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Running head: FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT Functional Behavioral Assessment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 2 Functional Behavioral Assessment Observations Made On the Student Thomas William is a 14-year-old male student in tenth grade at St Andrews High school. The boy lives with his parents, Kathleen and James William and one male sibling. Thomas has strengths such enthusiasm, dedication to tasks assigned and respective while interacting with adults. Just like any other person living with ASD, Thomas presents noncompliance behaviors that often conflicts with school regulations. He exhibits emotional outbursts that have resulted in removal from class. According to her teacher, his behavior and frequent removal from class are affecting his academic performance. Regarding Thomas current state, functional behavior analysis is essential to contribute to effective interventions. The FBA is needed to determine the function of Thomas behavior and suggest and plan that can change the target behavior in the desired direction. Target Behavior That Requires Intervention and a Rationale for Changing the Behavior After close follow up on Thomas behavior that got my attention, I learned that he was referred for specialized education and services since he was seven years old due to unusual behavior and academic concerns. Thomas' previous history shows that he was struggling academically. More so, he presents noncompliant behavior by ignoring the teacher and other people’s requests. For instances, he ignores commands from his instructor and fails to submit assignments. After a short while, he started exhibiting emotional outbursts that disrupt his attention to learning. Implications Of Target Behavior To The Student, Peers, And Family FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 3 The noncompliance behavior not only affects Thomas well-being but also has multiple impacts on peer and family members as well. Firstly, while at home with the family members, Thomas engages in self-injurious behavior and disrupts everyone. Additionally, he’s so violent when forced to do something. Thomas' disruptive behavior is inappropriate for other students and peers. He has developed a tendency to hit other peers and students in his class. This behavior inflicts fears and interrupts required learning environment. For instance, during the learning, Thomas can walk away from his desk start beating other students or taking their items. Operational Definitions of Both the Targeted and Replacement Behaviors That Are Observable and Measurable The targeted behavior observed in the Thomas case is noncompliance and disruptive elements that affect his learning process and social skills. Precisely, noncompliance behavior is behavior typical to children with ASD (Fernandes & Amato, 2013). The onset of the problem is observed and measure when a child fails to complete or follow the instruction given by the teacher or a member of the family (FRANK PORTER GRAHAM CHILD DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, n.d). Factors like lack of motivation to comply may lead to noncompliance behavior. Moreover, disruptive is the replacement of unwanted target behavior observed in Thomas. Ideally, disruptive behavior is a problem seen in children who disrupt people and activities while in school, at home and peers. Assessment Tool Used To Collect Data FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 4 While selecting assessing tool for the student's behavior to identify problems and issues affecting their daily activities, I will use tool quantify observation from the student's natural environment. Additionally, I will use a checklist which is a form of a questionnaire for teacher and parent to answer questions. The behavioral assessment tool will crucial to allow teacher and parents to report issues influencing children social behavior and emotional problems. The assessment tool will incorporate education interview targeting student, parent, and teacher. Additionally, it will capture observational data. The tool will focus on child behavior in a specific setting such as school. FBA Data table FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 5 Target Date/ time/ Antecedent to Frequency / Consequences of the behavior place of the the behavior duration/ behavior behavior Thomas will talk and 27/3/2019 ignore latency Teacher place Every time The often repeats demands on during the instructions while asking Thomas while class lesson Thomas to comply with her 11.00 A.M teachers’ instructions. in classroom demands Venues: classroom The teacher 26/3/2019 Thomas Every time Teacher shift attention to decides to 11.00 A.M replies by during the Thomas and asking him to saying he class lesson stop request him to turn his change the Venues: class activity. does not have classroom She requests his study Thomas to guide and turn in for walks away to warm up and peers take his study arms up FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 6 guide. For review Teacher 26/3/2019 Thomas Every time Teacher concentrates on the proceeds and 2:00 P.M decides not to during the class and ignores Thomas follow class lesson remark made by Thomas give Thomas Venues: study guide instructions classroom and ask him to and throws his fill correct paper on the answers as the desk "it's all class review the same the guide. whether I do it or not." The whole 27/3/2019 Thomas Every time Teacher ask Thomas to start to review 3.00 P.M disrupt peers during the remain quiet while other by talking to class lesson student progress with the the study Venues: guide them as the review and only speak when teacher guides answering class questions classroom the lesson During art 27/3/2019 Thomas Every time Thomas shows his formed class, Thomas 11.00 A.M cooperates to during the and stored to be used during work on the class lesson the next class is given FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 7 materials to Venues: activity do work with classroom without disrupting class activities Algebra 1 class 27/3/2019 12.00 Noon Thomas is Every time As the class lesson busy talking during the progresses, Thomas to peers and class lesson continues talking and does Venues: does not Teacher not focus on the assignment classroom bother to requests class comply with to get out their demands assignment for checking Emerging Patterns From R Analysis Of The Data The data record from observations made on Thomas' behaviors proves beyond reasonable doubt that he developed noncompliance behavior that has significant impact on his social life, especially learning. It is clear that Thomas does not concentrate on certain demands. Data show evidence of behavior that selects stimuli. For instance, Thomas cooperates during art class compared to Algebra class. The behavior has become influential enable of negative attitude toward the teacher and specific lessons. The target behavior makes his nuisance to the peer and another student during the class. The combination of non-compliance and disruptive behavior FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 8 has a negative implication of academic performance. Talking