Influence of Advertising on Customer Behavior Research

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Business Finance


Based on attached proposal, start the research and prepare the write up on same title of research as following

1-Abstract (one page)

2- chapter 1: introduction has the following section

1.1 introduction including statement of the problem and study purpose

1.2 research objective

1.3 research questions/hypothesis

1.4 study importance

1.5 limitation of study

Total page for introduction 5 pages

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: ADVERTISING

Influence of Advertising on Customer Behavior
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name

The principal objective of this study is to examine the impacts of advertisements on
customer purchasing behaviors. While different customers prefer consuming particular products
and services because of varied reasons, advertising may change consumer preferences and hence
the overall purchasing patterns. Based on the Saudi Arabian Airline industry, this research
attempts to understand the existing link between consumer behavior and advertising including
print media advertisements, television, and radio advertisements. To gather credible and reliable
data towards making well-informed conclusions, this research is conducted at Saudi Arabia
airlines and employs a descriptive study design. As such, this study will consider both traditional
research methodologies and contemporary data collection methods.
Fundamentally, this study uses questionnaires as the primary data gathering method and
literature review will act as the secondary data collection method. In this regard, this paper
examines conclusions from past studies relating to the influence of advertisements on customer
purchasing behaviors. After an extensive data collection exercise, the research analyzes the
collected data using both the qualitative and the quantitative approaches. It is notable that, the
participants may differ in different perspectives while agreeing in other areas. In light of this, the
paper considers analyzing the research findings using computer-based analysis through analysis
packages primarily Microsoft’s excel spreadsheet and SPSS (Statistical Packages for SocioSciences) particularly for the development of the visual representation of the findings including
tables and charts.
Keywords: Advertisement, Customer Purchasing Behavior, Electronic Media and Print Media

Chapter 1: Introduction
Historically, advertisement has played a considerable role in the marketing of different
products. For a clear understanding of the purpose and objective of the study, it is important to
first understand the meanings of consumer behavior and advertising. Advertising, as defined by
Coley & Burgess (2003) is a creative communication technique used by businesses aiming at
convincing consumers to buy certain goods or services. In advertisements, businesses consider
informing the target customers the details about the product or service they persuade the
consumer to purchase and the ...

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