"Factors in Accepting a Case", sociology homework help

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Decision-making process through collegial contact between judges. Provide a rationale for your response.
Describe the effects of the collegial process in forming a judge’s personal opinion on an issue. Suggest at least two (2) effects that power and prestige have on a judge when an outcome of a case is being determined. Provide a rationale for your response.
Compare and contrast two (2) of the four (4) theories that influence acceptance of a case for appeal, as discussed in Chapter 13 of the text. Identify the theories that you believe are the most effective during the appeals process at increasing the likelihood that an appeal would be granted. Provide a rationale in your response.
Imagine that you are a newly hired lawyer to a local law firm. An upset client has asked you to meet to discuss the fact that the court will not hear her case. Prepare a response for your client in which you illustrate the use of cue theory as an effective means of case handling. Provide a rationale in your response.

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