Defining the Project and the Organization
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit II
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
3. Discuss guidelines for creating a work breakdown structure (WBS).
3.1 Describe the importance of a WBS.
3.2 Outline a WBS for a project.
8. Formulate a project plan to present to stakeholders.
8.1 Select a project for a project plan.
8.2 Define a project for a project plan.
8.3 Compose a project scope statement for a project plan.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
Unit Lesson
Chapter 4
Unit II Project Topic
Unit Lesson
Chapter 4
Unit II Project Topic
Unit Lesson
Chapter 4
Unit II Project Topic
Unit Lesson
Chapter 4
Unit II Project Topic
Unit Lesson
Chapter 4
Unit II Project Topic
Reading Assignment
Chapter 4: Defining the Project, pp. 101–122
Unit Lesson
Project Planning
To access the following resources, click the links below.
Knights, R. (Director). (2017). Define the project (Segment 3 of 8) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Click here to view the transcript for the video above.
Video Education America. (2012). Thorough project planning (Segment 2 of 8) [Video file]. Retrieved from
BBA 4126, Project Planning
Click here to view the transcript for the video above.
The actual processes of a project (i.e., the technical aspects, such as planning and monitoring) are applicable
globally for projects in almost any field. However, those same processes are impacted by social and cultural
norms within fields, countries, and organizations. Projects at Google or Microsoft might be managed with
adjustments for the information technology (IT) industry they work in as well as for the cultural differences in
China, India, or the United States. The process of executing a project (doing the actual work defined in the
scope statement) may be influenced by religious or legal restrictions within the country, local politics, or
standard practices, such as hiring family members or paying for access to roads or land. Politics within an
organization can also affect the technical aspects of a project. For example, project managers or team
members may be chosen because of who they are within the community, how they are viewed by senior
leadership, or their length of time with the company. Often, internal politics are the most influential
sociocultural aspect of a project.
Another influence on the technical aspects of a project is the organizational structure of the company doing
the project (Larson & Gray, 2018). Functional organizations tend to develop silos, in which each department
or division works independently with little interaction with other departments or divisions. Many large
organizations, such as some governments and militaries or international corporations, are functional
organizations with a hierarchal chain of command. Most of the interaction between divisions comes in the
form of executive meetings and reports.
Companies with a strong functional structure can be experts in their field (e.g., finance, IT, human resources),
but they can sometimes miss the big-picture application of a project. Projectized companies can do very well
with the big picture of a project, but they may have a greater need for outside experts because they are
structured to be flexible and adjust to each project as it is implemented, as opposed to being field experts.
Companies in fields where the customer demand and market conditions change often and quickly, such as
Apple, are often projectized. Matrix organizations have a balance between the two so that when power is
evenly distributed between functional managers and project managers, the company can provide field
expertise and big-picture project management and results. Most companies have a matrix organizational
structure, in which project teams are created from functional departments as projects are undertaken to
achieve specific business goals.
To facilitate project success, project managers can use various leadership skills such as exercising influence,
team building, motivations, negotiation, and conflict management (Larson & Gray, 2018). The skills that
provide the most benefit to the project manager can depend on the type of organization structure where they
work. In functional organizations, where the functional manager has the most power, influencing and
negotiation skills can be effective for making progress on project work. Projectized organization structures put
the power in the hands of the project manager, so team building and coaching might be the better leadership
skills to have in order to accomplish project goals (Larson & Gray, 2018). Project managers working in matrix
organizations, depending on whether a strong- or weak-matrix structure is present, might find that decisionmaking and trust building are the go-to leadership skills they use to bring the functional managers into the
project for their expertise and know-how.
Developing an Effective Scope Statement for a Project
We now turn our attention to the development of an effective scope statement for a project. According to
Larsen and Gray (2018), when creating a scope statement, you should include the components below.
BBA 4126, Project Planning
Here is an example of how to develop a scope statement.
You are in charge of organizing a dinner-dance concert for a local charity. You have reserved a hall that will
seat 30 couples and have hired a jazz combo.
