Project Management Exercise

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Business Finance


Complete Chapter 13, Exercise 3, on page 485-486 of Project Management: The Managerial Process, using Microsoft® Project 2013.

Create a network schedule, add the budget planned value (PV) by time period using the data in the exercise, and apply the completion status information to develop a status report for the project at the end of Period 4 and at the end of Period 8.

Write a 1-page summary memo of your findings. What information are you prepared to tell the customer about the status of the project at the end of Period 8?

Submit your Microsoft® Project file and the memo

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3/6/2016 Bookshelf: Project Management: The Managerial Process PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher's prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted. Given the project network and baseline information below, complete the form to develop a Page 485 status report for the project at the end of period 4 and the end of period 8. From the data you have collected and computed for periods 4 and 8, what information are you prepared to tell the customer about the status of the project at the end of period 8? 1/4 3/6/2016 Bookshelf: Project Management: The Managerial Process Page 486 2/4 3/6/2016 Bookshelf: Project Management: The Managerial Process Given the following project network, baseline, and status information, develop status reports for periods 2, 4, 6, 8 and complete the performance indexes table. Calculate the EACf and the VACf. Based on your data, what is your assessment of the current status of the project? At completion? 3/4 3/6/2016 Bookshelf: Project Management: The Managerial Process Page 487 4/4
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