CIN:400004459 September 24, 2019 BUS5026 Professor Drost
1.World economy is like a huge machine, everyday create billions of cash flow and capital.
‘Research on the existence and importance of a political business cycle has largely focused on
a select group of developed countries.’ When I doing research, I find out there are five different
level of country risk tier (CRT). USA and Norway belong to CRT-1, Saudi Arabia and China
belong to CRT-3, Brazil, India, Vietnam, Guatemala and Russia. Ghana is the only one country
in the CRT-5. To compare database from the risk report, the fast economy growth country is
India and Vietnam, the 2nd is China, the 3th is Ghana. The world economy is benefit for those
country in CRT-3. In the CRT-1 both USA and Norway is developed country, economy and
political are stable. Even economy grow slow, there are no chance to be negative. Different as
USA and Norway, developing country have more opportunity, risk and space.
Let’s look at 2019 index of economic freedom, USA reach the highest record since 2011. Which
means major regulatory destination is right and economy is growing stable. I put world(red),
Russia(blue), Brazil(yellow), China(gray) and India(pink) in to a graph, to see how is the world
economy affect those countries. We can see China and Russia have a huge jump during 2016
to 2017. According to China president Xi “China 2025”, a revolution of China economy.
“China 2025” is a program that update China’s manufacturing base by rapidly in 10 years.
Russia became the biggest beneficiary in this program, they use petroleum to exchange for
food and construction. At the same time, Brazil and India aren’t doing well. There is a common
problem that they have, which is corruption. Each president and major position of government
are trying to get as much as they can. It causes both country’s economy decrease straightly.
Guatemala also has huge corruption problem; the other important thing is political unstable.
New president Jimmy Morales promise to change medical, education and security, it doesn’t
CIN:400004459 September 24, 2019 BUS5026 Professor Drost
work well then. There are half of people in Guatemala below the national poverty line. It
became a big problem for president Jimmy to solve those problem. From the outside, Ghana is
a stable country, for domestic people, there is “long- running conflict between famers and
herders.” The most income for Ghana is diamond and oil, which is it will be affect by oil and
diamond’s price. It is a seriousness problem for Ghana. Like the most Asian country, Vietnam
is a communist dictatorship country. In 1986, Vietnam decide to focus on industry and
marketing economy. This strategy is similar to China, since both countries have low cost labor.
President Nguyen Tan Dung realize tourism and export are the advantage in the world. With
high inflation, Vietnam still have competitive advantage on those two areas. Saudi Arabia is a
absolute monarchy ruled by King Salman bin Abdulaziz Saud. Since they are the largest
exporter of petroleum and a leader in OPEC. Most of income is belong to government. Political
control most of capital, it accrues gap between rich and poor. Norway is the one of the world’s
most prosperous, there are 20% income comes from oil and gas export. Government deposited
most income into sovereign wealth fund, seek to balance the budget for government. USA is
the leader in the research and development. Even service account has 80% of GDP, the
government still proposition let free market control the market.
2. During the economy globalization, most country realize is time to release economy chains,
let free market control economy. This strategy has spread around except Asian area. China, a
country open half of market, those critical demand resources control by government. China
think if outside capital want inflow into China, should find a partner, it is call joint venture
enterprise. Government use price to control realty market to receive revenue. In 2018, Chinese
government decide to use tax replace realty become the major income. Vietnam, a country in
CIN:400004459 September 24, 2019 BUS5026 Professor Drost
Asian, can’t skip communist dictatorship, domestic people have to listen to government. Like
China, Vietnam use realty market to assimilate outside capital. But with the troubled armed
forces, only few cities can be chosen by major economy center. India has competitive
advantage in language, domestic people speak English. “Banking authorities in both China and
India have attempted to limit most forms of informal finance by regulating them, banning them,
and allowing certain types of microfinance institutions.” Russia’s economy base on his natural
gas and oil, government control those two things means control economy. But Russia’s
weakness is weather and capital. Occupation drugs and violence are words to describe
Guatemala. Each president seeks for more benefit, economy is hard to develop. Ghana
government encourages small area business better than large-scale business, since it is easy to
control. But ore resource in Ghana is limiting, force update again and again for those resource.
Occupation is a word repeat several times in Brazil, demotic looking for economic freedom.
Government seeks to benefit; it is hard to find a balance point for economy and political. Saudi
Arabia’s economy strategy is simple, control the oil means control everything. Those important
resource is already been control by royal people. Norway combine economy and political
together, political become a machine that work for economy. USA is the largest economy
system around the world, also is the country achieve free market goal. It owns the top
technology and science. Use those resource to develop economy.
Thorsten Beck, George Clarke, Alberto Groff, Philip Keefer, Patrick Walsh The World Bank
Economic Review, Volume 15, Issue 1, June 2001
Ghana’s economy index
KELLEE S. TSAI Imperfect substitutes: the local political economy of informal finance and
microfinance in rural China and India 01 June 2004
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