Southern New Hampshire University Information Technology Analysis

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Southern New Hampshire University



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Articulate the roles and functions of the information technology professional


Whether you are just beginning your career in information technology or taking the next step in your career path, it is vital to understand the numerous opportunities available to you within this field. In this project, you will be conducting a survey of the information technology field that includes several career options aligned with your interests and begins to sketch out the training and certifications necessary for those roles.


The Information Technology Field: Before you explore career options in information technology, it is important to distinguish between the various disciplines that exist within this field. In this section, you will be considering these disciplines, as well as two primary tools for information technology professionals: programming and scripting.

  • IT Disciplines: To begin your report on careers within the information technology field, define the distinction between computer science, information systems, engineering, and information technology. In your description, first define each discipline and then describe how that discipline is related to others within IT. In your definition, address the following:
    • What roles and careers within the IT field are related to these disciplines?
    • What tools and technologies are most applicable to these disciplines?
  • Programming and Scripting: Following your description of the different disciplines within information technology, explain the relationship between programming and scripting and their uses within the IT field. In your explanation, first define scripting and programming, then address the following:
    • What distinguishes a script from a program?
    • How would an IT professional use scripting in their work? How would they use programming?
    • Describe a potential case where an IT professional would use a scripting language in their work. Describe a potential case where an IT professional would use a programming language in their work.

Information Technology Careers: Once you have defined the fields available in the world of information technology, it is time to start examining careers. For this section, you will be examining three positions within your chosen area of interest.

  • Careers of Interest: First, identify careers of interest within the IT field. You will choose an appropriate entry-level position, mid-level position, and ultimately the position you will strive to achieve. Then, determine whether each position is most closely aligned with information technology, computer science, information systems, or engineering. In your report, describe the roles and responsibilities of each of these careers. As evidence, ensure that you are submitting the job postings referenced in your report.
  • Tools and Technologies: Next, within each of your identified careers, describe the tools and technologies specific to your chosen IT roles. For each career, identify and describe various tools, including hardware and software, that a professional working in that career would use.
  • Training and Certifications: Finally, identify education, training, and certifications necessary for chosen IT roles. For your identified roles, describe these trainings and certifications, using the information in your identified job postings and descriptions as a reference. For each training and certification, describe its utility in the information technology field and sketch out how an interested person would obtain each certification. Finally, describe the transferable skills within these certifications and how they might prepare you for other careers and fields within the information technology profession.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Information Technology Career Report
You will create a report describing the information technology field, including distinguishing between the various disciplines within the IT field and identifying at least three careers of interest within the field. This report should be between 800–1,200 words. You should also include copies of your selected job postings for your instructor’s reference.

