Concordia University Chapter 4 Requirements Modeling & Object Modeling HW

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Computer Science


Read Chapters 4-7 from your text book Systems Analysis and Design, Eleventh Edition - Tilley/Rosenblatt (ATTACHED BELOW)

  • Chapter 4: Requirements Modeling
  • Chapter 5: Data and Process Modeling
  • Chapter 6: Object Modeling
  • Chapter 7: Development Strategies

Create an initial discussion posting and submit to your discussion group. The posting should answer the following four (4) questions based on what you learned from the Module reading.

  1. What did you learn from the Readings of this module? (Use of "I" statements are a great way to answer this question. Please don't review or outline chapters, articles, or other media. This is about what you learned!
  2. Why would you want to learn this? This is a general, big picture question. Answer as such...
  3. Business Case Application: How could you use what you learned (above) in the development of your Business Case? This is a SPECIFIC EXAMPLE question. Give one (1) specific example where you could use what you learned in the ongoing development of the Business Case used in your Group Project. Resist being general or generic. BE SPECIFIC!
  4. Include a related web page, write a description of the web page and why you chose it as a reference to these Readings / Media / What you Learned.

Respond to at least three of your classmates posts.

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....... ....... •••• . ........ Requirements Modeling Chapter 4 is the first of four chapters in the systems analysis phase. This chapter describes the process of gathering facts about a systems project, preparing documentation, and creating models that will be used to design and develop the system. OBJECTIVES When you finish this chapter, you will be able to: • Describe systems analysis phase activities • Explain joint application development UAD), rapid application development (RAD), and agile methods • Use a functional decomposition diagram (FDD) to model business functions and processes After an overview of the systems analysis phase, this chapter describes requirements modeling techniques and team-based methods that systems analysts use to visualize and document new systems. The chap· ter then discusses system requirements and fact· finding techn iques, which include interviewing, documentation review, observation, surveys and questionnaires, sampling, and research. If you have MIS CourseMate, you can view a Video Learning Session that explains how you can use a functional decomposition diagram (FDD) to model business functions and processes. • Describe the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and examples of UML diagrams • List and describe system requirements, including outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls • Explain the concept of scalability • Use fact-finding techniques, including inter· views, documentation review, observation, questionnaires, sampling, and research • Define total cost of ownership (TCO) • Conduct a successful interview • Develop effective documentation methods to use during systems development Cql~Ti~ 20U C4.1ndd 130 29/11112 9:52AM I I3I Introduction PREVIEW CASE: Mountain View College Bookstore Background: Wendy Lee, manager of college services at Mountain View College, wants a new information system that will improve efficiency and customer service at the three college bookstores. In this part of the case, Tina Allen (systems analyst) and David Conroe (student intern) are talking about requirements modeling tasks and concepts. Participant s: Location: Project stat us: Discussion t opics: T ina: David: T ina: David: T ina: David: T ina: Tina and David Tina's office, Monday morning, October I, 2013 The project has advanced to the systems analysis phase; now, Tina and David will work on modeling, fact-finding, and the documentation they need for a requir ements model Modeling, team-based development strategies, fact-finding techniques, and documentation Before we get started, let me tell you about a funny Dilbert ® cartoon I saw t.his morni ng. It begins w ith Alice saying to a user"l can't design your software until you tell me what you want it to do:· Instead of listing his requirements, he replies "What con it dol" At this point. she gets really mad, and says it can do whatever she designs it to do! In the final panel, he asks her, "Can you design it to tell me my requirements?'' That's funny, but o little scary, too. Hope we don't run into o situation like that! Me, too. T hat's w hy we have to do a good job of creating a requirements model that w ill include all the outputs, inputs, processes, and controls. The model w ill consist of diagrams, charts, and documentation. How will we use the model? We'll study it carefully and review it frequently with system users. Who ore the users? Users include bookstore staff, students, faculty members, and the college business office. External users might include textbook publishers and suppliers of bookstore merchandise.The main thing is to get input from each user group. Here's a task list to get us started: . • MOUNTAIN VIEW COlLEGE FIGURE 4-1 Typical requirements modeling task list. e ~~ lx'.!m"'€ 201.; (W)Ti~ 2013 Cc~ Uamir;J. All llj~ R~. ; WI bte~ KIIQll(d, Of dllpliul(lj, in wb:(o Ill' ia pm, ~ W nx riV!'.s. wooe tint pvl)' QCI!II(tll !Nl'" Wl'ffUKd (nxn the ellwk ~ eOI!fi«(t.), &litQria) ,.;vkw h• o,lc(tll(IJ lhlot fn)' W~ QCI!II«tcms Analyst's Toolkit an help you document business functions and pro- cesses. develop graphical models. and provide an ovc,.... aJI framework for information system development.To learn more about these tools. curn to Part B of the four-part Toolkit that follows Chapter 12. -- - Business Proce ss Modeling As you learned in Chapter 1, a business process model (BPM) describes one o r more business processes, such as handling an airline reservation, fill ing a product order, or updating a customer account. During requirements modeling, analysts often create models that use a standard language called business process modeling notation (BPMN). BPMN includes various shapes and symbols to represent events, processes, and workflows. R•• .,>, "'Ills.'"-..«< I'• W('I)III(m "»~·~ '"l'f'¥~:Jit4 l1»1n .-~(l.Qo1k~l o "cry valvat>lc. We 'N()I)Icf gr~tly appreciate it il you could complete the following questionnailt and return Mby March 10 to Dana .Aiarez in lnlonnatlon te0 19 I J 50 0f'r'I'IOU~ ... What etrOfS do you .see mo!'lt oi'W!n on requiSitions? (Pia~ a 1 next to th~ most common ~or, place a 2 next 10 lhe seooncl elc.) I I inoomx:t ch;ugc NJmlxtr I I mi$$.,9 ;)Uifloriz;llion 1 1 IMS~g Charge k'IIOrmation 1 1 «her (please explak'l) - - - - - - - 5. 1 l les if possible. 1. H lh~~urreruty 1.$ed purch~ reQui!'litiotiiOrrn were to be rede-signed, ..tlat c:Mnge.s 10 trle rortn would you recommend? (11 n~. pte898 anac:tlanoctler &heel) WoiM you be h terested h meetl"lg wilt! an Information teeh'lology reptesentallve to cfscuss )'QUI' ideas rurlher? 11 so, jlfease con'(llete !he lolk>'Ning inlormatiOn: 2. Nt'me Department - - - - - - - TelephOne - - - - - - - - - E·mail aekhs& - - - - - - - FIGURE 4-23 v O nline version of a sample questionnaire. Does it follow the suggested guidelines? e~-oe: ~1g20IL Cql~Ti~ 20 U C,Jf, (:(Oft(: L
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System Analysis and Design Module
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System Analysis and Design Module
1. In the module, I have learned about different phases of system analysis. With the use of
the system analysis, I can now be able to model an advanced information system. The
most intriguing phase, from my point of view, is the objective modeling phase. This is
because, by the use of the object model, one can be able to create a logical model. After
gathering the data, through the data and processing model, the objective model can help
to show the relationship between the data (Tilley & Rosenblatt, 2016). The data and
processing model will help in describing the data gathered throu...

Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.


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