to other students and walking during the class session also disrupts Thomas attention to focus on tasks given by the teacher. A Hypothesis Supporting Reasons Occurrence Of Target Behavior The best explanation of the reason why target behavior is observed in the student can be based on assumptions. Regarding Functional Behavior Assessment that identified specific target behaviors, factor and purpose that maintain behavior that interferes Thomas education process, data collected about the target behavior will is used develop a hypothesis on why he presents such kind of behavior. The process of concluding may difficult because the behavior is usually intertwined with other behaviors. More so, the motivation for the behavior may be complex. Further, in Thomas case, can explain concerning autism developmental problem that limits his communication abilities and social skills (Fernandes & Amato, 2013). The behavior emerges as he tries to attract attention from peer and family members. Additionally, the inabilities to cope with the tiring class session make him aggressive. He eventually, divert his frustrations to another student by disrupting class activities. Details on Data Collected During the Intervention Phase The surveys will be conducted during follow up to record observations on whether the replacement behavior is effective to change negative social behavior. During the intervention phase, FBA procedures will be used to assess variable associated with target behavior to identify if the response will improve his education needs (Palmieri, 2015). Further, indirect interviews and questionnaire will be used to collect improvement report from the teacher and his parents. FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 9 References Fernandes, F. D. M., & Amato, C. A. D. L. H. (2013). Applied behavior analysis and autism spectrum disorders: literature review. In CoDAS (Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 289-296). Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia. FRANK PORTER GRAHAM CHILD DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE. (n.d.). National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder | Autism PDC. Retrieved from Palmieri, M. (2015). Functional Behavior Assessment. Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1357-1358. Specific Intervention Plan: Guide to Establishing Priorities Ruth Aspy, Ph.D., and Barry G. Grossman, Ph.D. INSTRUCTIONS: Use the ABC-I when designing an intervention to address specific behavioral concerns. Complete the questionnaire below. Transfer information to the ABC-I form (using the numbers as a guide) and to the Ziggurat Worksheet as indicated. Once the information has been transferred to the Ziggurat Worksheet, develop interventions for each level of the Ziggurat and ensure that the intervention is complete (5 levels, 3 points, addresses underlying needs). Behavior What specific behavior is of greatest concern? Non -compliance student behavior _ Transfer behavior to the top of the ABC-I  and to the upper left corner of the Ziggurat Worksheet Next to the icon, describe the behavior in observable, measurable terms. Talking during class sessions ignore teacher’s instruction Refuse to submit his assignment Concentrate during art class During algebra class, he doesn’t bother to comply with demands  Place observable, measurable behavior descriptions next to theicon on the ABC-I  and on the Ziggurat Worksheet Antecedent When and where does the behavior occur? List what is happening at the time or just before. • • Teacher place specific demands Disrupts other students • • Busy talking to other students Throw his paper on the desk • • Transfer to the antecedent column of the ABC-I  Consequences List what usually happens after the behavior occurs. • • Teacher repeats instruction He’s requested and request him to participate in an activity • • He is reminded to keep quiet Continues to talk while the her teacher is guiding the class • • Transfer to the consequences column of the ABC-I  Underlying Characteristics Review ALL the checked UCC items. Identify underlying characteristics that may be associated with the behaviors described on the ABC-I. List the UCC item numbers and brief description of each item on the bottom of the ABC-I  and next to the # icons in the “Selected UCC Items” section on the Ziggurat Worksheet. Function Behavior serves a purpose. Common functions include: • • Escape/avoidance Sensory stimulation • • Access to preferred activity What is the hypothesized function of the behavior? Escape/avoidance or Adult/peer attention • • Tangible items Other ABC-Iceberg Antecedent(s) •  • • Consequence(s) Behavior   Disrupting other students Spend most of the time talking to other students Careless through paper on the desk demands during Algebra class    Specific • • Behaviors Underlying Characteristics*  Refuse to submit work  Ignore teacher’s instructions  Do not bother to comply with  • • • • • • Teacher repeat instructions Reminded to keep quiet Only cooperate during arts class  # # # # # Autism development problem # # # ___ ____________________________ Attention seeker Inability to cope with tiring class session Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder_ Lack of motivation desired behaviorss___ ____________________________ * ___ ____________________________ ___ ____________________________ As determined through the Underlying Characteristics Checklist From Aspy, R., & Grossman, B. G. (2011). The Ziggurat Model. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Company; www. Used with Permission Portfolio Artifact Submission Template Artifact Title: Aligned CEC Standard: Aligned CEC Standard Elements: Aligned CEC Specialty Set Knowledge and Skills: Rationale: In 250-500-words, address the following: o Identify and briefly summarize the artifact. o Reflect on what you learned from the assignment. o Defend how the artifact demonstrates proficiency of the standard, standard elements, and selected specialty set knowledge and skills. o Support your rationale with at least three research-based articles that specifically address effective practices related to developmental disorders/autism spectrum disorders, o Describe how you will use the knowledge and skills that you gained in your professional employment, © 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
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Portfolio Artifact Submission

Artifact Title: Functional Behavioral Assessment

Aligned CEC Standard: 2.0 Curricular Content Knowledge

Aligned CEC Standard Elements: Listed based on the key elements of the artifact on the CEC advanced preparation form
2.1 Special education specialists align educational standards to provide access to a challenging curriculum to meet the needs of
individuals with exceptionalities.
2.2 Special educators continuously broaden and deepen their professional knowledge and expand their expertise with instructional
technologies, curriculum standards, effective teaching strategies, and assistive technologies to support access to and learning of
challenging content.
2.1 Special education specialists use an understanding of diversity and indi...

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