500-1000 words about the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Movie.

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De Anza College


The thesis that I chose are the magic events in Hogwarts and the good music that they used. We have written the thesis like this. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is both attractive and vivid movie because the magic events in Hogwarts and the director used the good music on this movie. Or you can create the thesis and write the whole essay. That depends on you and pick your own thesis.

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DEVELOP YOUR ARGUMENT • Now we begin the body paragraphs. Look at your thesis. You should have two major points. Pick the one you will discuss first. • Once you decide on the Point for your first body paragraph, write your topic sentence. Then provide a bit of context for your support. • You support your point with an Illustration; that is, provide the reader evidence via examples, paraphrase, or summary. You may also quote lines if you believe that will support your assertion. • Finally, Explain any illustrations that readers might not understand perfectly. Show how the illustration supports your main point. What itis TRANSITION . You must write a transition at the end of your first paragraph to connect it to the second paragraph. This transition will depend on how your paragraphs are related but here are a couple of examples: • While the special effects are quite impressive, they are not the only aspect of the movie that makes it great. • While the special effects leave viewers wanting more, the film is redeemed through a great story line and terrific acting. START YOUR NEXT PARAGRAPH WITH A TOPIC SENTENCE BASED ON YOUR SECOND POINT Present your next point by connecting your statement to criteria on which it is based. In this case, it will be one of the three we discussed earlier: casting and acting, story line, or special effects. Once you decide on the point for your second body paragraph, support your point with an Illustration; that is, examples, paraphrase, or summary. You may also quote lines if you believe that will support your assertion. Finally, explain any support that readers might not understand perfectly. Now, to make your paragraph more sophisticated, or even just a bit longer, you can choose a second illustration to support that same topic sentence point. • Don't forget to explain your second example • Don't forget a transition or culminating sentence. . Review: Paragraph Format: Well-developed version P: Make your point in your topic sentence. (This point should connect directly to your thesis). 1: Provide information/illustration (example, quotation, summary) E: Explain how the information/illustration supports your point in your topic sentence. 1: Provide another piece of information or an illustration to support your point. E: Explain how that information supports your point. T: Write a sentence to transition to the next paragraph STRATEGIES FOR WRITING A CONCLUSION Conclusions are often the most difficult part of an essay to write, and many writers feel that they have nothing left to say after having written the paper. A writer needs to keep in mind that the conclusion is often what a reader remembers best. Your conclusion should be the best part of your paper. A conclusion should stress the importance of the thesis statement, give the essay a sense of completeness, and leave a final impression on the reader. 0
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s marked the first installment of one of the most successful
movie franchises in box office story. Bringing the movie to the big screen was a daunting
undertaking since a lot of things could do wrong. However, the adaptation was, however, very
well done and did justice to the novel. This movie was somehow able to create an adventure
movie for younger viewers that successfully balanced colorful and eccentric characters with
scary and realistic threats. A faithful adaptation of the book is, therefore, one of the reasons that
make this movie so good, this is because the film marked the first time the huge fan base would
be able to see the characters they had imagined in their heads while reading the books. With this
in mind, the movie takes its time in setting up the characters ...

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