New York University Identity Is About Student Life Reading Essay

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New York University


please read carefully about the essay in the document and answer the 4 questions

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Strategies for Response: 1. What are some strengths of this piece? What are some strengths of this writer? Are there specific moments that the writer did something special or really well? (Bullet and explain. Write down specific paragraphs and pages, so you can return to them later.) Are these places where you might want to add a marginal comment? 2. What are some areas where you'd like to see the writer expand or go into more depth? Can you show them a moment or two where they might "unbury a story" or develop a certain scene, setting, character with more detail? How might you use a model text to help point them in that direction? What suggestions for action (“how do I do this thing you want me to do") can you give? 3. What concerns about accuracy (error) do you have this point, knowing that this is a first draft? What do you see as incorrect or wrong? Why? Are there things that you might want to cover as a class workshop? Which ones? Have you already talked about some things in class that you might refer back to? Can you provide 2 suggestions for how to address this? Are there 2-3 errors that you'd like to teach the student about? And have them pay attention to? (Point to specific pages and paragraphs). How might you address these - in an end comment? In the margins? If this is a first draft, would you address these concerns now, some of them now, or at the next draft stage? Explain your strategy. Develop an end comment for this early draft of this paper for this student. How could you use your comments/feedback to help this student move toward developing this draft and developing as into a more confident and rhetorically savvy writer?
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Explanation & Answer

Here you go! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a good night! 😃

1. The author did a good job of opening the essay in a way that creates a connection with
the reader. Many of us are interested in the origin of our names, and the author’s in-depth
description of why his parents chose his name gives readers an insight into his parents’,
as well as his culture’s, values. I also liked the way that the author described his...

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