Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)
An Overview
Maria Bada
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre,
University of Oxford
Sadie Creese
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre,
University of Oxford
Michael Goldsmith
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre,
University of Oxford
Chris Mitchell
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre,
Royal Holloway, University of London
Elizabeth Phillips
Oxford University's Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)
Worcester College
May 2014
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Scope and purpose........................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Structure of the paper .................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Audience ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2 CSIRTs - An introduction ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 The role and purpose of CSIRTs .................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Terminology .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Services provided by CSIRT teams ................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Categories of CSIRTs...................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Sectors of CSIRT operation............................................................................................................ 8
2.6 Building a new CSIRT ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Determining the authority ............................................................................................................ 9
3 Existing CSIRTs.................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 National CSIRTs/CERTs ................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.1 The UK CERT ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 The US-CERT ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.3 MyCERT Malaysia ................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Multinational European CSIRTs/CERTs ....................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 CERT EU ................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.2 European Government CERTs Group (EGC) ......................................................................... 12
3.3 CSIRT Cooperation and Coordination Organisations .................................................................. 13
3.3.1 FIRST – Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams ................................................... 13
3.3.2 AP-CERT Asia Pacific Computer emergency Response Team .............................................. 14
3.3.3 TERENA - Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association ..................... 14
3.3.4 TI Trusted Introducer ........................................................................................................... 15
3.3.5 CEENet.................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.6 NATO NCIRC TC .................................................................................................................... 15
4 Case studies ....................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Qatar ........................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Tunisia ......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.3 Kenya........................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Other Case studies ...................................................................................................................... 19
References ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)
An Overview
Maria Bada
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, University of Oxford, maria.bada@cs.ox.ac.uk
Sadie Creese
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, University of Oxford, sadie.creese@cs.ox.ac.uk
Michael Goldsmith
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, University of Oxford, michael.goldsmith@cs.ox.ac.uk
Chris Mitchell
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, Royal Holloway, University of London,
Elizabeth Phillips
Oxford University's Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT), Worcester College
Following the pioneering work at Carnegie-Mellon University in the US, national Computer
Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) have been established worldwide to try to address the evergrowing threats to information systems and their use. The problem they are designed to address is
clearly real and formidable, in mitigating the threats posed by cyber-criminals and state-sponsored
This paper is presenting the role and purpose of Computer Security Incident Response Teams
(CSIRTs) the services they provide, and also various examples of existing national and multinational
CSIRTs as well as organizations which foster the cooperation and coordination of CSIRTs are
presented. The paper then presents case studies as examples of national CSIRTs.
Scope and purpose
The purpose of this paper is to present the mission and services provided by Computer Security
Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) both at a National and Organizational level. The primary mission
of a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is to help other organizations to handle
incidents occurring in computer networks, as well as provide a wider set of services. Apart from their
main mission, CSIRTs need to be able to adapt to a continuous changing environment and present
the flexibility to deal any unexpected incident.
Structure of the paper
Section 2 of this paper describes the role and purpose of CSIRTs, the services they provide, as well as
information on the different sectors of CSIRT cooperation and of building a new CSIRT.
Section 3, provides an overview of existing CSIRTs in National level, such as the UK CERT, the US
CERT, the MyCERT from Malaysia, as well as Multinational European CSIRTs, such as CERT EU and the
European Government CERTs Group (EGC). Also, in this section various organizations which foster
the cooperation and coordination of CSIRTs are being presented. Examples are the Forum of Incident
Response and Security Teams (FIRST), The Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT), The Task Force of Computer Security and Incident Response Teams (TERENA TF-CSIRT), The
Trusted Introducer (IT), The Central and Eastern European Networking Association (CEENet) and The
NATO Computer Incident Response Capability - Technical Centre (NATO NCIRC TC).
Section 4, presents case studies of countries who established their CERT. Each country follows
different approach according to its sources and needs. Exapmles of Qatar, Tunisia and Kenya are
This paper is written primarily for Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) experts,
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) experts, Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Senior
Agency Information Security Officers (SAISOs) and Information System Security Officers (ISSOs). The
measures presented can be used both within government and industry contexts.
