Aspen University Leadership and Managing Essay

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Aspen University


Assignment Description

Leadership and Managing

This week you reflected upon the difference between a “manager” and a “leader” and discussed this concept with your classmates and professor in the discussion board. In a written essay please answer the following questions:

  • What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different?
  • Provide a total of three examples. First, of someone who has great managerial skills. Second, another individual with great leadership skills. Third, another person with poor managerial skills. These can be made up individuals or examples you have seen without any identifying information. Discuss how the staff of each individual would be affected by the skills of the leader/manager.
  • Complete the Emotional Intelligence Test Discuss your scores and what they mean. What did you learn about yourself as a leader? (Note that a 10 on the EI test means strong. On the score page, click on the blue "here" under "interpreting your GEIT scores, click here" for more information on each section and what it means.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1500 to 2000 words total (at least 500 words per question prompt)

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level

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Intentionally deceiving or misleading a patient is a violation of this principle. Deliberately omitting a part of the truth is deception and violates the principle of veracity.

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The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. Criteria Does Not Meet 0% Approaches 60% Meets 70% Exceeds 100% Content Weight: 30% 0 points Topic is inappropriate to assignment, inaccurate understanding of concepts, unclear and difficult to understand; does not address many assignment requirements. Information has weak or no connection to the assignment topic. 18 points Topic is mostly covered and appropriate to assignment, but does not adequately demonstrate accurate understanding of concepts; mostly clear and understandable; lacks some of the requirements of the assignment description and/or provides little detail; Information relates to the main topic, but few details and/or examples are given. 21 points Topic is covered completely and appropriate to assignment; overview of key concept dimensions is evident; clear and understandable; addresses all of the requirements of the assignment description, with adequate attention to detail. 30 points In-depth coverage of topic; outstanding clarity and explanation of concepts demonstrated in information presented; approaches assignment with depth and breadth, without redundancy, using clear and focused details. / 30 Organization Weight: 25% 0 points Organization is confusing and interferes with reader’s ability to follow ideas. Weak or no introduction of topic or purpose is unclear, weak, or missing. Conclusion lacks a summary of topic, or is missing or irrelevant. 15 points Ideas are sometimes disorganized or irrelevant; Flow is sometimes choppy; somewhat clear organization. Basic introduction that states topic but is presented in an uninteresting way. Conclusion contains basic summary of topic without final concluding ideas, may inappropriately introduces new information. 17.5 points Structures ideas in a coherent, organized order that has good flow and an obvious framework. Proficient introduction that is interesting and states topic. Conclusion contains good summary of topic with credible concluding ideas and introduces no new information. 25 points Exceptionally clear, logical, mature, and thorough organization permitting smooth flow of ideas; Introduction that grabs interest of reader and states topic in clear, unambiguous terms. Excellent concluding summary with succinct and precise ideas that impact reader. / 25 Logic/Argument Weight: 15% 0 points Demonstrates little logical reasoning for the claims and thoughts within assignment; Many claims are weak or illogical. 9 points Lacks some logical reasoning for the claims and thoughts within the assignment; Some claims are weak. 10.5 points Uses solid logical reasoning for the claims and thoughts within the assignment. 15 points Provides exemplary logical reasoning for the claims and thoughts within the assignment. / 15 Support Weight: 20% 0 points Lacks support; Uses poor sources for references; Citations lack credibility, relevance, or academic quality or are not current; Does not meet the minimum number of required citations in assignment description. APA format and style are not evident. 12 points Provides weak support or not enough support; Citations are not consistently credible, current, relevant or academic; Meets the minimum number of required citations in assignment description Missing APA elements; in-text citations, where necessary, are used but formatted inaccurately and not referenced. 14 points Provides sufficient support with credible, current, relevant academic citations; Meets the minimum number of required citations in assignment description. ; In-text citations and a reference page are present with few format errors. Mechanics of writing are reflective of APA style. 20 points Provides very strong support from credible, current, relevant, academic citations; Meets or exceeds the minimum number of required citations in assignment description. Accurate citations and references are presented. No APA errors are evident. / 20 Quality of Written Communication Weight: 10% 0 points Style and voice inappropriate or do not address given audience, purpose, etc. Word choice is excessively redundant, clichéd, and unspecific. Inconsistent grammar, spelling, punctuation, and paragraphing. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. 6 points Style and voice are somewhat appropriate to given audience and purpose. Word choice is often unspecific, generic, redundant, and clichéd. Repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language, sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. 7 points Style and voice are appropriate to the given audience and purpose. Word choice is specific and purposeful, and somewhat varied throughout. Minimal mechanical or typographical errors are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. 10 points Style and voice are not only appropriate to the given audience and purpose, but also show originality and creativity. Word choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic and varied. Free of mechanical and typographical errors. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. / 10 Rubric Total Score Total / 100 Overall Score Overall Score Level 10 points minimum Level 260 points minimum Level 370 points minimum Level 4100 points minimum
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Explanation & Answer




Nursing Leadership and Management
Thesis statement: To better understand the difference between leadership and management,
there is a need to analyze the differences and similarities, provide examples, and analyze my
emotional intelligence score.



Differences and Similarities of Managers and Leaders


Examples of Leaders and Managers


Emotional Intelligence Test




Nursing Leadership and Management




Nursing Leadership and Management
A leader is a person who has the ability to influence people in a certain direction.
Through the process of leadership, a leader can engage people to follow trends or directions for
the purpose of achieving a shared goal. Management, on the other hand, is a process through
which a person plans, organizes, directs, and controls activities in a setting (Kotter, 2001). Many
people often confuse management with leadership. In essence, management and leadership are
different things. To better understand the difference between leadership and management, there
is a need to analyze the differences and similarities, provide examples, and analyze my emotional
intelligence score.
Differences and Similarities of Managers and Leaders
Both management and leadership are important aspects of ensuring the successful
accomplishment of tasks. To begin with the differences, leaders are visionary people who have
the skills and abilities to influence people to strive to achieve their vision (Wajdi, 2017). Leaders
motivate people to achieve shared-goals by use of good communication skills. The need to
motivate and inspire is fueled by the need to have people engaged for increased productivity at
the individual level. To add on, leaders have the negotiation skills to look for the resources that
are required to achieve the set goals.



On the other hand, managers look at planning and organizing the activities required to
accomplish set goals. To this extent, managers ensure that the resources that are made available
by leaders are utilized exceptionally to ensure that maximum results are achieved. The function
of organizing and directing is also translated to the people within the setting. Managers are taskoriented. This means that...

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