Must be about sexual orientation (LGBTQ)
There has been much talk about the interaction between your diversity area and the Millennial generation, and you have been asked by the leadership team to conduct research and findings to the board. You will need to conduct research and include the following questions addressed in your report:
- Introduce your diversity area, and introduce Millennials.
- Discuss similarities and differences between these two groups.
- How does personal identity play a role with these two groups?
- Discuss any proactive plans that you might use as a manager in the workplace.
- Conclude your report.

Explanation & Answer

The LGBTQ+ Community and Millennials
In recent years, the LGBTQ+ community has been at the forefront of both societal and
political discussion. Of course, historically, it has always been a prevalent and relevant
discussion, but as society has progressed, the topic has been one that many people from all walks
of life have weighed in on especially after the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay
marriage for the entirety of the United States. For millennials especially, the LGBTQ+
community has been a topic of discussion that has sparked both acceptance and controversy
especially considering the shift in cultural norms with the introduction of this generation.
The similarities between millennials and members of the LGBTQ+ are more prevalent
than one would think. According to Allen, “The speed and complexity of these events are not
lost on other L.G.B.T.Q. mi...