CSIRTs - An introduction
This section presents the role and purpose of CSIRTs, the services they provide and the various
sectors they can operate in. Moreover, the basic principles of building a new effective CSIRT, as well
as the importance of the parameters within which the CSIRT will be able to act, are being presented.
In order to be able to tackle any type of cybersecurity incident we need the capacity to be available
at least in some organizational form, in particular a CSIRT. These are single organizations that
present information to end users as well as organizations with the country.
The role and purpose of CSIRTs
The name Computer Emergency Response Team is the historic designation for the first team
(CERT/CC)1 at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). CERT is now a registered service mark of Carnegie
Mellon University that is licensed to other teams around the world. Some teams took on the more
generic name of CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) to point out the task of
handling computer security incidents instead of other tech support work.
CERT stands for Computer Emergency Response Team. Various abbreviations for the same sort of
terms exist:
CERT or CERT/CC (Computer Emergency Response Team / Coordination Centre)
CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team)
IRT (Incident Response Team)
CIRT (Computer Incident Response Team)
SERT (Security Emergency Response Team)
WARPs (Warning Advice and Reporting Points)
At the moment both terms (CERT and CSIRT) are used synonymously. In this document the term
CSIRT will be used.
The history of CSIRTs is linked to the existence of malware, especially computer worms and viruses.
Whenever a new technology arrives, its misuse is not long in following. The first worm in the IBM
VNET was covered up. Shortly after, a worm hit the Internet on 3 November 1988, when the socalled Morris Worm paralysed a good percentage of it. This led to the formation of the CERT/CC at
Carnegie Mellon University under a U.S. Government contract. With the massive growth in the use
of information and communications technologies over the subsequent years, the now-generic term
"CSIRT" refers to an essential part of most large organisations' structures.
Services provided by CSIRT teams
CSIRT teams provide various services such as reactive as well as proactive. Also, part of their purpose
is Artifact handling as and security quality management. These services need to be realistic and
reflect the financial, labour and technical resources available to a nation. A more analytical list of the
CSIRT services is presented below (Table 1).
A CSIRT needs to act as a focal point for incident reporting and to be easily reached by users. A CSIRT
has three essential attributes a) a central location in relation to its constituency b) an educational
role with regard to computer security c) an incident handling role (Javaid, 2013). The accumulated
experience of the personnel in a CSIRT is crucial, both in terms of responding to incidents and of
educating others.
The European Commission2 has presented also the requirements and tasks of a Computer
emergency Response Team (CERT). ENISA3 also released a November 2013 a report titled Good
practice guide for CERTs in the area of Industrial Control Systems - Computer Emergency Response
Capabilities considerations for ICS. This report, “builds upon the current practice of CERTs with
responsibilities for ICS networks, and also on the earlier work of ENISA on a baseline capabilities
scheme for national/ governmental (n/g) CERTs,” without prescribing which entity should provide
these services for the EU. The good practices guide divides ICS-CERC provisions into four categories:
mandate capabilities, technical operational capabilities, organisational operational capabilities, and
co-operational capabilities.
Table 1. Services provided by CSIRTs
Reactive Services
Proactive Services
Alerts and Warnings
Incident Handling
Technology Watch
Incident Analysis
Security Audits or Assessments
Incident Analysis
Configuration and
Incident Response
Maintenance of Security
Development of Security Tools
Incident Response
Intrusion Detection Services
Security Related Information
Incident Response on Site Dissemination
Vulnerability Handling
Vulnerability Analysis
Vulnerability Response
Vulnerability Response
CSIRT Services list from CERT/CC4
Artifact Analysis
Security Quality
Risk analysis
Business Continuity and
Disaster Recovery
Security Consulting
Awareness Building
Product Evaluation or
Categories of CSIRTs
General categories of CSIRTs include5:
Internal or organizational CSIRTs - provide incident handling services to their parent
organization (e.g. a university).
National CSIRTs – coordinate and facilitate the handling of incidents for a particular country,
or economy.
European Commission, 2013 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2013:0048:FIN:EN:PDF
ENISA, Good practice guide for CERTs in the area of Industrial Control Systems - Computer Emergency Response
Capabilities considerations for ICS, December 2013.
