ENEE4999 Mount St Mary University Fiber Transport Design Project

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ENEE 4999 Communication Networks - Fall 2019 Assignment #2: Fiber Transport Design Due: 10/07/2019 Background One 10 gigabit Ethernet connection is required between Site A and Site D and another 10 gigabit Ethernet connection is required between Site A and Site E (see Figure 1). Site D Site B Site A 30km 2 free fiber pairs Site C X km 2 free fiber pairs 20km Site E rd 3 Party Fiber Each pair costs $ Y km 2 free fiber pairs Figure 1. Site Topology Site A is connected to Site B by a fiber bundle with 2 unused pairs of fiber. Site B is connected to Site C by a fiber bundle with 2 unused pairs of fiber, but the fiber is owned by a 3rd party and must be leased for a cost: Dark Fiber Leasing Up Front One-Time Cost Annual Maintenance $500 per km per pair $100 per km per pair per year Site C connects to both Sites D and E with fiber bundles with a single unused pair to between each site. The distance between Sites C and D and Sites C and E are determined by the following equations, where X and Y are the first and second digits of your UTCID (abcXYZ): Dcd = (X/2 + 10) km Dce = (Y/3 + 25) km 1 ENEE 4999 Communication Networks - Fall 2019 Fiber losses are given in the table below. Fiber Losses Fiber @ 1310 nm Fiber @ 1500-1600nm Connector (one per SFP or amplifier) Splice (assume one splice every 5 km) Loss 0.5 dB/km 0.2 dB/km 0.5 dB 0.2 dB Requirements You are to design the least cost solution assuming a design lifetime of 5 years. You will select the appropriate SFPs for the routers at Sites A, D, and E. Also, at each intermediate location (Sites B, C, and D) the fibers must be spliced together or an amplifier installed, depending on the losses incurred in the fiber. Amplifiers will add 20 dB of power to the input signal, but also introduce some noise. For the purposes of this assignment you may ignore the noise. Amplifiers can increase the power in both directions. Finally, you have sufficient pairs of fibers to make the connections, but to avoiding having to lease two pairs of fibers between Sites B and C, you may opt to install a Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) system at the endpoints to send both 10 gigabit Ethernet connections over the same pair of fibers, just using different wavelengths of light. DWDM systems use prisms to combine different wavelengths together on a single fiber. The particular model available for use in this assignment can combine four different wavelengths together. Passive DWDM systems, like the one available to you, require special SFPs in the connected devices that send narrow band light at a specific wavelength. These narrow band SFPs are more expensive than generic wide band SFPs. 2 ENEE 4999 Communication Networks - Fall 2019 Deliverables Two files must be submitted via Canvas by the deadline: (1) A brief, one-page write-up describing your design solution and why you made the choices you did (DWDM vs lease more fiber, amplifiers vs splice through). (2) Completion of the “Assignment 2 – Solution” Excel spreadsheet. Fill in the yellow shaded cells. You may add equations to the spreadsheet to complete some of the cells for you. Resources You are free to use any of the items in the parts list below. Description Part Number Unit Cost Xmit Pwr (dBm) Rcv Min (dBm) Wavelength (nm) Cisco 4-Channel Passive DWDM 15216-FLD-4-30.3 $2,936 Narrow Band 10G SFP DWDM-SFP10G30.33 $5,440 3 -17 1530.33 Narrow Band 10G SFP DWDM-SFP10G31.12 $5,440 3 -17 1531.12 Wide Band 10G SFP Long Reach SFP-10G-LR $2,876 0.5 -14 1310 Wide Band 10G SFP Longer Reach SFP-10G-ER $4,110 4 -16 1550 Wide Band 10G SFP Longest Reach SFP-10G-ZR $8,567 -24 1550 EDFA amplifier PL-1000IL $5,980 4 adds 20dB -17 1300-1600 3 ENEE 4999 Assignment 2 Site A Fiber Span A-B 10G to Site D Transmit Power (dBm) Received Power (dBm) SFP Part # 10G to Site E Transmit Power (dBm) Received Power (dBm) SFP Part # Bill of Materials Item Length (km) Losses (dB) Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Sum of all equipment and leasing costs across all sites LEASED Site B 10G between A and D Xmit Pwr to Site A (dBm) Rcv Pwr from Site A (dBm) Xmit Pwr to Site C (dBm) Rcv Pwr from Site C (dBm) Amplifier or Splice? 10G between A and E Xmit Pwr to Site A (dBm) Rcv Pwr from Site A (dBm) Xmit Pwr to Site C (dBm) Rcv Pwr from Site C (dBm) Amplifier or Splice? Bill of Materials Item Fiber Span B-C Length (km) Losses (dB) # of fiber pairs leased 5 year total cost ($) Cost ($) Site C 10G between A and D Xmit Pwr to Site B (dBm) Rcv Pwr from Site B (dBm) Xmit Pwr to Site D (dBm) Rcv Pwr from Site D (dBm) Amplifier or Splice? 