GEOGW12 University of California Coordinate Systems Questions

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Geog W12 Maps and Spatial Reasoning Lab 2: Coordinate Systems Name: Section: Part A. Understanding Coordinate Systems 1. Geographic coordinates appear at the four corners of the USGS map. What are the values of latitude and longitude lines that enclose the Yellow Rock East map? (1) Top: Left: Right: Bottom: 2. UTM Zone 1 runs from 180°W to 174°W. The Four Corners region lies in UTM Zone 12N. What is the range of longitude degrees covered by Zone 12N? (1) to 3. How many SPCS zones are in California based on NAD 83 (SPCS 83)? (1) Part B. Using map coordinates 4. What is the current latitude and longitude of the marker as it appears on the map? Use decimal degree (DD) format and remember to include units. Although this may not be an accurate coordinate of the marker’s true location, this estimate will work for this lab. (1) 5. What is the length of one minute of longitude at 37°N? Recall from the background section that the distance covered by a degree of longitude varies by latitude because the meridians converge at the poles. At latitude 37°N the length of a degree of longitude is 89011.64 meters. The length of a degree of latitude is 110,977.62 meters (approximately 111 km). (1) 6. The Four Corners monument was intended to be established at 37°N (the 37th parallel), 109°2’59.25”W. You will locate this point on the USGS Yellow Rock Point East Quadrangle using the TerraGo toolbar, but first you’ll need to convert the coordinates from degrees minutes seconds (DMS) to decimal degrees (DD). (1) Show your work, then circle your answer showing the coordinates in decimal degrees. Spring 2018 Page 1 of 2 Geog W12 Maps and Spatial Reasoning 7. Do the coordinate you entered for the intended location coincide with the marker for the monument printed on the map? (1) 8. What SPCS projection (zone and datum) did you select? (1) 9. What are the SPCS coordinates for the monument’s intended location as specified in Question 6? Make sure to include units in your answer. (1) 10. What UTM projection (zone and datum) did you select? (1) 11. What are the UTM coordinates for the monument’s intended location as specified in Question 6. Make sure to include units in your answer. (1) Part C. Measuring error 12. News articles publicized that the marker was misplaced by 2.5 miles east. Explain why this is correct or incorrect. If the current marker is misplaced from its intended location, how far away is it in feet? In meters? In what direction (i.e. east, west, north east…)? (2) 13. According to the National Geodetic Survey, the Four Corners Monument is exactly in the right place. Read the following article on the controversy at and summarize why “monuments rule.” (2) Spring 2018 Page 2 of 2 1. State plane coordinate system -660,000 feet north from origin within the state plane grid system. This coordinate system was established by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for use in defining positions of points in terms of plane rectangular (x, y) coordinates. There is usually one system for each state and each state determines the measurement unit (i.e., feet or meters). 2. Latitude -- 39 degrees, 37 minutes, 30 seconds (north of the Equator, which is at 0 degrees latitude). 3. Longitude -- 105 degrees, 15 minutes, 00 seconds (west of Meridian of Greenwich, also called Prime Meridian, which is at 0 degrees longitude). 4. North American Datum of 1927 -- horizontal datum. Required for GPS users. Also identifies UTM zone and state plane coordinate system. 5. GN -- UTM grid north (at the center of the map). 6. State plane coordinate system -2,080,000 feet east of origin. 7. -- true or geographic north -points to the north geographic pole. 8. MN -- magnetic north -- the approximate direction (at the center of the map) to the north magnetic pole at the date given, in this case 1994. The direction to which a magnetic compass needle points. o 9. 11 east -- magnetic declination or variation of the compass -- the number of degrees a compass needle at a particular location bears away from true north and points to the north magnetic pole. 196 MILS -- military angular measurement. 