CSIRT Services list from CERT/CC: http://www.cert.org/csirts/services.html
Creating and Managing Computer Security Incident Handling Teams (CSIRTs), CERT Training and Education Networked
Systems Survivability Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University, 2008.
Analysis Centers – focus on synthesizing data from various sources to determine trends and
patterns in incident activity. This information can then be used to help predict future activity
or provide early warning when current activity matches a set of previously determined
Vendor Teams – coordinate with organizations who report and track vulnerabilities.
Incident Response Providers – provide incident handling services as a product to other
organizations. These are sometimes referred to as Managed Security Service Providers
Various global and regional organizations devoted to incident management collaboration and
coordination have been created. This includes organizations such as the:
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams http://www.first.org/
Sectors of CSIRT operation
There can be more than one CSIRT in a country serving the interest of various constituencies for
example the academic, banking sectors, the commercial sector, CIP/CIIP Sector,
governmental/national sector, military, energy sector, financial sector and within organisation.
These CSIRTs are focussed on and provide services and support to their defined constituency for the
prevention of, handling, and response to cybersecurity incidents. However it is also possible for a
country to designate an entity as a national CSIRT to serve a principle entity serving Government or
government-related organisations.
Building a new CSIRT
In order to create an effective CSIRT, Carnegie Mellon University (CMC, J Haller, 2011) believe that
there are four core principles all CSIRTs must have:
Technical Excellence: The National CSIRT/CERT should have the most up to date resources
and advice and in order to maintain this advantage, the advice they give must be sound
which requires high levels of technical excellence. This may lead to the CSIRT only being
initially with a small number of good quality capabilities rather than lots of poor quality
Trust: If the organizations and end users do not explicitly trust the CSIRT then they will be
unable to share data with the CSIRT and will not be able to use all the facilities on offer. The
trust is crucial for partner organisations and the organisations themselves would want
confirmation that the CSIRT can handle sensitive information responsibly.
Resource Efficiency: The CSIRT must be constantly adapting by analysing potential new
threats and their potential impact. This will then help to steer the allocation of funding
sources to test, which treats and incidents are truly of interest to the CSIRT.
Cooperation: The CSIRT should cooperate as fully as possible (taking into account the
sensitivity of some of their clients’ data) with national stakeholders, government and other
National CSIRTs/CERTs so that the knowledge can be shared and they can collaborate on
complex problems.
Before the real work begins, it is crucial to identify key partners and Sponsors to ensure the financial
security of the CSIRT. After this has been established, it is then necessary to determine any limiting
factors such as time commitment, skill level of staff and the physical infrastructure available6.
Grobler Marthie and Bryk Harri, 2010. http://icsa.cs.up.ac.za/issa/2010/Proceedings/Full/17_Paper.pdf
Determining the authority
Depending on the purpose of the CSIRT and its sponsor, the CSIRT may be capable of prescribing or
mandating particular actions after cyber-attacks and may be able to enforce other security
measures. However, in some instances government approval/advice may be required first before
conducting any action.
The parameters within which the CSIRT will be able to act will depend on the specific nation’s laws,
cultures and customs. The precise nature of the CSIRT may determine the level of cooperation and
sharing of sensitive data as some organizations may be reluctant to disclose information if they
believe the CSIRT to be too self-governing.
Existing CSIRTs
There are a large number of CSIRTs in existence, in many different countries. Every country has
different CSIRT capabilities as well as a different level of maturity to dispose. African countries such
as Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa and Tunisia have National CSIRTs/CERTs to present. Moreover,
many countries in the rest of the world have already built CSIRTs.
This section provides an overview of existing CSIRTs/CERTs at a National level, such as the UK CERT,
the US CERT, the MyCERT from Malaysia, as well as Multinational European CERTs, such as CERT EU
and the European Government CERTs Group (EGC). Also, in this section various organizations which
foster the cooperation and coordination of CERTs are being presented. Examples are the Forum of
Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), The Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team
(AP-CERT), The Task Force of Computer Security and Incident Response Teams (TERENA TF-CSIRT),
The Trusted Introducer (IT), The Central and Eastern European Networking Association (CEENet) and
The NATO Computer Incident Response Capability - Technical Centre (NATO NCIRC TC).