Project Objective: Organize a dinner dance for 30 couples by March xx at a cost no greater than yy to raise
money for a local charity.
Sixty catered dinners
Jazz combo
Rented hall
Rent hall by x.
Sell 30 tickets by y.
Arrange caterer by z.
Technical Requirements:
Hall has sufficient space for tables and dance floor
Convenient parking available
Hall has infrastructure to support catered dinner and jazz combo
Meals include vegetarian option
Limits and Exclusions:
Caterer responsible for preparing, serving, and cleaning
Ticket price set to generate at least $50 profit per couple
Jazz combo responsible for sound system
Event transpires between 7 p.m. to 12 a.m..
Customer Review: Charity official
BBA 4126, Project Planning
Creating a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
The work breakdown structure (WBS) gives project managers a realistic idea of the actual work needed to
complete the project and where to begin analyzing time and cost figures (Larson & Gray, 2018). It is important
to get information for the WBS from experts and the people actually doing the work (or their managers).
Gathering information from experts, historical data, and employees gives the project manager the most
accurate data available to make cost and scheduling estimates and to determine project and phase deadlines
and milestones. If the WBS is too detailed, the project manager can become bogged down in the details of
the work. If it is not detailed enough, the project manager may miss large portions of work that have a
significant impact on scheduling and cost.
The WBS is designed to provide different information for decision-making. For example, it provides
information for the following types of decisions:
how to link deliverables, organization units, and customers,
how to provide for control,
how to isolate problems to source,
how to track schedule and cost variance,
how to assign responsibility and budgets,
how to focus attention on deliverables, and
how to provide information for different levels in the organization (Larson & Gray, 2018).
Click the following link to learn more about how to create a WBS:
A Closer Look
In the video segment for this unit, we see that the project manager for the office relocation project has a
distinct lack of leadership skills.
To access the following resource, click the link below.
Knights, R. (Director). (2017). Initial team meeting (Segment 2 of 8) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Click here to view the transcript for the video above.
Getting your team on board with a project can be tough, but it is essential for project success. One notable
reason that projects fail is that the leadership is lacking. For this reason, leadership is considered a critical
success factor (CSF) (Turner & Muller, 2005).
Let’s take this opportunity to learn more about CSFs. A life insurance company in Houston determined that
there were four CSFs for its agents to master: (1) prospecting, (2) presentation, (3) closing, and (4) follow-up.
If the agents were weak in any of these critical success areas, they were going to fail. The point here is that
CSFs are essential to success and are not optional.
For a project manager, leadership is a CSF. Most companies today provide leadership training for project
managers. Further, colleges and universities incorporate leadership studies in the curriculum. However, there
is no replacement for on-the-job training. The more projects that we manage, the more we will learn this CSF.
While project managers lead and direct projects, they must be excellent listeners. Team members will do the
work, which means the project manager must take input from these individuals. In some cases, the project
team has more knowledge and experience related to the actual work than the project manager, thus the
project manager assumes more of a facilitator role.
BBA 4126, Project Planning
Larson, E. W., & Gray, C. F. (2018). Project management: The managerial process (7th ed.). New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill Education.
Turner, J. R., & Müller, R. (2005). The project manager's leadership style as a success factor on projects: A
literature review. Project Management Journal, 36(2), 49–61. Retrieved from
BBA 4126, Project Planning
Unit II Project Topic
Please complete the information below based on the project you have chosen for your project plan.
Project name:
Project manager name (your name):
Project’s goal (reason for undertaking the project/anticipated benefits):
Cost estimate (this is hypothetical so do not spend too much time on this aspect):
Project structure (functional, matrix, or projectized):
People/departments involved:
Potential risks/issues to overcome:
Timeline for completion (start date/completion date):
Project scope (please see the Unit II Lesson for an example):
Project objective:
Technical requirements:
Limits and exclusions:
Reviews with customer:
Project Stakeholders:
Work breakdown structure (WBS):
Importance of the WBS:
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