Work Experience in DN Tanks Scholarship Essay

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Three-page essay (double spaced) on how your work experience at DN Tanks has had a positive impact on the company and how it will help you further your education and career. In addition, if appropriate, please include in the essay a discussion concerning your financial need. Please see attachment. Please let me know if you have any questions. PLAGARISIM IS OK.

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Three-page essay (double spaced) on how your work experience at DN Tanks has had a positive impact on the company and how it will help you further your education and career. In addition, if appropriate, please include in the essay a discussion concerning your financial need. I have an internship with DN Tanks, and I start working with them on June 10,2019 to Dec 10,2019. With DN Tanks, I have been working with Allen, Curtis, Denise, John, Matt and Omar. I have been working on Auto CADD doing project site layouts. Also developing data base with pivot tables on excel sheet, calling sub- contractors for quotations and Crane pricing. With Allen, I worked on Springville, UT- Type III tank and I did some corrections to the site layout. Also, I draw site layout for North City Pure Water Facility. In addition, with Allen I called a lot of subcontractor for T-Lock T- Lock Liner Contractors: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MID STATE Concrete Products ENVIROCON SYSTEMS, INC. The Langley Concrete Group NOV Ameron ROYAL LINER FLEXI- LINER Am Tech- Tank Lining System PLS CONSTRUCTION, INC. CARSON MANUFACTURING CO. With Curtis, I have been working recently on developing an excel sheet based on pivot table to generate their projects estimating. Also, I draw two site layouts for Clearwell project for a 10-million-gallon tank and the other was 2 tanks with a capacity of 5 million for each one. I have worked with Matt as well on calling subcontractors for crane pricing and make sure to hav enough bids by the end of the day. I have worked with Denise on Western Region Job list to collect all data Roof Type, Contract Price, Estimate Cost, Actual Cost, Estimated Man Hours, Actual Labor and Man Hours from previous projects and from the estimating software Sage 300 With John I have worked on Auto CADD to draw a site layout for San Vicente project. In addition, I have been collecting all RFI (Request for information) from all different sheets and collect them into one excel sheet. With Omar I worked on shotcrete Blister project. I have been looking on all tickets to see what’s is the different. We have like around 8 projects that the used Blisters with concrete and I’m trying to find why they used blisters in these projects. Which we all trying to save some money for the company. Notes: Name: Henry Jilolo My position: Estimating Intern Major: Construction Engineering School: UCSD DN TANKS CORE VALUES CARING o o o o COMMUNICATION o o o o o o o o INNOVATION & INGENUITY o o o o o PASSION o o o o o o o PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE o o o o o o o o o SAFETY o o o o TEAMWORK o o o o o o Establishes and maintains respectful relationships with co‐workers, customers and business partners Manages a healthy balance between work and family Contributes to creating a caring and enjoyable workplace Uses strengths to help others and recognizes opportunities for self‐improvement Communicates clearly, accurately, respectfully and concisely Selects appropriate means of communication Distributes necessary information to appropriate recipients Defines expectations and deadlines Documents, distributes and files critical information and discussions Shares information in a timely manner Responsive to communication by others Makes every effort to be an active listener Utilizes flexible imagination to conceptualize, develop and share new technologies, ideas and processes Continually strives to refine and enhance our quality, efficiency and safety Embraces change and enthusiastically implements and supports new processes and systems Takes a creative, thoughtful and professional approach to problem solving Maintains a positive attitude: “No challenge is too big to overcome” Brings positive energy and excitement to everything we do Consistently promotes and protects company interests Inspires others through positive attitude and actions Open to taking thoughtful risks to achieve professional growth Driven to enthusiastically embrace challenges Commits to outworking the competition in all aspects of our business Bleeds DN Tanks RED! Acts with integrity and honesty at all times; does the right thing Consistently delivers a high standard of quality in work, service and product Commits to the entire process and takes ownership of the results Effectively and positively motivates and encourages others Strives to exceed client expectations Works efficiently and productively to achieve desired results Demonstrates grace under pressure by treating others with respect and acting professional at all times Actively pursues education, training and experience Leads by example by encouraging others to reach their highest potential through training and mentoring Complies with and promotes the DN Tanks Safety Program Maintains a safe work environment by identifying and eliminating unsafe behaviors and conditions Plans ahead to identify and mitigate potential hazards, utilizing proper resources and equipment Takes initiative and ownership to obtain necessary and appropriate education and training Works cooperatively as a cohesive unit to achieve team goals Puts the needs of the team ahead of oneself Actively works to resolve conflict and strives to achieve consensus Builds trust by establishing and maintaining professional relationships Strives to be flexible and open‐minded Shows a willingness to help in any area when needed March 2012
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Scholarship Essay: Work Experience in DN Tanks
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Scholarship Essay: Work Experience in DN Tanks
My work experience at DN Tanks has been quite fulfilling. I have been exposed to a
broad range of tasks, responsibilities, and experiences. All of these have been pivotal to the
development of my core competencies, and I have been able to become proficient in most of
these areas. My experience at DN Tanks has had a positive impact on its productivity, and this
experience will be instrumental in the furtherance of my education and career.
I started the internship program with DN Tanks on June 10, 2019, and it will come to an
end on Dec 10, 2019, after six months. I have collaborated with several other employees at the
firm in different capacities and projects, and I can proudly say that most of these have been
successful. Firstly, I have been engaging in various project site layouts using Auto CAD. When I
joined DN Tanks, I must admit that my proficient in this program was below average. I had a
good understanding of how it works, but most of this was theoretical since I had never used it in
a practical setting. However, after D...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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