3.1 National CSIRTs/CERTs
3.1.1 The UK CERT
UK’s National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UK)7 works closely with industry,
government and academia to enhance UK cyber resilience. CERT-UK has four main responsibilities
that flow from the UK’s Cyber Security Strategy8:
National Cyber Security Incident Management.
Support to Critical National Infrastructure companies to handle cyber security incidents.
Promoting cyber security situational awareness across industry, academia, and the public
Providing the single international point of contact for co-ordination and collaboration
between national CERTs.
CERT-UK falls under the Communications-Electronics Security Group (CESG)9, the UK Government’s
National Technical Authority for Information Assurance. Their Incident Response Guidelines10,
provide clear details to individuals and companies as to what falls within the scope of GovCertUK
and what is beyond its control. An important part of their mission is to educate everyday users by
producing interesting posters and clear information packs11 for organizations and end users.
In order to reinforce the idea of simplicity for the users there are only four categories for reporting
incidents, namely:
A. Concerned Targeted Attack must be reported to GovCertUK. Incidents that are concerted,
repeating, targeted and causing harm to confidentiality, integrity or availability of ICT
systems or data.
B. Targeted Attack must be reported to GovCertUK. Incidents that are repeating, targeted
and causing harm to confidentiality, integrity or availability of ICT systems or data.
CERT UK https://www.cert.gov.uk/
UK’s Cyber Security Strategy
9 CESG https://www.cesg.gov.uk
10 GovCertUK Incident Response Guidelines,
11 GovCertUK Information packs http://www.cesg.gov.uk/awarenesstraining/PET/Pages/index.aspx
C. Non-Targeted GovCertUK is to be tipped. Incidents that are general and non-targeted or
incidents where the IT teams suspect suspicious behaviour.
D. Other reporting GovCertUK is to be tipped. Cryptographic events such as loss of
laptop/media, protective marking breaches etc.
The term ‘’reported’’ means that a formal report needs to be submitted and ‘’tipped’’ that
GovCertUK need to be informed but no formal report is required. The informal method of tipping off
GovCertUK encourages companies to seek advice and inform GovCertUK even if they are unsure as it
is not time consuming and they can still get advice and guidance, which improves the trust between
GovCertUK and the organization or user.
When an incident is reported and GovCertUK advices action needs to be taken, a step-by-step guide
indicating how to resolve the situation is sent directly to the victim along with a summary of the
incident containing the most important information should the organization want to conduct its own
investigations at a later date.
The UK CERT not only analyse and handle incidents, but also actively welcome samples of malicious
code so that it can help improve their understanding and stress that a formal report need not be
completed with the code. Moreover, GovCertUK stress that no ‘’blacklist’’ of companies is
maintained and if a report leads to further action then no blacklisting will happen either. The
transparent nature of GovCertUK allows the organizations to trust their actions and the users feel
happy to report an incident.
3.1.2 The US-CERT
US-CERT12 is a partnership between the Department of Homeland Security and the public and
private sectors. It was established to protect the nation’s Internet infrastructure and coordinate
defence against and responses to cyber-attacks across the nation. US-CERT was established in order
to improve computer security preparedness and respond to cyber-attacks in the United States. In
addition, US-CERT also provides a way for citizens, businesses and other institutions to communicate
and coordinate directly with the United States government about cyber security.
In a similar way to GovCertUK, they also produce a large number of self-help guides, which are
publicly available. These publications range from instructions as to how to secure your computer
from spyware to disposing of devices safely and anything in between.
Their advice refers to both home and business users and include basic cloud security, home network
security and information to help them understand denial of service attacks and how to avoid social
engineering and phishing attacks. Government users are directed into specific alerts and bulletins
relevant to the current situation as well as tools, programs and guidance about the reporting of
incidents whereas Control System Users see more targeted information regarding the latest
software update alerts, recommended practices, training and assessment tools for the organization.
This targeted information ensures that home users are not bombarded with irrelevant information
whereas technically aware Control System Users are given more detail in their information with
regards to the technical skills and best practises needed to protect most cybersecurity attacks.