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Scripting and Programming Explore the unit resources, which will help you learn how to articulate the differences between scripting and programming and describe the purposes of each. Required Resources Reading: Information Technology: An Introduction for Today’s Digital World opens in new window, Chapter 14 Suggested Sections: • • • • • Types of Languages (7 pages) A Brief Examination of High Level Programming Languages (10 pages) IT professionals often need to write scripts to support the information systems that they administer. This chapter introduces the programming task and describes the types of programming language instructions found in most programming languages: input and output instructions, assignment statements, selection statements, iteration statements, and subroutines. Consider the following as you read: What are the differences between high-level language and low-level programming? In what ways are high-level programming languages easier to use than machine language and assembly language? What are the types of programming language instructions? • • • • • • • • What are three improvements to high-level programming languages between the first language, FORTRAN, and today? For a computer user, is there any value in understanding how to write computer programs? Website: Introduction to Scripting Languages opens in new window Programming is an umbrella term that applies to all computer languages. One type of programming is scripting. This article describes the way that scripting works (i.e., it does not require the compilation step and instead is interpreted), the various types of scripting languages, and the interfaces in which they work. As you read this article, consider why scripting is advantageous when working within a web development environment and also how it might be helpful to server administrators and IT professionals. Also consider the following as you read: How might knowing how to write a script help IT professionals? In what ways is scripting used in web applications? How might scripting be used to manage servers and other types of information systems? How does scripting enable a website to be more interactive? Video: Early Programming: Crash Course Computer Science #10 opens in new window (9:26) This video describes the history of programming and the revolutionary changes that moved computing from punch cards and plug tables to consoles of switches. As you watch this video, consider how programming languages were an attempt to make using computers easier to use, flexible, faster, and more accessible. Also consider the following as you watch this video: How does a program get into a computer? What is the importance of John Von Neumann Architecture? • What were the limitations of early programming involving punch cards? Video: What Is JavaScript? opens in new window (2:16) JavaScript is unique in that it runs in your internet browser and not on a server. This is why it is classified as a scripting language and not just a programming language. This video explores what JavaScript can do. One of its main features is that it makes websites interactive. As you watch this video, try to identify the other unique features and advantages of JavaScript. Also consider the following as you watch this video: • What is JavaScript? How is JavaScript different from other types of programming languages? How does JavaScript work with HTML and CSS within a website? Video: The First Programming Languages: Crash Course Computer Science #11 opens in new window (11:51) This video investigates the fundamental building blocks of programming languages. As you watch, pay attention to how conditional statements like IF and ELSE statements, WHILE loops, and FOR loops control the flow of programs in nearly all programming languages. Also consider the following as you watch this video: • • • • • In what ways is a computer program like a cooking recipe? How do programmers use things like statements and functions when writing code? What do IF and ELSE statements allow programmers to do? Reading: What’s the Difference Between Scripting and Coding? opens in new window This article compares scripting to coding (aka programming) and discusses their nuances. The basic idea is that scripting is code used to automate processes that would otherwise need to be executed step-by- step by a programmer. It works inside another application to enhance that application. A programming language works directly with the computer to command it how to behave. This article tells us that most computer programming languages were inspired by or built upon concepts from previous computer programming languages. Consider the following as you read: • • • • • • • • Is there a difference between coding and programming? In what ways is coding an umbrella term that applies to all computer languages? What are some of the more popular scripting languages? What does it mean that coding is a genre and scripting is a subgenre? Video: Bjarne Stroustrup: Why I Created C++ opens in new window (4:47) C++ was a revolutionary language because of its ability to make computing efficient and more “human.” The first programming languages were mathematical and didn’t relate well to the general world around us. C++ changed this and established what became known as objectoriented programming. It could be used to address a wider array of human problems and situations. Consider the following as you watch this video: What is a class in computer programming? Why was the establishment of a class so important to computing? What are some of the drawbacks of C++? What happens when we need to update or change code? Additional Support (Optional) Video: Introduction to Regular Expressions - Programming with Text opens in new window (11:14) This video gives an overview of a scripting feature called regular expressions. It includes a discussion of what they are and how they are used. The video also covers how they can be used by nonprogrammers as a tool to quickly access and edit files and documents. Consider the following as you watch this video: • • • • How are regular expressions used? How can regular expressions be used as a tool for nonprogrammers? Website: A History of Computer Programming Languages opens in new window Computer programming is a necessary and important part of our world today, running almost every device and machine we use. Computer programming languages allow us to tell machines what to do. Machines and humans “think” very differently, so programming languages are necessary to allow us to interact with them. This article explores the history of programming and the individuals who developed the computer programming languages we use today. Consider the following as you read: Who developed the computer programming languages we use today? Why were programming languages necessary? • In what ways have programming languages evolved to meet changing human needs? Reading: I Don’t Speak Your Language: Frontend vs. Backend opens in new window When IT experts talk about the front end of the web, they are describing the part of the web that you are familiar with and use every day. The front end usually consists of two parts: the web design and front-end web development. Some languages used to program the front end of the web are HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The back end usually consists of three parts: a server, an application, and a database. Once you’ve entered information into a web application, the application stores it in a database that was created on a server. Ruby, PHP, and Python are examples of back-end languages. Consider the following as you read: • What is the difference between front-end and back-end development? How is the front end of the web designed? What tools are used to design a website? What languages are used on the back end of a website? Why do IT professionals need to understand the difference between front end and back end? Video: What Is Ruby on Rails? opens in new window (1:40) Some of the biggest websites in the world currently use Ruby on Rails, including sites like Hulu, Groupon, SoundCloud, Airbnb, Codecademy, Kickstarter, and Indiegogo. This video gives several reasons as to why Ruby on Rails is so popular and relatively easy to learn. Consider the following as you watch this video: • • • • • • What is Ruby on Rails? What does it mean when someone says that Ruby is a back-end language? • What are the advantages to using a language like Ruby?
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Information Technology Analysis
Student’s Name

