SO330 Park University US Drug policy questions

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Three postings are expected in every unit. Please try to answer a question which has not already been answered by a classmate. The postings must include:

    1. Use the readings in your answer.
    2. Include appropriate in-text citations, EX: (Milner, 2001, p.200).
    3. Reference in APA style.

This Unit's Discussion Topics

  1. What are the trends in youth crime rates? (You should draw upon both Males and Nichols and Good when answering this question.) What is Males’ argument about scapegoating youth? What role does race play in why youth are stereotyped?
  2. Explain the role of the media in distorting youth crime rates. Why does this distortion happen? Who benefits and who loses from this distortion? Explain how and why.
  3. What are the trends in adult crime rates? (You should draw upon both Males and Nichols and Good when answering this question.) Why don’t the media accurately report adult crime rates? Who benefits and who loses from this distortion? Explain how and why.
  4. Explain what Nichols and Good argue about creating pessimism about youth. Do you agree with what they argue? Has this week’s readings changed your views about youth? Why or why not?
  5. Nichols and Good discuss ways people can be more critical consumers of youth violence. What are they? Add at least one other strategy a sociologist would argue to encourage people to be more critical consumers of youth violence.
  6. Males goes on to discuss the mistakes made by criminologists. What are they?
  7. Males argues that teenage drug use is more responsible/less risky than adult drug use. What does he mean? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
  8. Should the US rethink its drug policy in general and with regard to teenagers in particular? Why or why not? What role does politics play in drug policy?
  9. Why are we inundated with stories of risk-taking behavior when so many more youth avoid them? What do Nichols and Good have to say about this issue? Do you agree with them? Defend your position.
  10. Nichols and Good discuss the mixed societal expectations associated with tobacco, alcohol and drug use. What do they say? Be specific. Do you agree that there are mixed messages? Defend your position.
  11. Nichols and Good discuss the type of anti-smoking campaigns that are most effective. What do they argue? Do you agree? Defend your position.

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Explanation & Answer

See attached:)


Running head: QUESTIONS

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The media is mostly biased when relaying news in relation to youth crime rates. Their
report on youth crimes is inflammatory and this is done intentionally (Nichols & Good, 2004,
p.88). The media tries to put it in such a way that youth crimes are out of control and thus it is no
longer safe for people to walk in dark alleys, which instills fear into the people. This form of
distortion occurs because despite people condemning youth crimes like serial murders, sexual
violence, an...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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