US-CERT https://www.us-cert.gov/about-us
3.1.3 MyCERT Malaysia
MyCERT13 is the Malaysian CERT and works closely with the CERT coordination center and the
partners below:
Asia Pacific Computer emergency Response Team (AP-CERT)
Organization of the Islamic Conference-Computer-Emergency Response Team14 (OIC-CERT)
The Honeynet Project15
Forum for Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST)
The Anti-Phishing Working Group16 (APWG)
MyCERT’s primary mission is to address the computer security concerns of internet users and its
vision is to reduce the probability of successful attacks and lower the risk of consequential damage.
MyCERT appreciates the importance of local end users but has a narrower range of facilities.
Multinational European CSIRTs/CERTs
3.2.1 CERT EU
CERT EU is a permanent Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-EU)17 for the EU institutions,
agencies and bodies. The team is made up of IT security experts from the main EU Institutions
(European Commission, General Secretariat of the Council, European Parliament, Committee of the
Regions, Economic and Social Committee). It cooperates closely with other CERTs in the Member
States and beyond as well as with specialised IT security companies.
CERT-EU's mission is to support the European Institutions to protect themselves against intentional
and malicious attacks that would hamper the integrity of their IT assets and harm the interests of
the EU. The scope of CERT-EU's activities covers prevention, detection, response and recovery. CERTEU operates according to the following key values:
Highest standards of ethical integrity
High degree of service orientation and operational readiness
Effective responsiveness in case of incidents and emergencies and maximum commitment to
resolve the issues
Building on, and complementing the existing capabilities in the constituents
Facilitating the exchange of good practices between constituents and with peers
Fostering a culture of openness within a protected environment, operating on a need to
know basis
CERT-EU gradually extends its services, on the basis of the requirements of its constituency and
takes into account the available competencies, resources and partnerships.
3.2.2 European Government CERTs Group (EGC)
Within the EU some of the countries with successful CSIRTs have joined together to form the
European Government CERTs Group (EGC).18 The EGC exists to informally associate the CERTs across
MyCERT http://www.mycert.org.my/en/
OIC-CERT http://www.oic-cert.net/v1/index.html
15 The Honeynet Project http://www.honeynet.org/about
16 APWG http://www.antiphishing.org/
CERT EU http://cert.europa.eu/cert/
The European Government CERTs Group http://www.egc-group.org/
Europe. This group encourages the collaboration between nation CERTs which increases each
country’s individual knowledge. The group tries to:
Jointly develop measures to deal with large-scale or regional network security incidents
Facilitate information sharing and technology exchange relating to IT security incidents and
malicious code threats and vulnerabilities
Identify areas of specialist knowledge and expertise that could be shared within the group
Identify areas of collaborative research and development on subjects of mutual interest
Communicate common views with other initiatives and organizations.
The countries which build the European Government CERTs group are:
Austria - GovCERT.AT
Belgium - CERT.be
Denmark - Danish GovCERT
Finland - CERT-FI
France - CERT-FR
Germany - CERT-Bund
Netherlands - NCSC-NL
Norway - NorCERT
Spain - CCN-CERT
Sweden - CERT-SE
Switzerland - GovCERT.ch
United Kingdom - CSIRTUK
United Kingdom - GovCertUK
CSIRT Cooperation and Coordination Organisations
Successful cooperation19 among CSIRT or Abuse Teams located in different countries in many regions
is a key factor for successful incident handling due to the global character of the Internet and
security threat propagation.
But also many other CSIRT services are strongly dependent on collaboration with other teams from
different parts of the world.
3.3.1 FIRST – Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams20 (FIRST), consists of a network of individual
computer security incident response teams that work together voluntarily to deal with computer
security problems and their prevention, to stimulate rapid reaction to incidents and promote
information sharing among members of the community at large.
First’s mission includes:
FIRST develops and share of technical information, tools, methodologies, processes and best
FIRST encourages and promotes the development of quality security products, policies &
FIRST develops and promulgates best computer security practices
ENISA, 2006, CERT_cooperation_ENISA.pdf
FIRST http://www.first.org/
FIRST promotes the creation and expansion of Incident Response teams and membership
from organizations from around the world
FIRST members use their combined knowledge, skills and experience to promote a safer and
more secure global electronic environment.