Information Technology Analysis
Information technology refers to the use of computers mostly by businesses and
organizations for storage, retrieval, transmission, and manipulation of both data and information.
Information technology is a branch of information communication technology and is commonly
known as IT. A variety of careers exist in information technology, most of which are concerned
with maximizing computer abilities to maximize the productivity of the business. Some of the
outcomes of using information technology in a business include faster and seamless
communication and storage of crucial documentation through electronic storage. The discussion
below gives an in-depth analysis of information technology to articulate its roles and functions as
a professional.
Information technology filed
Computer science can be defined as a study process that facilitates the interaction with
data to develop programs, and its principal areas include computer network and systems,
programming, numerical analysis, human-computer interaction, and programming languages,
among others. Some of the tools applicable in computer science provides programming tools.
Some of the careers associated with the discipline include software developer, programmer,
database administrator, and web developer, and computer system analyst, among others.
Information systems can be defined as the information and communication technology
used in an organization as well as the way through which people in an organization interact with
it and its support processes. Social media and mobile developers are some of the tools in the

information system. Careers in this field include data, application, and cyber security analyst
jobs. IT consultant, database administrator, and data scientist, among others.
Engineering is defined as a branch of science and technology that focuses on designing,
building, and using engines and machines in structure development. Some of the tools used in
engineering include disk imaging software and anti-spyware programs for online security.
Careers in computer engineering include mechanical engineering, computer network architect,
and electrical engineering, among others.
Information technology can be defined as the study and the usage of various systems for
storage, retrieval, and transmission of information to design, develop, and implement as well as
management information systems that are computer-based. Some of the tools applicable in
information technology include social media, cloud computing, enterprise content management,
and online conferencing systems. Careers in information technology include cloud architecture,
mobile application developers, computer forensic investigators, and IT consultants, among
Programming and scripting
Programming is defined as the process that allows for the development and
implementation of a specific set of instructions that instruct a computer on how to perform a
given task. Scripting can be defined as the art of developing programs that automate and execute
tasks for a particular run time environment.
One of the significant elements that distinguish a script and program is the fact a script is
for a specific environment while a program covers a vast area. An IT professional can use a
script in their area by introducing some functions, for example, on a webpage to execute a

specific process. Program is used when developing a new program that is needed to perform a
particular role. Specifically, an IT professional may use scripting when there is a need to
introduce a new function to a webpage, which may include a payment function using electronic
cards. Programming, on the other hand, can be used to develop a new program such as an
application or a webpage.
Information technology careers
An application developer is my dream entry job in IT. My mid-level job in IT is an IT
administrator, and my dream job in information technology is computer and information systems
manager. At my entry position as an application developer, it will be my role to develop
programs in an organization that help in executing a given task. The application developer job is
related to computer science. In my mid-level position as an IT administrator, it will be my role to
maintain the IT infrastructure in the company. The job is related to information system
management. Lastly, the dream is a computer and information systems manager, and my role
will be to implement and administer technologies related to a computer, for example, internet
operations, software upgrades, among others.
A wide variety of tools exist in information technology and can be used for various
functions. For example, an application developer uses software tools such as language library
tools, code editors, debuggers, and compilers, among others. Hardware tools used by an
application developer is mainly comprised of the computer that has both input and output
devices. Secondly, tools available for use by an IT administrator...

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