10. Longitude again -- this is a 2.5 minute geographic grid tick – 105 degrees (understood), 12 minutes, 30 seconds west. 11. Adjoining USGS quadrangle name “Indian Hills.” The notation “4963 II SW” is the NGA (National GeospatialIntelligence Agency, the Department of Defense mapping agency) sheet designator for the same map. th 12. Range 69 West -- 69 range west of 6th Principal Meridian (which is at Meades Ranch, Kansas). Public Land Subdivisions: In 1785 Congress adopted a plan for surveying public lands. According to this plan, land was divided into townships approximately six miles square, which were further subdivided into 36 sections approximately one mile square. Principal meridians and base lines were established as a reference system for the township surveys. 13. UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) easting value -486,000 meters false easting (last 3 zeroes omitted for brevity) (Zone13). 14. UTM easting value – 488,000 meters false easting (Zone 13). 15. Map reference code: 39 – degrees north latitude 105 – degrees west longitude F2 -- index number (area reference code) TF -- Topographic map with contour values in Feet 024 -- 1:24,000 scale 16. ISBN number – International Standard Book Number. 17. UTM northing value -4,387,000 meters north from the Equator. “Northings” in the southern hemisphere begin with the Equator value = 10,000,000 meters and decrease in value. 18. Section number 5. See Public Land Subdivisions. 19. Township 4 South -- 4 townships south of base line (Base Line of 1855, in this case). See Public Land Subdivisions. 20. Latitude again – another 2.5 minute grid tick – 39 degrees (understood), 40 minutes, 00 seconds. Additional Information For information on USGS products and services, contact USGS Science Information Services at: phone: 1-888-ASK-USGS (1-888-275-8747) or online form: Map Margin Information Topographic Map Symbols What is a Topographic Map? A map is a representation of the Earth, or part of it. The distinctive characteristic of a topographic map is that the shape of the Earth’s surface is shown by contour lines. Contours are imaginary lines that join points of equal elevation on the surface of the land above or below a reference surface, such as mean sea level. Contours make it possible to measure the height of mountains, depths of the ocean bottom, and steepness of slopes. A topographic map shows more than contours. The map includes symbols that represent such features as streets, buildings, streams, and vegetation. These symbols are constantly refined to better relate to the features they represent, improve the appearance or readability of the map, or reduce production cost. Consequently, within the same series, maps may have slightly different symbols for the same feature. Examples of symbols that have changed include built-up areas, roads, intermittent drainage, and some lettering styles. On one type of large-scale topographic map, called provisional, some symbols and lettering are handdrawn. Reading Topographic Maps Interpreting the colored lines, areas, and other symbols is the first step in using topographic maps. Features are shown as points, lines, or areas, depending on their size and extent. For example, individual houses may be shown as small black squares. For larger buildings, the actual shapes are mapped. In densely built-up areas, most individual buildings are omitted and an area tint is shown. On some maps, post offices, churches, city halls, and other landmark buildings are shown within the tinted area. The first features usually noticed on a topographic map are the area features, such as vegetation (green), water (blue), and densely built-up areas (gray or red). Many features are shown by lines that may be straight, curved, solid, dashed, dotted, or in any combination. The colors of the lines usually indicate similar classes of information: topographic contours (brown); lakes, streams, irrigation ditches, and other hydrographic features (blue); land grids and important roads (red); and other roads and trails, railroads, boundaries, and other cultural features (black). At one time, purple was used as a revision color to show all feature changes. Currently, purple is not used in our revision program, but purple features are still present on many existing maps. Various point symbols are used to depict features such as buildings, campgrounds, springs, water tanks, mines, survey control points, and wells. Names of places and features are shown in a color corresponding to the type of feature. Many features are identified by labels, such as “Substation” or “Golf Course.” Topographic contours are shown in brown by lines of different widths. Each contour is a line of equal elevation; therefore, contours never cross. They show the general shape of the terrain. To help the user determine elevations, index contours are wider. Elevation values are printed in several places along these lines. The narrower