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Los Angeles City College


The link for the video - .Forklift Safety (2019) . :

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Questions from the video Name _________________________ (2 pts) 1. (1 pt) What is another name for forklifts? 2. (4 pts) Identify four types of hazards associated with forklift usage? (4 points) 3. (7 pts) What are the 7 types of forklifts discussed in the video? (7 points) a. Class 1 = b. Class 2 = c. Class 3 = d. Class 4 = e. Class 5 = f. Class 6 = g. Class 7 = 4. (1 pt). What is the flammable gas generated from charging batteries from electric forklifts? 5. (1 pt). Define what the load capacity of a forklift designates? 6. (1 pt). According to the video only Trained and _________________________ are permitted to operate forklifts. 7. (1 pt). How often must an employer certify that forklift operators have be trained and evaluated? 8. (1 pt). It is a violation under Federal Law for anyone under the age of ________ to operate a forklift 9. (2 pts). Define High Tiering with a forklift. 10. (1 pt). What are the two types of tip overs with forklifts? Safe 4980 Fall 2019
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Explanation & Answer:
10 questions
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Explanation & Answer

All the answers should be there. Let me know if you need anything changed 😀 -Always happy to help!

Questions from the video

Name _________________________ (2 pts)

1. (1 pt) What is another name for forklifts?
a. Another name for forklifts is lift trucks
2. (4 pts) Identify four types of hazards associated with forklift usage? (4 points)
a. Collisions, falls, tip overs...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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