Cuyamaca College Critical Thinking Paper

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Select any four of the six questions of your choice. Each question should be at a minimum of two pages with all parts answered. No title page necessary, you can use any sources to develop your answers and you do not need to cite the sources. This first research set the foundation, parameters expectations for all other critical thinking assignments. Once completed submit as up load into canvas. Grader will be posted to the grade book. This first essay exam counts for twenty percent of your overall grade.

  1. Define the origins of Renaissance. Why did the Italian Renaissance produce such a strong spirit of Humanism? Discuss the major contribution Leonard da Vinci? How was the Northern Renaissance in Northern Europe different from the Italian Renaissance?
  2. Discuss the importance of the Maritime Exploration prior to 1450 and after 1450. Who opened up the Window of Exploration and what technological innovations did the Europeans employ?

3.Discuss the origins of the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther and John Calvin were contemporaries of one another, but different from a religious theology, how?

4.Why was Oliver Cromwell important? Discuss the significance of the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution and the Bill of Rights.

5. Why caused the Thirty Years’ War and why did it become the first modern war and the treaty of the Peace of West Westphalia was the first modern peace?

6. Why is Machiavelli usually considered the “father of modern political thought “? Why was Machiavelli more interested in “what is “rather than “what ought to be”? According to Machiavelli what was wrong with Italy of his own day?

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Explanation & Answer


History Questions
Thesis Statement: N/A

Question 1
Question 3
Question 4
Question 6

Question 1
The renaissance is regarded as the period which immediately followed the middle ages in
Europe. This period was basically characterized by a great revival in terms of the interests in the
values as well as classical learning of Rome and Greece. This led to the development of new
cultures and ideas and hence new technologies which included discovery and exploration of new
continents, enhancement of the printing press mad development of new systems of astronomy.
All these occurrences were followed by a flowering area in philosophy, art, as well as literature.
The approach of painting, decorative arts, and sculpture which was identified with the
Renaissance emerged in Italy in the late 14th century. During this period, scholars and artists
from Italy considered themselves as tools for the reawakening of the classical culture of Rome.
Humanism proved to be one of the most consistent as well as highlighted themes in the
Italian Renaissance. During this period, the ideas of humanism became very important. These
ideas reflected an intellectual moved that generally made an emphasis on classical learning as
well as the potential of individuals in relations to their achievements. As a result, artists found
themselves pushed or persuaded by the occurrences to create their arts in a particular direction.
In this case, the renaissance art was more realistic and it followed a technique known as
perspective. This meant that paintings were given a 3-D appearance as opposed to earlier pieces
of art which usually had a 2-D appearance. These images were a reflection of how people
seemed to be enjoying themselves as compared to the previously reserved religious society.
Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most popular artists of the renaissance. He was famous
for his art, geology, designs, as well as studies. Some of his designs, later on, came to help the
modern world invent things like the parachute, tank, and the helicopter among many more.
However, Da Vinci is also known for his contributions in art and innovative ideas during the

renaissance. The two most valued and highly prioritized pieces of work that this artist blessed the
society with include the paintings of “The last supper” and the “Mona Lisa”. “The Last Supper”
painting was done as a reflection of Monastery of Santa Maria Delle Grazie. The piece of art was
a depiction of the Passover dinner whereby the Apostles are addressed by Jesus Christ. The piece
was a major contribution of fine art with a 3-D touch and it gave a lot of artist ideas and
perspectives to create their arts. In addition to this, the “Mona Lisa” painting was one that raised
a lot of eyebrows and has been t...

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