intermediate and supplementary contours found between the index contours help to show more details of the land surface shape. Contours that are very close together represent steep slopes. Widely spaced contours or an absence of contours means that the ground slope is relatively level. The elevation difference between adjacent contour lines, called the contour interval, is selected to best show the general shape of the terrain. A map of a relatively flat area may have a contour interval of 10 feet or less. Maps in mountainous areas may have contour intervals of 100 feet or more. The contour interval is printed in the margin of each U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) map. Bathymetric contours are shown in blue or black, depending on their location. They show the shape and slope of the ocean bottom surface. The bathymetric contour interval may vary on each map and is explained in the map margin. U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey COASTAL FEATURES BATHYMETRIC FEATURES Area exposed at mean low tide; sounding datum line*** Foreshore flat Channel*** Coral or rock reef Sunken rock*** Rock, bare or awash; dangerous to navigation BOUNDARIES National Group of rocks, bare or awash State or territorial Exposed wreck County or equivalent Depth curve; sounding Civil township or equivalent Incorporated city or equivalent Breakwater, pier, jetty, or wharf Federally administered park, reservation, or monument (external) Seawall Federally administered park, reservation, or monument (internal) Oil or gas well; platform 18 23 CONTOURS State forest, park, reservation, or monument and large county park Topographic Index Forest Service administrative area* 6000 Approximate or indefinite Forest Service ranger district* Intermediate National Forest System land status, Forest Service lands* National Forest System land status, non-Forest Service lands* Approximate or indefinite Supplementary Small park (county or city) Depression BUILDINGS AND RELATED FEATURES Building Cut School; house of worship Fill Athletic field Continental divide Built-up area Bathymetric Forest headquarters* Index*** Ranger district office* Intermediate*** Guard station or work center* Index primary*** Racetrack or raceway Primary*** Airport, paved landing strip, runway, taxiway, or apron Supplementary*** CONTROL DATA AND MONUMENTS Principal point** U.S. mineral or location monument Unpaved landing strip Well (other than water), windmill or wind generator Mile 69 River mileage marker Tanks Boundary monument Covered reservoir Third-order or better elevation, with tablet Third-order or better elevation, recoverable mark, no tablet With number and elevation Gaging station Located or landmark object (feature as labeled) Boat ramp or boat access* BM 9134 5628 67 4567 Horizontal control Roadside park or rest area Third-order or better, permanent mark Picnic area With third-order or better elevation Campground With checked spot elevation Winter recreation area* Coincident with found section corner Cemetery USMM 438 Cem Unmonumented** Neace BM 52 1012 Cactus PROJECTION AND GRIDS CONTROL DATA AND MONUMENTS – continued Vertical control Third-order or better elevation, with tablet BM 5280 Third-order or better elevation, recoverable mark, no tablet Bench mark coincident with found section corner 528 5280 7523 GLACIERS AND PERMANENT SNOWFIELDS Contours and limits Formlines Glacial advance LAND SURVEYS Datum shift tick State plane coordinate systems Primary zone tick 640 000 FEET Secondary zone tick 247 500 METERS Tertiary zone tick 260 000 FEET Quaternary zone tick 98 500 METERS Quintary zone tick 320 000 FEET UTM grid (full grid) Public land survey system UTM grid ticks* RAILROADS AND RELATED FEATURES R1E T2N R3W T4S Standard guage railroad, single track Standard guage railroad, multiple track Narrow guage railroad, single track Narrow guage railroad, multiple track Railroad siding Railroad in highway Railroad in road Railroad in light duty road* 1 - 36 1 - 36 Found section corner Railroad underpass; overpass Railroad bridge; drawbridge Found closing corner Witness corner Railroad tunnel WC Railroad yard Meander corner Weak corner* Other land surveys Range or Township line Section line Land grant, mining claim, donation land claim, or tract Land grant, homestead, mineral, or other special survey monument Fence or field lines MARINE SHORELINES Shoreline Apparent (edge of vegetation)*** Indefinite or unsurveyed MINES AND CAVES Quarry or open pit mine MC Railroad turntable; roundhouse RIVERS, LAKES, AND CANALS Perennial stream Perennial river