3 - Give clarifying statement or question of concern. (Ex: "Because it's important that I know." or "Because I care." or "I'm afraid I may be misreading this." or "I really need to know.") Example: Yesterday your friend Erin laughed at a joke about “dumb blonds”. You found it offensive. Possible Answer: Perception-checking statement: Erin, when Joey cracked the dumb blonde joke last night, you laughed. Option 1 and 2 - I’m wondering if you disapprove of the joke but laughed to make Joey feel comfortable, or if you really do agree with that blonds are not as smart as the rest of the population. Clarifying Question - Can you help me understand? 1) Last night you saw a recent date walking on the beach, holding hands with someone. You’d like to date again, but don’t want to if a current relationship exists. You get a call from the recent date, asking you to a movie and dinner this weekend. Hint: Perception Checking Statement: "Last night I saw you holding hands on the beach with some girl." Option 1? ............. Option 2? .......... Clarifying Statement: .............. 2) Ever since the school year began, one of your parents has called weekly, asking how you are doing. They just asked again. Hint: Perception Checking Statement? ....... Option 1: Are you needing to talk to me about something important to you? Option 2: Or, are you worried about my grades? Clarifying Statement? ....... 3) For the last two weeks, when you are leaving your house, your roommate has asked for a ride somewhere. You roommate has a car, but you haven’t seen it lately. You are in a hurry now and your roommate has just asked for another ride. 4) You return home to find your spouse reading on the couch. When you walk into the room and give greeting, your spouse grunts and turns away from you and keeps on reading. 5) Last week your instructor returned a paper to you with a low grade and the comment “this kind of work paints a bleak picture for the future.” You have approached your instructor to discuss the matter. 6) In a long distance phone call with a friend from high school, you ask about their romantic life. They say, “Oh it’s OK, I guess.” 7) Last week your supervisor at work gave you a big assignment. Three times since then they have asked you if you are having any trouble with it. 8) Last weekend you neighbor raked a big pile of leaves from their property up to your property line, promising to clean them up on Monday. It’s now Wednesday and the leaves are blowing into your yard. RUBRIC FOR PERCEPTION CHECKING ASSIGNMENT Content Situation 1 • • • • • • • 10 pts Followed steps in order Supplied with appropriate content for each step Included clarifying question Presentation • • 10 pts Followed steps in order Supplied with appropriate content for each step Included clarifying question Situation 4 • • 10 pts Followed steps in order Supplied with appropriate content for each step Included clarifying question Situation 3 • • 10 pts Followed steps in order Supplied with appropriate content for each step Included clarifying question Situation 2 • • Points 10 pts Clarity of thought Good understanding of the concept of perception checking Successful application of perception checking to personal life situation TOTAL 50 POINTS
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Topic: Perception Checker
Thesis Statement: Practicing on perception-checking assignments

Situation 1


Situation 3


Situation 5


Situation 7



Perception Checker
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Perception Checker
Situation 1

Last night you saw a recent date walking on the beach, holding hands with someone. You’d like
to date again, but don’t want to if a current relationship exists. You get a call from the recent
date, asking you to a movie and dinner th...

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