Text Questions Unit 2: The Elements and Principles of Art

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Text Questions

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The answers to the Text Questions are worth 10 points.

Unit 2 Text       Questions

Review Questions

What are positive and negative space?

Identify and describe the three different types of balance in artwork.

What is proportion?

What is “hue”? How can hue affect artwork?

What is balance in art work?

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Choose  one of the pieces of art from the unit. Identify at least three  elements or principles of art that are present. Discuss how these three  elements or principles are used in the artwork. Why does the artist  include them?
  2. Imagine that you want to create an artwork that  creates a sense of peacefulness. How could you use the elements or  principles of art to create this?
  3. Choose one type of artwork (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) and describe how you could add texture to this type of artwork.
  4. Choose  one piece of artwork from the unit. What type of balance does the  artwork have? How does this balance affect the feeling or mood of the  artwork?
  5. How can artists create a sense of movement in a piece of artwork?

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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: Elements and principles of art



Elements and principles of art


What are positive and negative spaces?

Positive space is a term used to refer to the subject of a piece of art. The subject is
usually the area of interest that the artist wants the audience to focus on. On the other hand,
negative space is a term that describes the area surrounding the subject in a piece of art.
Negative space can also be said to be the background in the composition. Different people
may view the same painting and have different positive and negative spaces depending on
how they understand the picture. Positive and negative spaces are used to create balance
and rhythm in pieces of art.


Identify and describe the three different types of balance in artwork.

Symmetrical balance is the first type of balance applied in pieces of art. This type
of balance is created when one side of the artwork mirrors the other side when a person
draws a central axis either horizontally or vertically. This type of balance makes artwork
appear boring, dull and forced. Asymmetrical balance is the second type used in art works.
This type of balance employs contrast to make elements with different visual weights, on
each side of the artwork, appear balanced. Artworks made with asymmetrical balance are
more interesting to look at and appear less formal or forced. The third type of balance
employed in an artwork is a radial balance. In radial balance, the elements seem to
originate from a central point. This type of balance is useful, especially when artists want
to draw the attention of the audience towards the center of the artwork.


Elements and...

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