Intermittent stream Intermittent river Disappearing stream Falls, small Falls, large Rapids, small Rapids, large Gravel, sand, clay, or borrow pit Mine tunnel or cave entrance Masonry dam Mine shaft Prospect Tailings Dam with lock Mine dump Former disposal site or mine 55’ Graticule tick Universal transverse metcator grid Glacial retreat Range or Township line Location approximate Location doubtful Protracted Protracted (AK 1:63,360-scale) Range or Township labels Section line Location approximate Location doubtful Protracted Protracted (AK 1:63,360-scale) Section numbers 39˚15’ 90˚37’30” Graticule intersection BM Spot elevation Neatline Dam carrying road 273 269 RIVERS, LAKES, AND CANALS – continued SUBMERGED AREAS AND BOGS Perennial lake/pond Marsh or swamp Intermittent lake/pond Submerged marsh or swamp Dry lake/pond Wooded marsh or swamp Narrow wash Submerged wooded marsh or swamp Wide wash Canal, flume, or aqueduct with lock Elevated aqueduct, flume, or conduit Land subject to inundation Aqueduct tunnel Water well, geyser, fumarole, or mud pot Spring or seep SURFACE FEATURES ROADS AND RELATED FEATURES Please note: Roads on Provisional-edition maps are not classified as primary, secondary, or light duty. These roads are all classified as improved roads and are symbolized the same as light duty roads. Primary highway Secondary highway Light duty road Light duty road, paved* Light duty road, gravel* Light duty road, dirt* Light duty road, unspecified* Unimproved road Unimproved road* 4WD road 4WD road* Trail Highway or road with median strip Levee Sand or mud Disturbed surface Gravel beach or glacial moraine Tailings pond TRANSMISSION LINES AND PIPELINES Power transmission line; pole; tower Telephone line Aboveground pipeline Underground pipeline Highway or road under construction VEGETATION Highway or road underpass; overpass Woodland Highway or road bridge; drawbridge Shrubland Highway or road tunnel Road block, berm, or barrier* Gate on road* Orchard Trailhead* Vineyard T H * USGS-USDA Forest Service Single-Edition Quadrangle maps only. In August 1993, the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service signed an Interagency Agreement to begin a single-edition joint mapping program. This agreement established the coordination for producing and maintaining single-edition primary series topographic maps for quadrangles containing National Forest System lands. The joint mapping program eliminates duplication of effort by the agencies and results in a more frequent revision cycle for quadrangles containing National Forests. Maps are revised on the basis of jointly developed standards and contain normal features mapped by the USGS, as well as additional features required for efficient management of National Forest System lands. Singleedition maps look slightly different but meet the content, accuracy, and quality criteria of other USGS products. Printed on recycled paper Mangrove ** Provisional-Edition maps only. Provisional-edition maps were established to expedite completion of the remaining large-scale topographic quadrangles of the conterminous United States. They contain essentially the same level of information as the standard series maps. This series can be easily recognized by the title “Provisional Edition” in the lower right-hand corner. *** Topographic Bathymetric maps only. Topographic Map Information For more information about topographic maps produced by the USGS, please call: 1-888-ASK-USGS or visit us at
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Explanation & Answer


Geog W12 Maps and Spatial Reasoning

Lab 2: Coordinate Systems
Part A. Understanding Coordinate Systems
1. Geographic coordinates appear at the four corners of the USGS map. What are the values of
latitude and longitude lines that enclose the Yellow Rock East map? (1)

37̊ 07’30’'

109̊ 07’30’’


109̊ 00’

37̊ 00’

2. UTM Zone 1 runs from 180°W to 174°W. The Four Corners region lies in UTM Zone 12N. What
is the range of longitude degrees covered by Zone 12N? (1)
109̊ 07’30’’ to109̊ 00’
3. How many SPCS zones are in California based on NAD 83 (SPCS 83)? (1)

6 zones.

Part B. Using map coordinates
4. What is the current latitude and longitude of the marker as it appears on the map? Use
decimal degree (DD) format and remember to include units. Although this may not be an accurate
coordinate of the marker’s true location, this estimate will work for this lab. (1)

Latitude = 35.04666667 ̊
Longitude = 107.0905556


5. What is the length of one minute of longitude at...

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