Review Movie Hotel Rwanda, communications homework help

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Sarsur 1 Hotel Rwanda Movie review PLEASE read 1 and 2 chapters and answer these questions: 3. Pick two vocabularies from Chapter 1 and explain how they relate to TWO scene(s) in the movie. 4. Pick two vocabularies from Chapter 2 and explain how they relate to TWO scene(s) in the movie. 5. Based on figure 1.1- please mention which part of the movie that shows the underlying culture pattern (meaning, norm, beliefs, or value) that was not recognized but became revealed based on a certain situation. My teacher gave me the feedback; Sarsur 2 Sarsur 3 1. The movie depicts a historic event that took place in Rwanda and shows what happened between two communities that fought. It relates to what happens in many African countries such as, tribal disputes, corruption, violence and political instability. It is a reflection of what happens in many African countries whereby there were a lot of ethnic tensions especially around the elections time. The movie serves as good lesson to the leaders who always condone violence as it shows the results of such violence and the negative effects that come with it. It is also good movies since it is based on true events and so people can relate to it. 2. The main conflict in this movie is the ethnic tension that is created between the two communities living in Rwanda which is the Hutu and the Tutsi people which creates a sort of tension between the two tribes and eventually lead to war where what is seen is powerful people siding with their tribe and hence dealing in corruption. Paul, who is a Hutu, marries a Tutsi wife and they live a happy life together with their children. Tutsi is a minority group and as a result, they lack the same power that the Hutu have over them, and when the Hutu military forces decide to swipe clean the Tutsi, Paul is forced to help them since they are his wife’s community and he loves them. Throughout the whole movie, ethnicity plays a key role and the negative effects that come with it are shown and to counter that, the movie teaches on the Sarsur 4 positive effects that come with not being in an ethnic conflict which is shown by Paul who intermarries and is therefore connected to the minority community. 3. 1.1 TRIBAL DISPUTES.As the two communities have been living with violence, the minority being affected mostly when it came to fights, there had to be unresolved issues between the communities. When the president was assassinated in the movie, it escalated the tribal disputes that were there, which led to the beginning of the genocide. The Tutsi people are forced to flee to the neighboring countries as refugees and Paul, being as affected because of his wife and kids is forced to help the Tutsi. 1.2 CORRUPTION. In the movie, when the genocide begins, Paul helps shelter the Tutsi by bribing the Rwandan army officers, (with alcohol and money) who frequent the hotel bar and the local businessmen with whom he deals. 4. 2.1 POWER. The Hutu have a lot of power over the Tutsi and they use their power in dictating their country and running it, by their rules. In the movie, power can be seen when the president, who was a Hutu was killed and the blame was thrown to the Tutsi, hence, organization of the Hutu militia to fight the Tutsi and leading to a lot of the Tutsi being homeless, refugees and others dead. 2.2 LOVE. Paul has a lot of love for his wife who is a Tutsi, his children who are mixed and the Tutsi community at large. It is shown in the movie when he helps shelter the Tutsi when the genocide began and would do anything to protect them even if it meant putting his own life in danger. Sarsur 5 5. Tribal disputes is seen in the movie, when the president is assassinated and the first reaction that is seen by the Hutu people, blaming the death on the Tutsi without confirming if they are right or wrong. Tribal disputes are again seen throughout the movie when the Tutsi are fought by the Hutu and being made to flee. In the movie, the army would want to know if a person was a Hutu of a Tutsi before they were killed and every Hutu would be spared. 6. Power plays a very key role in the movie. Taking the top down effect, power can be seen to be hold by the people at the top of the government or society for that matter. The army officers, have the power to start a fight and initiate the genocide while the normal citizens do not have a say. The rich people in the society also have more power in the movie. Paul, for instance, had the power to save the Tutsi people and shelter them. He had the power and capability to bribe the army officers, something that would be difficult for any other common person to do. 7. Individualism is manifested, mainly by the main character in the movie who owns a hotel and uses the hotel to shelter the minority tribe without seeking help from other business owners for help to shelter people, even when the hotel was full to the brim. All he cared about was his individual effort in helping the people being fought. Collectivism can also be seen in the movie when the Hutu military forces try to fight the Tutsi people together. They formed their own militia after the assassination of the president and worked in togetherness, though not for a good cause, to destroy and kill the Tutsi. 8. Yes, I have been in an experience similar to some of the scenes shown in the movie. I was in a country where there was post-election violence and this was as result of rigging of the votes and declaring a president that had not been favored, a winner. The people from the tribe of the president that was announced faced a lot of backlash from the other communities and it created some tension for some hours until the president was sworn in. After the swearing in ceremony, which had been rushed, the people from the then sworn president faced the wrath of the other Sarsur 6 communities and they were fought and chased away from their lands. Their house and property was burnt down and some people were killed in the process. This went on for at least two months until the UN and the neighboring countries stepped in and came to intervene. The similarities that were there that were in the movie were corruption, where the votes were rigged and a different candidate was announced to be a winner. The rich people from the president’s community that were being fought bribed those who were burning houses down to spare their property. Love was also similar in that, there were families that had intermarried from the community being fought and they were sheltered by their relatives. Therefore, I have never experienced this before just saw what the world was going on and wanted the world to be a peaceful place.
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