IHP435 Southern Hampshire MOD3 Quality Improvement in HC Organizations Essay

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Health Medical



Overview: This activity asks you to think about the methodologies used for performance improvement, how they are applied, their advantages and disadvantages, and how they can help address healthcare issues and improve performance. Prompt: Over the past three modules, you’ve explored a variety of performance improvement methodologies, such as lean and Six Sigma. To begin this activity, review, watch and read the required resources in Brightspace. Next, write a paper considering Six Sigma; Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA); and other performance-improvement methodologies by addressing the following elements:  What areas of healthcare can be affected by using the Lean Six Sigma method? The PDSA method? Other methodologies?  Why are patient safety, patient satisfaction, cost, and employee satisfaction important to healthcare quality?  Lean Six Sigma and PDSA are the two major methodologies covered in this module. Do you believe one has an advantage over the other? Explain why. How can these methodologies be used to address healthcare-related issues? Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be submitted as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references should be in APA style.

Resources to help with paper:

Video: Understanding PDSA Cycles (44:53)
The Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle is the process that promotes continual improvement and is shorthand for developing a plan to test the change (plan), carrying out the test (do), observing and learning from the consequences (study), and determining what modifications should be made to the test (act).

Video: Lean Six Sigma in Health Care (16:25)
This video provides an overview of lean management.

Library Article: Performance and Quality Improvement in Healthcare Organizations
This article provides an overview of quality in healthcare organization in relationship to service and relationships with patients.

Article: The Use of Lean and Six Sigma Methodologies in Surgery: A Systematic Review
This article provides a compilation of healthcare-based studies the used the Lean Six Sigma process to uncover quality opportunities. The information demonstrates the practical application of this method to the healthcare industry.

Webpage: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Directions and Examples

This webpage provides a step-by-step guide on working through the PDSA cycle.

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Explanation & Answer



PDSA and Six Sigma methods in healthcare practice
Institution Affiliation




Change is inevitable when improvement is required. There is always an aim to improve
on an idea or a project, spurs a need to develop a change. Therefore, measuring improvement to
gauge whether there is change is of the essence. Model for improvement is based on the
questions, such as what does one wants to accomplish? And how will one know that a change
brings an improvement, and what difference does one has to make to witness an improvement?
Therefore, there are several methods used for performance improvement. Plan-Do-Study-Act
(PDSA) and Six Sigma method are two notable methods that are applied to improve the
outcomes or performance in different entities, especially the healthcare service sector.
PDSA, used in healthcare, is a method that is used to learn quickly whether an
intervention can be performed in a specific setting to make necessary adjustments to enhance the
chances of delivering and sustaining desired improvements. It is important because...

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