Power point an outline of informative speech on teen pregnancy

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Business Finance

Houston Community College System



Speeches of exposition are designed to inform the audience about a concept, process, or event through the use and quotation of research and use a variety of developmental techniques (process analysis, cause-effect, and problem-solution).This speech is very similar to the last speech in which you defined a concept, idea, or process; however, you take it a step further and give additional background information regarding the concept, idea, or process. In addition, you inform your audience by using systematic research to develop your ideas. In the exposition speech you build upon the description by adding reasons or causes, demonstrating relationships, and offering reasons or analysis. Exposition speeches can be done through process analysis, cause-and-effect, or problem solution .

outline @ also 9 slides on a PowerPoint with research

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Explanation & Answer

Final work attached above
Revised outline attached as requested.


Student Name
Informative Speech
Title: Teenage Pregnancy
General Purpose: To enlighten.
Specific Purpose: To create awareness on how teenage pregnancy is an issue of great concern.
Thematic Statement: I will enlighten the audience on the causes of teenage pregnancy, statistics
of teenage pregnancies in the United States as well as the risks associated with teenage

Introduction: Hi my name is …………………………….
A. Attention: Do teenagers ever dream of getting pregnant or even becoming
parents while in school?
B. Audiences connect/credibility: I am here to express emerging issue of great
concern in our lives, teenage pregnancy.
C. Thematic Statement: Today I will enlighten you on the causes of teenage
pregnancies, statistics of teenage pregnancies in the United States and risks of
teenage pregnancies.


A. Main Point: Causes of teenage pregnancies
1. Support material: Teenagers cannot afford to wake up daily under pressure
of attending school while at the same time parenting.


a. Lack of education on use of contraceptives as well as sexually transmitted
b. Unwanted sex is the other second factor which causes teen pregnancy
B. Main Point: Statistics of teenage pregnancy in the United States.
1. Support material: Kappeler (2015) reiterates that around 820,000 teenagers
become pregnant annually in the United States.
a. Teenage pregnancy has financial, educational and social cost implications
to the US government.
b. The United States spends about $7 billion annually in assisting birth and
raising children borne by teenage parents (Kappeler, 2015).
C. Main Point: Risks of teenage pregnancy
1. Support material: The risks of teenage pregnancies are enormous and
adolescent pregnancy has never been easy for any teenager in the world.
a. Lack of prenatal care is one of the risks of teenage pregnancies.
b. The other risk related to teen pregnancy is high blood pressure.
c. The other risks of teenage pregnancy include sexually transmitted
infections, premature births, feeling of loneliness, low birth weight,
postpartum hemorrhage and premature births.

Conclusion: I believe you now understand why teen pregnancy has become an issue
of concern in our society. Teenagers become parents at a young age and this trend is
likely to increase in the near future if remedies are not put in place to curb similar
cases. Thank you.



Bryant, Z., & Hasbini, T. (2016)...

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