3.3.2 AP-CERT Asia Pacific Computer emergency Response Team21
AP-CERT is a coalition of CERTs from 13 economies across the Asia Pacific region. AP-CERT organises
an annual meeting called APSIRC conference and the first conference was held in 2002, in Tokyo,
Japan. The mission of AP-CERT is to improve the region’s awareness and competency in relation to
computer security incidents through:
Enhancing Asia Pacific regional and international cooperation on information security.
Jointly developing measures to deal with large-scale or regional network security incidents.
Facilitating information sharing and technology exchange, including information security,
computer virus and malicious code among its members.
Promoting collaborative research and development on subjects of interest to its members.
Assisting other CERTs and CSIRTS in the region to conduct efficient and effective computer
emergency response.
Providing inputs and/or recommendations to help address legal issues related to
information security and emergency response across regional boundaries.
3.3.3 TERENA - Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association22 (TERENA), offers a forum to
collaborate, innovate and share knowledge in order to foster the development of Internet
technology, infrastructure and services to be used by the research and education community.
TERENA works in close collaboration to TF-CSIRT, providing secretarial support. TERENA TF-CSIRT Task Force of Computer Security and Incident Response Teams
Task Force of Computer Security and Incident Response Teams (TF-CSIRT) is a task force that
promotes collaboration and coordination between CERTs in Europe and neighbouring regions, whilst
liaising with relevant organisations at the global level and in other regions.
TF-CSIRT provides a forum where members of the CERT community can exchange experiences and
knowledge in a trusted environment in order to improve cooperation and coordination. It maintains
a system for registering and accrediting CERTs, as well as certifying service standards. The task force
also develops and provides services for CERTs, promotes the use of common standards and
procedures for handling security incidents, and coordinates joint initiatives where appropriate. This
includes the training of CERT staff, and assisting in the establishment and development of new
The task force further liaises with FIRST, ENISA, other regional CERT organisations, as well as defence
and law enforcement agencies. Secretarial support for this task force is provided by TERENA with
funding from the GN3 project.
AP-CERT http://www.apcert.org/
TERENA http://www.terena.org/
3.3.4 TI Trusted Introducer
Trusted Introducer (TI)23, provides European CERTs with a public repository that lists all known
European CERTs and explains about the TI’s accreditation service. It facilitates trust by formally
accrediting CERTs that are ready to take that step. Once accredited, a CERT can gain access to the
restricted TI repository. There they can find details on fellow CERTs, readily downloadable contact
lists and PGP-Key rings, secure discussion forum, automatic RIPE Database IRT-object registration
and more.
The Central and Eastern European Networking Association (CEENet)24 is a regional cooperation in
Central and Eastern Europe and includes some adjacent countries from Asia, has as goal to share
computer networking knowledge between more and less developed members of the association.
The primary mission of CEENet is to co-ordinate the international aspects of the academic, research
and education networks in Central and Eastern Europe and in adjacent countries. Moreover, CEENet
promotes and supports the technical and organizational collaboration between NRENs
NATO Computer Incident Response Capability - Technical Centre (NCIRC TC)25 is the Tier 2 of the
NATO Computer Incident Response Capability (NCIRC). This site is maintained by NATO Information
Assurance Technical Centre (NIATC) to provide operational CERT support to the NATO CIS
community, including a) Incident Handling b) Vulnerability and Threat Information c) Vulnerability
Assessment (online / on site) d) Consultancy Services (Scientific and Forensic) e) Online Data
Collection and Monitoring (IDS, Antivirus, Firewalls) f) Online Support (auto updates, downloads,
SOPs) and g) Offline incident analysis and security testing.
TI http://www.trusted-introducer.org/
CEENET http://www.ceenet.org/
25 NCIRC NATO http://www.ncirc.nato.int/
Case studies
In this section we look in greater details at three examples of national CSIRTs/CERTs. More
specifically Qatar, Tunisia and Kenya CERTs are being presented. It is obvious that each country
follows a different approach according to its sources and needs.
Through reviewing these examples we can get an idea of the scope of their activities, which in turn
helps understand how one might assess their effectiveness.
