Econ3545 University of Colorado at Boulder Water Pollution Analysis

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Econ 3545


I have attached the full rubric as well as a proposal I had to make for the paper. The proposal is an outline as to certain items that should be in my paper. Use this as a broad outline and idea for the paper and use the rubric for strict guidelines.

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University of Colorado Boulder ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS Econ 3545, FALL 2019 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAPER IN ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS Learning objectives 1. To analyze an environmental problem. 2. To become familiar with the sources and presentation of environmental data. 3. To practice writing brief pol reports. Physical requirements 3 to 4 pages in length, single spaced, Times New Roman or Calibri 12 point. 1” margins. The proposal and the paper will be submitted through Canvas. References and appendixes do not count in the length of the paper. Academic requirements The paper should relate to an environmental policy issue and must answer: How can economics inform public policy related to this issue? You will identify examine and propose a solution to an existing problem over the use of natural resources. The problem can be regional, national or international. You will use economics tools discussed in this or other Economic classes to thoroughly explore the underlying economic institutions, economic incentives of people or groups involved, their benefits and costs, and the economic and political attractiveness of alternative policy options. This is a document that could be handed to policymakers and that educates them about an issue and argues for a policy position. Rubric for the paper Proposal submitted Groups of interest Use of economic tool Requirements Suggestions-tips Identify groups of interest and their incentives. If you do this right, the rest of the paper will follow. You may revise once you identify interests that you didn’t recognize at first. You need to study the existing literature on this topic, to see what different economists argue. This phase is known as the literature review. You must go through the most important Literature review Make sure your sources are reliable. Academic journals are the best, but you may also use policy reports or briefings. points 10 20 30 1 University of Colorado Boulder ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS Econ 3545, FALL 2019 books and papers written on this topic and present the framework that will form the skeleton of your argument, and introduce the concepts that you would be using. Policy options Organization Creativity Economic theory You must use an idea or a principle in economics (simple is better both in the math and in the words). You might not need a different section to show your Economic theory, this might be embedded in your literature review or in your contribution. Just make sure you know what it is. Examples are: efficiency, economic valuation, taxes, incentives, subsidies, payments. 30 Your contribution You may use some statistics, run a regression, do net present value or suggest a course of action that uses economic principles without any numbers. You must present data that are authoritative, and must show that the data points to the fact that your suggestion is the best. Your argument may use data from other published articles, for example economic valuation studies from 30 You are writing an applied paper. Provide a policy alternative. Explain why is this the best alternative. Your paper should be easy to read. Grammar and spelling need to be checked. This section is where you defend your argument and conclude. 30 I suggest that If you are not English native speaker use online grammar review or use the “writing center” at CU Boulder to review your final draft. Enjoy writing about a topic that is close to your heart. 20 Be creative in the use of the tools you have acquired as well as in the topics that are important to you. 30 2 University of Colorado Boulder ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS Econ 3545, FALL 2019 PROPOSAL Your proposal is a one-page document that should include: 1. An issue. 2. Identify who the actors are 3. Explain the institutions or current rules 4. Propose an alternative based on economic approach 5. Conclude with a suggestion 6. Provide some literature in the topic EXAMPLE OF A PROPOSAL 1. The issue: The best approach to reduce CO2 emissions is a system of carbon emissions. This paper tries to find the appropriate system of carbon emissions reduction in the US. 2. Who are the actors? Many nations are currently participating in cap and trade systems. The main international actors are Canada, Mexico, Europe and China. Domestically the main actors are California, the Northeastern Market and the main emitters: oil and gas producers. 3. Explain the institutions or current rules a. The China-US Climate Agreement i. In November 12th, 2014, the United States and China reached an agreement for post 2020 actions on climate change. The US agreed to reduce its emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025. China will in turn attempt to reduce greenhouse gases. b. California Emissions trading scheme works well and it is expanding. c. Clean Air Act SOX/NOX implement an equivalent system for CO2 emissions. d. CO2 is a political card that Republicans are not willing to support. There is some demonstration of public support of climate measures (Greta Thunberg in the USA). 4. Alternatives in reducing GHG emissions are: a. An International Emissions Trading System i. Although the US is not currently included in the International Emission Trading System coordinated by the United Nations created by the Kyoto Protocol, it provides an example of how a cap and trade system might be applied. b. Promote a global market where a cap and trade system enables countries to trade their carbon emissions with other actors who have spare emissions credits. i. Consider aspects of poor -rich divide between developing and developed countries (use the clean development mechanism). c. Expand the existing California State Carbon Emissions trading scheme to nationwide level. 