10G between A and E Xmit Pwr to Site B (dBm) Rcv Pwr from Site B (dBm) Xmit Pwr to Site E (dBm) Rcv Pwr from Site E (dBm) Amplifier or Splice? Bill of Materials Item Fiber Span C-D Length (km) Losses (dB) Fiber Span C-E Length (km) Losses (dB) Cost ($) Site D 10G to Site A Transmit Power (dBm) Received Power (dBm) SFP Part # Bill of Materials Item Site E 10G to Site A Transmit Power (dBm) Received Power (dBm) SFP Part # Bill of Materials Item Site D Cost ($) Site E Cost ($) ENEE 4999 Communication Networks - Fall 2019 Assignment #2: Fiber Transport Design Due: 10/07/2019 Background One 10 gigabit Ethernet connection is required between Site A and Site D and another 10 gigabit Ethernet connection is required between Site A and Site E (see Figure 1). Site D Site B Site A 30km 2 free fiber pairs Site C X km 2 free fiber pairs 20km Site E rd 3 Party Fiber Each pair costs $ Y km 2 free fiber pairs Figure 1. Site Topology Site A is connected to Site B by a fiber bundle with 2 unused pairs of fiber. Site B is connected to Site C by a fiber bundle with 2 unused pairs of fiber, but the fiber is owned by a 3rd party and must be leased for a cost: Dark Fiber Leasing Up Front One-Time Cost Annual Maintenance $500 per km per pair $100 per km per pair per year Site C connects to both Sites D and E with fiber bundles with a single unused pair to between each site. The distance between Sites C and D and Sites C and E are determined by the following equations, where X and Y are the first and second digits of your UTCID (abcXYZ): Dcd = (X/2 + 10) km Dce = (Y/3 + 25) km 1 ENEE 4999 Communication Networks - Fall 2019 Fiber losses are given in the table below. Fiber Losses Fiber @ 1310 nm Fiber @ 1500-1600nm Connector (one per SFP or amplifier) Splice (assume one splice every 5 km) Loss 0.5 dB/km 0.2 dB/km 0.5 dB 0.2 dB Requirements You are to design the least cost solution assuming a design lifetime of 5 years. You will select the appropriate SFPs for the routers at Sites A, D, and E. Also, at each intermediate location (Sites B, C, and D) the fibers must be spliced together or an amplifier installed, depending on the losses incurred in the fiber. Amplifiers will add 20 dB of power to the input signal, but also introduce some noise. For the purposes of this assignment you may ignore the noise. Amplifiers can increase the power in both directions. Finally, you have sufficient pairs of fibers to make the connections, but to avoiding having to lease two pairs of fibers between Sites B and C, you may opt to install a Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) system at the endpoints to send both 10 gigabit Ethernet connections over the same pair of fibers, just using different wavelengths of light. DWDM systems use prisms to combine different wavelengths together on a single fiber. The particular model available for use in this assignment can combine four different wavelengths together. Passive DWDM systems, like the one available to you, require special SFPs in the connected devices that send narrow band light at a specific wavelength. These narrow band SFPs are more expensive than generic wide band SFPs. 2 ENEE 4999 Communication Networks - Fall 2019 Deliverables Two files must be submitted via Canvas by the deadline: (1) A brief, one-page write-up describing your design solution and why you made the choices you did (DWDM vs lease more fiber, amplifiers vs splice through). (2) Completion of the “Assignment 2 – Solution” Excel spreadsheet. Fill in the yellow shaded cells. You may add equations to the spreadsheet to complete some of the cells for you. Resources You are free to use any of the items in the parts list below. Description Part Number Unit Cost Xmit Pwr (dBm) Rcv Min (dBm) Wavelength (nm) Cisco 4-Channel Passive DWDM 15216-FLD-4-30.3 $2,936 Narrow Band 10G SFP DWDM-SFP10G30.33 $5,440 3 -17 1530.33 Narrow Band 10G SFP DWDM-SFP10G31.12 $5,440 3 -17 1531.12 Wide Band 10G SFP Long Reach SFP-10G-LR $2,876 0.5 -14 1310 Wide Band 10G SFP Longer Reach SFP-10G-ER $4,110 4 -16 1550 Wide Band 10G SFP Longest Reach SFP-10G-ZR $8,567 -24 1550 EDFA amplifier PL-1000IL $5,980 4 adds 20dB -17 1300-1600 3 • A brief, one-page write-up describing your design solution and why you made the choices you did (DWDM vs lease more fiber, amplifiers vs splice through). Completion of the “Assignment 2 - Solution" Excel spreadsheet. Fill in the yellow shaded cells. You may add equations to the spreadsheet to complete some of the cells for you.
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hey buddy. i am sending the task in a few



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