Subject area and the selected

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Computer Science

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


As a solution to choose problem to focus on within the subject area is to ask companies and organizations, as they may have encountered problems that they do not have time, knowledge or resources to investigate themselves. 

1. Give two examples of subject and related problem proposed by an industrial company in the area of your interest.
2. You are required to describe for each one the subject area and the selected problem.
3. Write a project proposal for each one by following the structure of a project proposal.
4. Apply a checklist of each project proposal.

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

Here is the final work. Please check it. In case of anything, please let me know. All in all, the work is well done. Pleasure working with you. Welcome again.


Research Methods in Computation
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Research Method In Computation
1: This essay examines the manufacturing sector in the industry- the point of interest paid to
data management technology and logistics or supply chain. As per Velling (2019), the main
problem associated with company data management technologies is the issues of cybercrime,
while lack of proper inventory records is the main issue with the supply chain sector.
2; Data management technology-as industrial company grows, there rises a need to
incorporate the right techniques to help in faster decision making, quality production, and
have the interests at hand. This is mainly found in computation
Attain the mentioned above; companies are required to ensure their data are well managed,
centralized, and easily accessible when need be. Maintain a competitive advantage, and a
company has to provide its confidential strategies that are well protected and sensitive and
authentic. However, growth in technology has not only increased business market potential
but has come along with threats and s...

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