Review Instructor Announcements
Watch EOP Videos
Read/Review Weekly Materials
GUIDES Worksheet: D, E, and S Complete the graded activities: Discussion Question
Submit Assignment 1 0% -
Do You Know How to Grow?
The ups and downs of the business cycle are something that managers cannot ignore. Neither are the tools that you have at your disposal for creating growth and staying ahead of the competition. During this week, you will see how economies are comprised of sectors and why companies need to constantly innovate and adapt in order to win. You will also learn strategies for managing in the different stages of the business cycle and life cycle. In Week 3 you will complete your collection of macroeconomic data in the GUIDES Worksheet and submit this as Assignment 1. This week you will:- Explain the role of innovation to support productivity growth within a business
- Describe strategies for managing growth throughout the business cycle
- Explore the short-term and long-term effects of disruptive innovation
Experts of Practice Videos
In these videos Jack explores topics related to innovation, agile business practices, and fads and trends in a business environment. As you watch, consider how these descriptions relate to your place of work and how such traits affect the success of the company. -
Weekly Materials
Required Readings and Activities- Week 3 Lecture: Leveraging the Business Cycle View PDF | Listen MP3
- The Real-Life MBA, Chapter 3: You Gotta Have Growth
- The Well-Timed Strategy: Managing the Business Cycle (link below)
- The Eight Essentials of Innovation
- BEA Guide - read the International section, pp. 11-15
- Listen to the podcast, The Welch Way: Managing in a Recession
- Watch the two short videos on the concept of Disruptive Innovation:
Well-Timed Strategy: Managing the Business Cycle
GUIDES Worksheet Analysis In preparation for Assignment 2, respond to the prompts below:- What stage of the Business Cycle is both your home and target country in?
- What stage of the Business Cycle is your industry in, and your company in?
- How can you use this data to understand your company's prospects in your target country?
- What innovations, if any, are present to help your company grow its business?
Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates by Sunday, midnight of your time zone. -
Assignment 1
- Assignment 1: GUIDES (Due by Sunday, midnight of your time zone in Week 3)
Assignment Information
How to Submit an Assignment using SafeAssign When submitting assignments, you can use SafeAssign to check your citations and avoid plagiarism. To learn more: Click here. Due This Week:- Assignment 1 Instructions: GUIDES (Due by Sunday, midnight of your time zone in Week 3)
- Finish your GUIDES Worksheet by completing sections D, E, and S
- The entire GUIDES Worksheet is due this week. Make sure all six sections - G, U, I, D, E, and S - are complete before submitting your assignment.
- Refer to the Indicator tab on the Trading Economics website
- Assignment 1 Instructions: GUIDES (Due by Sunday, midnight of your time zone in Week 3)
Explanation & Answer
JWI 515: Managerial Economics
GUIDES Indicators Worksheet
The Components of
GDP & Growth
Unemployment & Utilization
Inflation & Interest Rates
Debt & Deficits
External Balances & Exchange Rates
Savings & Investment
The purpose of the GUIDES Indicators Worksheet is to help the business leader collect macroeconomic data with confidence
and accuracy.
NOTE: This worksheet is an adaptation of a macroeconomic analysis framework presented in: Weinzierl, Matthew, Shlefer, Jonathan, and Cullen, Ann. “GUIDES: Insight
through indicators.” Harvard Business School 9-710-044. December 19, 2011 (2011): 1-9
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWMI 515 – GUIDES Worksheet (1198)
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JWI 515: Managerial Economics
GUIDES Indicators Worksheet
You will use this Worksheet to collect your data in the form of Economic Indicators for two Countries. There are six sections that you need
to complete: G, U, I, D, E, and S. When they are all complete, you will be ready to submit the Worksheet document as Assignment 1.
I. Save your GUIDES Document:
The GUIDES Indicators Worksheet is a standard Word document
To save the worksheet on your computer for use in Assignment 1, complete the following steps:
Go to File > Save As
Choose your Destination (a folder on your computer)
Click Save
Use the following format for your filename: LastName_FirstName_JWI515_GUIDES_Worksheet.docx
e.g. Doe_John_JWI515_ GUIDES_ Worksheet.docx
II. Follow these steps to collect your data:
Enter your two Country names at the top of each page
Use the two websites below to find your data:
o Trading Economics website (
o Doing Business website (
Enter your research data into the Worksheet by clicking into the cells with the Latest Entry, Trend, and Healthy? Labels
In the Healthy? Column, you can delete the answers that are not correct, or you can highlight the correct answer
Submit your GUIDES Indicators Worksheet document as Assignment 1 at the end of Week 3
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWMI 515 – GUIDES Worksheet (1198)
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JWI 515: Managerial Economics
GUIDES Indicators Worksheet
Sample Data – Use examples below as a model on how to complete your GUIDES Worksheet.
Country: United States
Sales Tax
Private consumption, or an
exchange of money for goods
and services. Includes private
purchases of durable goods,
nondurables, and services.