Moorpark College Notorious Nappies Essay

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Moorpark College


In this essay, I want you to reflect on garbage. It’s a big topic, so you’ll need to do a deep dumpster dive into one small part of it. Must use citation. no plagerizing.

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Essay 3: Trash Talk America is awash in garbage. Each of us throw away more than seven pounds of garbage a day. That's 102 tons in a lifetime, more than any other population on Earth. The great thing about our modern sanitation system is that we don't have to live with our garbage. The bad thing thing about our modern sanitation system is that ... we don't have to live with our garbage. If we could all see just how much garbage we make – if we were forced to live with it -- we'd surely make less, right? Right? In this essay, I want you to reflect on garbage. It’s a big topic, so you’ll need to do a deep dumpster dive into one small part of it. Here are a few focused topics to consider: Garbage Man (Woman): A Day in the Life of a Sanitation Worker Notorious Nappies: The Problem with Throw Away Diapers Separation Anxiety: Which Bin Does It Go In? Middens: New Research in Old Dumps Waste Pickers: Third World Recycling Warriors Paper Straws: A Slurp Too Far Rats in Refuse: Controlling Dumpster Denizens These are just a few ideas, but I’m certain you can come up with your own creative topics. Expository Essay 750 to 1,000 words (2.5 to 3 Pages), 12pt. Type, Double Spaced A Works Cited page is required. A minimum of two sources.
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Notorious Nappies
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Notorious Nappies: The Problem with Throw Away Diapers
The throw-away diapers initially brought to help the career woman by providing a
convenient alternative has found itself in the spotlight especially when it comes to the impact of
the environment. The disposable diapers which are highly consumed can only be used once and
therefore seeing that they are the most popular option for all women nowadays, the numbers of
disposable diapers in the landfills are troubling.
According to an EPA report from Wright (46), 20 billion disposable diapers are placed in
our landfills every single year. The number which is in billions is unsettling. More so, the fact
that most disposable diapers are not eco-friendly means that we are disposing of 20 billion in
trash and toxic waste into our environment at a time when global warming is becoming more of a
reality. Current studies estimate that it takes about 500 years for one diaper to completely get
decomposed. In reality every mother with an infant cannot use just one diaper so with the current
disposable diapers that have already been trashed in the landfills it would take hundreds of

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