Diablo Valley College States of Consciousness Discussion

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Diablo Valley College


States of Consciousness Discussion

  1. Use the information in the short videos provided below to answer the following question -  Researchers believe that one important function of sleep is to facilitate learning and memory. How does knowing this help you in your college studies? What changes could you make to your study and sleep habits to maximize your mastery of the material covered in your courses?
    1. https://science360.gov/obj/video/1bdb1ef6-8a9c-4c06-b8f3-5f6045daf859/connection-between-sleep-memory (Links to an external site.) 
    2. Top 5 Sleep Tips for College Students? (Links to an external site.)  https://youtu.be/BajTwCkEPGI
  2. Many people experiment with some sort of psychoactive substance at some point in their lives. Why do you think people are motivated to use substances that alter consciousness?

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Knowing how important sleep is for learning and memory can be useful for college students. Sometimes people just do not understand that good sleep will help them in their day-to-day activities. It is often seen that you should get a good night’s sleep, but do not have to. Also, some people, for instance, college students, do not have a lot of time and are cramming as many things as they can into their days, and putting sleep second to everything. Researchers have found a connection between memory and sleep. People might be able to boost how much they remember while they sleep. Researchers have found that Slow Wave Sleep is important for some kinds of memory. Slow Wave Sleep is the deepest kind of sleep. If college students would get enough sleep it would improve their ability to learn and retain information, which would improve their academic scores. Also, getting enough sleep would lower the amount of stress that college students are under, by giving their body time to rest. Personally, I already knew that sleep is super important, so after watching the videos it did not change much. But watching the videos was a good reminder. I do not always get enough sleep, especially on the nights before I have college classes, which is not good. Some of it could be fixed with better time management, while some of it is just part of going to college

I think that people may be interested in psychoactive substances because they are something that you cannot fully understand without experiencing it. People can read about psychoactive substances all day long but would not personally know how they alter consciousness. Most people have tried a psychoactive substance, caffeine. Caffeine is one of the milder psychoactive substances, but is still one, nonetheless. Caffeine can be useful for people getting through the day, probably because people already do not get enough sleep, so caffeine helps to “wake them up”. Caffeine is the only psychoactive substance that I have personally tried, so I don’t have much experience with psychoactive substances.

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States of Consciousness Discussion
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States of Consciousness Discussion
It is essential to note that the quantity, as well as quality of sleep, have a profound impact
on memory and learning. As researchers state, one significant function of sleep is to facilitate
learning as well as memory. Being aware of such knowledge will help me to improve
performance in my college studies. As students, we sometimes tend to cram before a test by
staying ...

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