USF Approaching a Stakeholders Argument Through Visual Analysis Essay

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Hi, please read the description thoroughly and answer the questions in the table. you can copy the table and fill it in with information you gain. After that write 200 words explaining the information you gained . The topic is Climate change and my stakeholder is NATIONAL CENTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH . here is the link of the stakeholder( .... Once you get in the website you will find a pdf, enter it and choose two images related to the topic and just follow the process here. thanks


Begin by selecting an organization (stakeholder) that is engaged in the controversial issue you researched in Project 1. Explore the stakeholder’s goals that encompass its interests, missions, and message. Find two specific images created by the stakeholder. The stakeholder you identify may present these images via advertisements, Public Service Announcements, flyers, billboards, or on its website. Images may be static (still) or dynamic (literal movement) or a combination of both. If you choose a dynamic image, you must be able to take a clear screen shot of the image. Start thinking about how the organization’s two images might reflect its goals and argument. Respond to the following critical examination questions.


  1. Choose one stakeholder from Project 1 as your focus for Project 2 and locate two of the stakeholder’s images (either static or dynamic), which represent the stakeholder’s goals. Include a description of the images.
  2. Look at both of your images and consider their rhetorical situation. What are their purposes or goals, how are the images conveying and supporting these purposes or goals, and what audiences are the images trying to reach with their messages? Please include specific details about both images that help you answer the questions.
  3. Reflect on how your images are created to convey the stakeholder’s goal. How do the visual design principles of the image, including the colors, text, and pictures (and whatever other design principles you recognize), work together to persuade the audience to agree with the stakeholder’s message?
  4. Think about your images in terms of ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos. Identify elements of each rhetorical appeal in both of your images.

That's the table:

Rhetorical Appeal

Image 1

Image 2

Appeal to Logos: How does the stakeholder use reason and logic in the image to appeal to its audience? Point to specific details.

Appeal to Pathos: What ways does the stakeholder appeal to its audience’s emotion through the image? Point to specific details.

Appeal to Ethos: How does the stakeholder use credibility, reputation, and/or morality appeals in the image to persuade its audience? Point to specific details.

Appeal to Kairos: In what ways might the stakeholder use an appeal to timeliness to influence its audience? Point to specific details.

  1. Using the information you have accumulated so far, explain how the two images you have chosen support the goals of the stakeholder organization. Your answer should be at least 200 words.
  2. Take a screen shot of your two images and paste your two images here

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Explanation & Answer




Approaching a Stakeholder’s Argument through Visual Analysis

Student Name
Institutional Affiliation

Topic: Climate Change. Stakeholder: National Center of Environmental Health
Image 1

Image 2




Image one above shows an assistant helping an emergency work in wearing a gas mask
and other protective gear that is supposed to protect him in a polluted or contaminated area. The
second image portrays the release of toxic gases directly into the environment. The second im...

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