IT Article Critique Assignment

User Generated


Computer Science


IT Article Critique Assignment

-  Submit an IT article

o  You must copy and paste article into a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx format)

o  You must also provide the actual link used to access the article, and the date retrieved in the Works Cited

-  Submit a one page Summary of the article

o  Writ a clear & concise summary of the article

o  Use In-text Parenthetical Citations denoting author and page/paragraph number

-  Submit a one page Critique of the article

o  Critique the article’s reputation / worthiness / relevance

o  Justify its reputability (Authority, Accuracy, Currency, Coverage, & Objectivity)

o  Critique the content of the article, worthiness, target audience, & technical level

o  Social, Legal, & Ethical Issues

o  Discuss how the article relates to our class

-  Post the SINGLE (Summary, Critique, & Article) document under Blackboard for grading

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