University of Maryland University College Film and American Culture Studies

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University of Maryland University College


Please help with choosing a topic for my final film project.

1.Select a topic that addresses American Culture. This can be one of the topics that is covered in this class, or another topic that is about or effects American Culture.

  1. Select two American films that address this topic within its context. One film is to be from the time when the Hollywood Studio System as at its highest influence (1930 – 1955). The other film is from the last 20 years.
  2. Submit your topic and films to the proper Assignment folder before the end of Week Five. Please identify the films by using the full title, year released, and name of the director(s).

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9/13/2019 Style Guide - ARTH 204 6380 Film and American Culture Studies (2198) You need to give us some important information about the film you are writing about. Discussion - Use the following Style Guide at the bottom of your Initial Post about the film(s) you watched for each week’s Discussion. If the information about the film is not in the Initial Post, the grade for that week's discussion will be reduced by one letter grade from what the post originally earned. Short Papers - Use the following Style Guide in "Films Mentioned" section at the end of each of the two Short Papers. Points will be lost if the film information is not at the end of your papers. STYLE GUIDE Title. Year. Director(s). Screenwriters (This would be those who wrote the actual screenplay). Starring (Include the names of at least the top three billed actors/actresses). Note any awards the director, screenwriter(s) or stars won after their names. Awards: (Any Awards and Nominations for the film not already mentioned. If there are any Oscar or Golden Globe awards or nominations, those are the only ones you have to include. If there are other awards, such as film festival awards, you may mention those). Genre. Rating. See example below. Amadeus. 1984. Director: Milos Forman (Oscar). Screenplay: Peter Shaffer (Oscar). Starring: F. Murray Abraham (Oscar), Tom Hulce (Oscar Nomination) and Elizabeth Berridge. Awards: 1985 Oscar for Best Picture with four other Oscars and two other nominations. Genre: Biographic, Drama, Music. Rating: R. FINAL PROJECTS The Final Project is to use a proper citation according to the style you are using when writing your two papers, the bibliography in stage two and the Final paper. For example, if you are using Chicago style it should look like this: Title of Work. Format. Directed Firstname Lastname. Original Release Year. City: Studio/Distributor, Video release year. Medium. Joe Versus the Volcano. Directed by John Patrick Shanley. 1990. Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 2002. DVD. 1/1
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Surname 1
“The American dream”
The topic that reflects American culture in this piece is the American dream. Culture
entails the commonality reflected in the way people of a particular country or society live.
America culture is shown in various ways that the American people and how the rest of the
world views the country. The film industry plays a huge role in demonstrating this culture, and
one of the most common aspects portrayed ...

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