University of Florida Rules Application Four Questions

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University of Florida


1.Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.

I’m currently enrolled in pre-law which is under philosophy major. I believed I can handle the readiness provided by the university. Being a Pre -law student, which means reading sounds like a requirement for the major. I been reading through a lot of philosophy facts and some cases. 2.What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

Swimming was the talent.

I was part of the swimming team, back to the first two year of high school. I get up at 6am to catch up 6.30 morning practice. I only take Sunday off. I spent hundreds of hours in the gym and thousand of hours in the pool. I been watching Michael Phelps’ and Nathan Adrian’s meets video for motivations. I been dreaming about being a professional swimmer for years. I gave up swimming because injure….

3.Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

I was told by my doctor that they found an dark area on my lung, and there might be the signal of cancer.Since it was just a little dot, the doctor can’t tell if it is the worst situation I been worry about. I was taking certain medication to see if the medication can make the dot disappear to prove it is not cancer. I was mentally crashed in that Quarter, because ,besides waiting there was nothing I can do.I was having nightmare almost everyday.The sight of my Grandmother suffering from cancer can’t fate from my mind.(My grandmother passed way because of cancer). I been flying back to home a lot to check on the status the illness. Luckily, after 277 days the dot disappeared. I still believed that was my second birthday. I stared focusing on my academic work and improve my grades.

4.Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

I been through a lot of things, I believe I’m mentally prepared for most of things happened or going to happen in my life, because nothing can be more valuable than having a healthy body. I still working hard, I'm training myself as a professional swimmer everyday. I’m planning on making my dream come true at University of California.

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Application Questions
Institutional Affiliation



Question 1Upper-division Courses
I'm currently enrolled in pre-law, which is under philosophy major. I believed I could
handle the readiness provided by the university. Being a Pre-law student, which means reading
sounds like a requirement for the major? I have been reading through a lot of philosophy facts
and some cases. My passion for law has driven my concern to undertake upper-division courses
at the university level. With an increase in crimes, injustices, and misuse of power sparks my
readiness to succeed in my upper-division courses.
Consequently, my preparation and willingness to succeed entirely depend on my current
enrollment in a pre-law school that determines if I will be enrolled in upper-division courses at a
law school. Firstly, by taking all prerequisite courses needed for upper-division classes in law.
Furthermore, I have applied for internships to assist me to have hands-on experience in the
major. Besides, I visited the law school to get abreast with all the requirements. It was surprising
that I discovered there are several other Doctor of Law degrees apart from Juris Doctor Degree
(JD) which takes a three-year program to become a full lawyer. To adequately prepare for my
major, I also began to research on the internet to know what it takes to succeed, how are the
examinations in the upper-division instituted? What are the requirements to have scholarships
while taking such courses? And the admission scores for making a major in the upper-division
courses at the University of Law.
Additionally, I researched through my major, and I discovered that it is critically essential
to building contact as the key to succeed in my major profession. Besides, I had decided to
register for workshop programs before I enrolled in my major, which are related to law, current
constitution, and the country's Amendments. As a law, it is significant to be abreast of the
ongoing changes in the nation's constitution and laws regarding the criminal justice system.



Therefore, it is my prayer as I continue to prepare for my major that my readiness to succeed in
the upper-division course will not be for granted. I believe I can succeed.
My Greatest Talent Question 2
One of my most considerable talents is swimming. The reason why I developed an
interest in developing this talent for swimming is due to the occurrence of an accident that
happened to my school mate years ago while still in the lower class. It has not been a
comfortable journey to develop and become an expert in swimming and take athletic
competitions in high school. However, as they say, a thousand miles begins with a simple step. I
don't know how I become found of swimming because as I grew up, one of my greatest fear was
water. My parents never took me to see the ocean due to my phobia issue that arises when I see
such a large water body mass.
Consequently, after the death of my classmate after drowning in water, it changed my
perception and attitude towards water. Therefore, to begin training, I joined the swimming team
at my school in pre-school. Later, I was part of the swimming team, back to the first two years of
high school. I began to take exercise every evening after school.
Additionally, I used to get up at 6 am to catch up at 6.30-morning practice. I only take
Sunday off. Besides that, I focused my attention on other mentors such as Ferry Weertman,
Libby Trickett, Stephanie Rice, and Michael Phelps, among others. Through such mentors, I got
inspired by their way of practicing, motivational quotes, commitment, and passion for
succeeding in the Olympic Swimming Athletes.
Additionally, I ...

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