The University of Tampa International Job Search & Employment Assignment

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Business Finance


Imagine you are a journalist, working for Travel & Leisure magazine. You have been tasked with writing an article about looking for a job in another country. The article needs to have specific details and recommendations for those interested in international employment, including both the benefits and challenges of working in this country.

Be Sure to Address the Following in Your Article:

  1. How would someone go about finding employment in that country?
  2. What are some of the general employment trends?
  3. What are some of the growing industries in terms of employment?
  4. What do your readers need to know before traveling or working abroad?
    • Work Visas?
    • Passport Needed?
    • Vaccinations Needed?
    • Where to Stay?
    • Currency?
    • Primary language spoken?
  1. Describe what networking looks like. What are some things to be aware of? What are the names of two (2) organizations you could suggest for others to join?
  2. Your final piece of advice: What is something you want to leave readers with?

Instructions: Your article should be between 600-1000 words. The title of your article should include the name of the country you are researching. While it is not necessary, feel free to include pictures and/or graphics in your submission. Be creative!

Your article should be double-spaced, use proper grammar and spelling, and be written in Times New Roman font.

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Explanation & Answer


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Employment in China
Germany is one of the best performing economies in Europe. Therefore, it is possible that
a foreigner looking for a job could have a good chance of securing one in this country. In Germany,
you will find both English speaking jobs and those jobs that require some knowledge of the
German language (Fang, Tony & Carl, 22). As a foreigner looking for a job you will need a
credible degree and some work experience to secure a good job in Germany. However, a few
casual jobs may also be available but they are not in plenty. Important to note, as a foreigner
looking for a job in Germany may not be as hard as it would be in other countries.
Employment trends in Germany is quite impressive. Just to mention, Germany has a record
of having one of the lowest unemployment rates among the Europea...

Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.


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