CS 4445 Troy University Data communication and Networking Questions

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Computer Science


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Problem #1 Please DTP (Draw The Picture) and submit as Word Document or Visio file to me by email at davery44637@troy.edu by Friday October 11th, 2019 no later than 11:55 P.M. CST Worth 25 Points: Chapter 5: Please use Page 152 – 160 as a reference: You will create a design for an Ethernet network connecting four buildings in an industrial park. Hand in a picture showing your network. There will be a core switch in each building. Building A is the headquarters building. Building B is 85 meters south and 90 meters east of the headquarters building. A line will run directly from Building A to Building B. Building C is 150 meters south of the headquarters building. A line will run directly from Building A to Building C. Building D is 60 meters west of Building C. A line will run directly from Building C to Building D. Computers in Building A need to communicate with computers in Building B at 600 Mbps. Computers in Building A need to be able to communicate with computers in Building C at 1 Gbps. Computers in Building A must communicate with computers in Building D at 500 Mbps. Computers in Building C must communicate with computers in Building D at 750 Mbps. a) Draw a picture of the situation. b) Determine the traffic volume on each transmission line. Explain your answers. First, show all of the traffic between pairs of sites: Second, add up the traffic for each line. c) Determine what standard to use for each transmission line. Explain your answers. If the distance is more than 100 meters, use fiber; if it is 100 meters or less, select UTP. Then, select the lowest-speed standard (including bonding) sufficient to handle the traffic. Problem #2 Please do Problem 9-3 Parts: A – E on page 320: Please show ALL Work for full credit Submit as Word Document to me by email at davery44637@troy.edu by Friday October 11th, 2019 no later than 11:55 P.M. CST Worth 25 Points: **Please submit your network drawing and Chapter 9 as one document together !!
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Explanation & Answer




Network Design



Network Design

Network Diagram


Since the distance Between A and C = 150 m

The distance between C and D = 60 m

Distance between A and B is defined in AB.

Using Pythagoras Theorem


Network Design


For building A and building B, it is 163 meters

After the computations above, the distance from building A to building D is as given below

From the calculations, the 162 m

b). The network traffic refers to the amount of data that move in a network at a given time,
the network data at a given time. The volume of data transferred at times when dependent on the
data being t...

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