The Middle East and specifically ictQATAR (Supreme Council of Information Technology of Qatar) as
the premier national body responsible for technology initiatives, recognised the role of ICT plays in
the region and the need for a long term strategic partnership with CERT/CC. As such, they sponsored
Qatar Computer Emergency Response Team (Q-CERT)26 program and was the founding partner of
the regional GCC-CERT initiative. It was initially influenced by the Council of Information and
Communication Technology (ictQATAR), CERT/CC and Carnegie Mellon University’s Software
Engineering Institute.
Q-CERT's Vision is to be recognized as:
A leader in Qatar and the region in promoting IT Security Standards, Practices, Products and
Services to improve the security of critical IT infrastructure.
A credible source of Cyber Security information.
A trusted confidant partner in responding to Cyber Security incidents.
A leader in building the CyberSecurity human capacities in State of Qatar.
They divided their work efforts into three main categories, namely ‘’Critical Infrastructure
Protection’’ ‘’Watch, Warning, Investigation and Response’’ and ‘’Outreach, Awareness and
Critical Infrastructure Protection: Their aim was to assist key national resources in
identifying and addressing information security vulnerabilities and threats and provide new
approaches for damage assessment and recovering operations from affected systems
alongside other tasks.
Watch, Warning, Investigation and Response: Their aim was to assist in creating new
cybercrime and privacy laws and establish a national center for threat, vulnerability and
security event data.
Outreach, Awareness and Teaching: They aim to be able to act as a forum for national
dialog on cyber security and increase the awareness and understanding of cyber security
issues within public and private institutions across the public. A Curriculum in Information
Security was created which included
a) Creating a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)
b) Managing Computer Security Incident Response Teams
c) Fundamentals of Incident Handling
d) Advanced Incident Handling
e) Information Security for Technical Staff
f) Advanced Information Security for Technical Staff
g) Computer Forensics for Technical Staff
h) OCTAVE Training Workshop
Q-CERT, http://www.qcert.org/
Their initial ideas have set down a long term sponsorship for the CERT which will enable continuity
and the security of future research which will be alongside their increasing relationship with
Tunisia 27 set up their CERT called CERT-TCC to have the national responsibility of acting to provide
incident management services for:
Public and Private Sector
Home Users
The CERT-TCC provides services free of charge to organizations and tries to ensure:
A centralized coordination for IT security issues (Trusted Point of Contact)
Centralized and specialized unit for incident response
Technology and security watch
Cyberspace monitoring
The expertise to support and assist to quickly recover from security incidents
Awareness of all categories of users
The CERT-TCC adopted a limited resources low cost approach and relied more on open sourced
approaches. These approaches reduced the cost but had an effect on trust associated with the CERT
due to open sourced handling of sensitive data.
Awareness is the main focal point of the CERT-TCC and their approach relies on the collaboration of
national partners in order to provide free technical support to customers. They also provided attack
simulations in order to assess the possible vulnerabilities of organizations. Tunisia, has established
also a National Reaction Plan which is the formal plan which initiates the establishment of
Coordination Crisis Cells across the country. This approach has been deployed with great success in
2004 for the African Football Cup and the Presidential Elections as well as during the Arab League in
The high skills of the employees in combination to the low running costs, made available a wide
range of services including incident analysis, incident response coordination, penetration testing,
virus handling and hotlines in addition to secondary services such as security policy development,
forensic evidence collection and monitoring of network and system logs.
Developing national CSIRT capabilities – A case study of Tunisian CERT
There have been various initiatives to establish a national CERT28 in Kenya. Kenya increasingly
becomes more connected to and dependent on the internet and it was important to determine the
risk exposure from not having a CERT.
The first such initiative was CERT-Kenya that was sponsored by the Kenya Network Information
Centre (KENIC) and the Telecommunication Service Providers of Kenya (TESPOK). The objective of
the CERT-Kenya was to assist members of the local internet community in implementing proactive
measures to reduce the risks of computer security incidents and to assist the community in
responding to such incidents when they occur. However CERT-Kenya is currently not functional.
The Kenya Information and Communications Act CAP411A mandates the Communications
Commission of Kenya (CCK) to develop a national cyber security management framework through
the establishment of a national Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT). CCK setup the Kenya
Computer Incident Response Team Cordination Center (KE-CIRT/CC)29 whose mandate is to
coordinate response and manage cyber security incidents nationally and to collaborate with relevant
actors locally, regionally and internationally.
