Lewin’s Change Model

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Business Finance


One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process.

In this assignment, provide a brief overview of Lewin’s Change Management Model, including his rationale for creating this theory and the intended role this model addresses in change management.

Then discuss the three stages of change implementation and explain the importance of each stage. Be sure to use the terminology for each stage of Lewin’s model as outlined in the text.

Finally, Lewin’s theory was created in the 1940s. How would you modify/alter his theory to ensure that it remains relevant and applicable within KSA? Discuss any changes to be made to his theory to reflect today’s business environment, both globally and within KSA. KSA=Kingdom of saudi Arabia

Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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Explanation & Answer



Lewin’s Change Model
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Lewin’s Model of Change

Change is a common thread in an organization, regardless of size and age. The world is
changing at a high rate, and organizations need to step up to cope with the changes. Handling of
change appropriately is vital as it helps the organization to prosper and avoid unnecessary
struggle. The critical stage of change depends on how people who are within the organization
handles the process of change. One basis of change was developed by Kurt Lewin back in 1940
(Morrison, 2014). The model is described by three steps Unfreeze- Change- Refreeze, which
represents the three stages. Lewin, a social scientist, and physicist explained the steps of change
by utilizing the analog of altering the ice block to form a new shape. Lewin started by explaining
what would happen if an individual had an ice cube but desires to make a cone. He describes
how an individual will have to melt the cube to enable the change (unfreeze). After melting the
ice then mold into the desired shape (change) and lastly freeze the iced water to its original state
(refreeze). The paper explains the Lewin change model and how it can be applied in the kingdom
of Saudi Arabia today and the rest of the world.
Change is a process and has different stages, and an organiza...

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