3 University of Colorado Boulder ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS Econ 3545, FALL 2019 d. Implement a carbon tax in the style of British Columbia. e. Make a norm (legislation-prohibition) to reduce emissions. 5. Conclusion a. I suggest that the Cap & Trade system will be the most efficient way the U.S. can reduce their GHG emissions while maintaining economic growth. 6. References Be consistent in the style (APA) For examples on papers see the “Issue briefs” from Resources from the Future. 4 1. The issue: a. In order to secure a stable climate with an adequate amount of drinkable water we must take action to implement guidelines, fines, and caps on water pollution. This paper will discuss the best available options in order to reduce water pollution giving us more accessibility. 2. Who are the actors: a. America, China, and Europe are the major players with water pollution. b. Colombia implemented some regulations c. Internationally this issue regards everyone as without water we really will have nothing 3. Current intuitions and Rules a. America i. Clean water Act 1972 ii. This implemented by the EPA started regulations and guidelines for industrial and municipal pollution of water. iii. Safe drinking water Act b. Colombia iv. Implemented a conventional command and control approach with caps for emissions. They have seen improvements over the years, yet still more needs to be done c. China d. Clean water is an international issue that needs to be improved. We have slowly polluted our water into an area of scarcity that is going to be hard to recover from. With proper regulations and guidelines that are actually enforced a difference can be made. e. More people then water 4. Solutions a. Education i. By simply giving easily accessible water tips to metering advice it will inform the public more about the actual water crisis we are facing. Make sure people understand what it is exactly going on with water and how to conserve it. b. Appropriate pricing on water i. Whether or not high prices on water will lower pollution and waste c. Write and enforce better regulations i. America is writing large legislation for Clean Water Act. ii. Several countries using a command control approach iii. Similar regulations to air pollution for industrial businesses d. Water reducing our water use in irrigation and agriculture i. Agriculture is one the largest contributors to water scarcity 5. Conclusion a. I have yet to decide until after discussion what solution seems best fit, but I would choose appropriate water pricing with increased regulations and enforcement such as system similar to cap and trade for air pollution. 6. Resources a. b. c.
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Water Pollution
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Water pollution is among the major issues of concern in almost the whole world. As the
world keeps on changing hence people engaging themselves in various activities, there is much
pollution taking place in the water sources. Water pollution affects people’s health, affect
livestock, among many other negative effects. The major actors in this report include America,
China and Europe. Some regulations have been put in place in the effort to deal with the issue.
However, despite all these efforts, water pollution is still a problem and hence a need for more
measures to be put in place. This paper contains a discussion and analysis of the problem of
water solution. It also provides some alternative solutions that can be implemented to reduce or
curb the problem.
Literature review
Water pollution takes place when some harmful substances contaminate a river, stream,
ocean, lake among other water bodies. Such substances degrade the water quality, rendering it
toxic to human consumption as well as for the environment. Among the causes of water pollution
as explained by Wang, and Yang (2016), are; firm toxic substances, factory wastes, sewage
wastes among many other sources that dump the harmful substances into the water sources and
thus causing pollution. Before going further, it is important to identify and understand some of
the effects associated with water pollution.
Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2015) in studying about the environment found that water
pollution is first harmful to human health. The study findings revealed that water pollution kills.
It was revealed that nearly 1.8 million deaths during the previous year had been caused by water
pollution. It is also important to understand that contaminated water can make one ill because of
the contained bacteria. About 1 billion people get sick because of using unsafe water in the



United States. Low income communities stand at a very high risk of incurring such risks because
of the minimal options of which water one can use.
According to Kneese (2015), water pollution also negatively affects the environment. The
newly introduce nutrients as a result of pollution stimulates algae and plant growth which as a
result reduces the levels of oxygen in the water. The reduction of oxygen later suffocates animals
and plants d hence creating dead zones. This is where waters become devoid of life. It is also
important to understand that the harmful algal blooms produce neurotoxins which affect wildlife.
Further research reveals that the heavy metals and chemicals coming from industrial wastewater
contaminate the water bodies as well. Such contaminates are usually toxic for life hence reducing
organism’s life span as well as the ability to reproduce.
Water pollution also disrupts food chain. As explained by Heath (2018), the chemical
dumped into the water bodies such as the big lakes and sea are usually eaten by the tiny animals.
Some of t...

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