RE: SOCW6111- Response to 2 students- (WK3)
Respond by to at least two colleagues with your views on what makes this form of assessment specific to social work.Michael ResponsePost a description of the importance of using multiple evidence-based tools (including quantitative, open ended, and ecologically focused) to assess children.The two assessment strategies, actuarial and clinical, have equal responsibilities in developing a comprehensive assessment for a child. Actuarial assessment are those consisting of the research conducted to advise clinical practitioners of the best EBP to use with their clients. Quantitative and qualitative research from actuarial assessment inform clinicians of the best possible outcome when using different orientations and interventions. Specific data collection methods (open-ended, observations, and/or self-reporting), with the utility of specific research designs adds not only adds to the validity and reliability of the research design but informs the clinician if the research has external validity and how that validity applies to their practice. Explain how each complements the other in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the young client’s concerns and situation.In quantitative studies, if testing the resilience of a group of homeless children, a researcher could use this tool (quantitative research) to test the efficacy of an intervention provided to an experimental group opposed to the control group. Perhaps a pretest questionnaire, a structed interview or observation could provide a basis as to how resilient the research sample is. When providing the intervention to the experimental group, specific orientations (strengths perspective) can be used to guide the researchers when providing interventions to the children. A pretest questionnaire, a structed interview or observation, stemming from the actuarial (researcher) experiment, could inform the researcher on what tools are best of EBP. In turn, clinicians should collaborate with researchers to inform them on what orientations and interventions are working well for their clients. Then, describe the use of an eco-map in assessment and explain the different systems you will account for in your assessment of a child.According to Woolley (2013), “the eco-map grew out of the ecological-system perspective and gained popularity in social work practice in the 1980s” (pg. 7). An eco-map can be helpful in displaying to families and individuals how their connections and resources actually look. The eco-map can also help remind them of the things that are or were truly important in their lives. A family circle with several types of lines are drawn, stemming from a family circle, to show a general flow of energy away from the family can help in understanding why they lack the emotional resources to deal with new crisis. MikeWoolley, M. E. (2013). Assessment of children. In M. J. Holosko, C. N. Dulmus, & K. M. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 1–39). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************Hilda ResponseUsing multiple evidence-base tools are essential when assessing children. Children do not always have the ability to express their issues or concerns. The use of evidence-based tools provides the social worker with additional resources to assist child clients. When assessing children, a Mixed-method approach is important to use. According to Woolley (2013) “Mixed -method approach combines quantitative, and qualitative tools which in the case of assessment means using both clinical and interview techniques, empirically tested self-reports instruments or structured interviews” (p.15). These tools will assist the client to have a positive outcome.When using opened ended questions children provide answers in their own words. Parents, teachers, and other people interacting with the child can also provide answers to questions. The answers supplied need to be viewed with the understanding that they are from the observer’s view not the child’s. The quantitative tool will provide the social worker with a metric to use along with the questioning. All three are important with assisting the social worker to determine which treatment to use.The eco-map is used by social workers to gather and organize information when working with children. Different line shapes between the systems define the relationship (Woolley, 2013, p.7). The map puts the child in the center, and shows all systems interacting with the child. The systems can be in the form of a relationship or an activity. The systems I would use in my child assessment are family, school, church, activities (social and sports), and any other system that is relevant to the child. ReferenceWoolley, M.E. (2013) Assessment of Children. In Holosko, M. J., Dulmus, C. N., & Sowers, K. M. Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families: Evidence-Informed Assessments and Interventions. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc.Please include 2 APA references