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The specifics of Polypharmacy in children and adolescents and Deprescription
Polypharmacy refers to the concurrent administration or usage of multiple medications by
a person. The issue of deprescribing has mainly been rampant in the geriatric population.
However, there is a recent surge in pediatric and adolescent polypharmacy. This is particularly
common in psychiatric and mental health-related conditions. In psychiatry, co-morbidity and
psychotropic side effects are identified as the primary risk factors for polypharmacy.
Polypharmacy in pediatric children results in some of the following effects. First of all,
there may be harmful drug interactions which may jeopardize the child's wellbeing and may even
kill them. In psychiatric cases, the polypharmacy may result in the worsening of a certain
condition. Additionally, when treating polypharmacy through deprescription, the medical staff
need to hold the guardians and parents accountable for the health of the children. The parents of
adolescents should monitor them carefully to ensure they are not using multiple drugs behind
their backs. Recently, there has been a surge in the use of opioids among the American youth
together with other medications. This has contributed t the complication of psychiatric conditions
and I some events death. The most important thing is to ensure the patient utilizes the medicines
which are only beneficial and non-harmful to them. This is well achieved by seeking the help of
a nurse or physician and initiating deprescription (Logan, et al. 2015)
How to Deprescribe
Describing refers to the process of intentionally halting the intake of several medications
or therapies to improve an individual’s health and minimize the risks of adverse side effects
(Lohr, et al. 2018). There are several ways which may be utilized to carry out deprescribing. The
main objective while deprescribing is to ensure all is done for the best interests of the patient.
Registered nurses may use the following methods to deprescribe for child and adolescent
polypharmacy. First, the nurse may ask the child and their guardians to assemble all medications
they are taking for evaluation. This is called a brown bag review. Also, patients are required to
be honest and bring all the medication they are using be it OTC drugs or supplements (Logan et
al., 2015). After that, harmful and irrelevant drugs are determined. The nurse may then review
the medicines with the help of the patient to determine those which are beneficial to them. The
patient then offers which medicines they would prefer to...