Its functions are as follows:
Coordinating computer security incident response at the national level and acting as a
national trusted point of contact
Liaising with the local sector Computer Incident Response Teams (CIRTs), regional CIRTs,
international CIRTs and other related organizations
Gathering and disseminating technical information on computer security incidents,
vulnerabilities, security fixes and other security information, as well as issuing alerts and
Carrying out research and analysis on computer security, related technologies and advising
on new trends
Facilitating the development of a national Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and,
Capacity building in information security and creating and maintaining awareness on
cybersecurity-related activities, among others
The Industry Computer Security Incident Response Team (iCSIRT) is an initiative of
Telecommunication Service Providers of Kenya (TESPOK). iCSIRT has been established to ensure
network integrity and information security is maintained at the Kenya Internet Exchange Point
(KIXP). Services currently offered by the iCSIRT include weekly reports on bad IPs reported on the
member’s networks, security bulletins, alerts and warnings and general security incident handling.
The overall goal of the iCSIRT is to develop and promote the use of appropriate technology and
systems management practices to resist attacks on networked systems, to limit damage and ensure
continuity of critical services.
The East Africa Communications Organization (EACO) set up a Cybersecurity Taskforce. The vision of
the taskforce is to build confidence and security in the use of cyberspace in the East Africa (EA)
Mwende Njiraini, Establishing a National Computer Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in Africa: Kenyan case study, 2011,
KE- CIRT/CC http://www.cck.go.ke/industry/information_security/ke-cirt-cc/
region while its mission is to enhance security of the cyberspace in the EA region through
collaboration amongst all the stakeholders.
Other Case studies
Other countries have established CERTs effectively. A few examples can be viewed from the case
studies below:
Setting up a Governmental CERT - A case study of Spain's CCN-CERT
A National Cyber Security Strategy, A case study of Arab emirates CERT
Vietnam Computer Emergency Response Team Case Studies
Sri Lankan Computer Emergency Response Team Case Studies
Digital Security Consulting Case Studies
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APWG, The Anti-Phishing Working Group. Retrieved from http://www.antiphishing.org/
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Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.669023
CERT. Retrieved from http://www.cert.org/
CERT EU. Retrieved from http://cert.europa.eu/cert/
CERT UK. Retrieved from https://www.cert.gov.uk/
CSIRT Services list from CERT/CC. Retrieved from http://www.cert.org/csirts/services.html
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Forming an Incident Response Team http://www.auscert.org.au/render.html?it=2252&cid=1920
FIRST, Creating and Managing Computer Security Incident Handling Teams (CSIRTs), CERT Training and
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Grobler Marthie and Bryk Harri, Common Challenges Faced During the Establishment of a CSIRT, IEEE, 2010.
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Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Site Security Handbook. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2196.txt
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Expectations for Computer Security Incident Response.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Security Glossary. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2828.txt
ITU, Developing national CSIRT capabilities – A case study of Tunisian CERT. Retrieved from
Q-CERT, Qatar Computer Emergency Response Team. Retrieved from http://www.qcert.org/
Javaid, Muhammad Adeel, Benchmarks for Setting Up CERT (September 10, 2013). Available at SSRN:
Kang, Jerry, Information Privacy in Cyberspace Transactions. Stanford Law Review, Vol. 50, p. 1193, 1998.
Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=631723
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Mwende Njiraini, Establishing a National Computer Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in Africa: Kenyan case
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MyCERT Malaysia. Retrieved from http://www.mycert.org.my/en/
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NIST, Computer Security Incident Handling Guide, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST SP 80061). http://www.csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-61/sp800-61.pdf
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Spiekermann, Sarah and Berendt, Bettina and Grossklags, Jens, E-Privacy in 2nd Generation E-Commerce:
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Strandburg, Katherine J., Privacy, Rationality, and Temptation: A Theory of Willpower Norms. Rutgers Law
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TERENA, Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association. Retrieved from
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Communications-Electronics Security Group, Retrieved from https://www.cesg.gov.uk
The Honeynet Project. Retrieved from http://www.honeynet.org/about
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