Leadership Vision Research

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Part I:  Review the list of sources on leadership vision below. Then complete the table on the first page of the Leadership Vision Research template (attached at the bottom of the page) with answers to the questions below.

  • Stage on the Information Cycle
  • Type of Information
  • Reliability of Information

Leadership Vision Sources

Part II: For the second part of this assignment, find three credible articles for an academic paper via an internet search on the topic of leadership vision.

Complete the second table on the Leadership Vision Research template provided for your answers. The template is based on the C.R.A.P. (Credibility, Reliability, Authority and Purpose/Point of View) test provided for you on Page V of this module.

This assignment should have the proper APA style.

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ORG300 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Leadership Vision Research Part I: Instructions: Review the following sources and complete the chart below for each source.  https://csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&d b=bth&AN=110456220&site=ehost-live  http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/vision-missionstatements/main  http://www.liquidplanner.com/blog/create-personal-mission-vision-statement-year/  https://csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&d b=bth&AN=36875613&site=ehost-live  http://macaulay.cuny.edu/eportfolios/hainline2014/files/2014/02/9107_The_Strategic_Importa nce_of_Vision_Statements.pdf  http://go.galegroup.com.csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CCX4016600203&v=2.1&u= coloradosu&it=r&p=GVRL&asid=c0e98b309973b2763c5815563631f014 Title of Source Stage on Information Cycle Type of Information Reliability of Information ORG300 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Leadership Vision Research ORG300 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Leadership Vision Research Part II: Instructions: Select 3 credible sources that are appropriate to use for a scholarly paper on the assigned topic. Complete the three tables below with the requested information for each of the sources. Article #1 Title: 1. Provide information about the article and its source. Author Date of publication Title of article Title of source (periodical, website, encyclopedia, etc.) Volume number, issue number, if available Date of publication, if available 2. Defend your decision by answering the following questions from the CRAP test. Currency  Has the information been published in the last 5 years?  If this is an historical topic, was the information published around the date of the original event? Reliability/Relevance  Are methods or references provided?  Who published the information? Authority  Is the author a single person or several?  Is the author a corporation or organization?  Are the author’s credentials provided?  What is the author’s reputation or expertise? Purpose/Point of View  Who is the intended audience?  Is the information intended to inform, persuade, sell, or entertain?  Is this a first-hand account of an event or research? Other  Are there any advertisements or distractions?  Who is the site publisher?  Could the site be ironic, like a ORG300 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Leadership Vision Research  satire or spoof? Could this information be validated through another source (such as a journal article, a group of people who could attest to the quality of the service, etc.) Article #2 Title: 1. Provide information about the article and where it comes from. Author Date of publication Title of article Title of source (periodical, website, encyclopedia, etc.) Volume number, issue number, if available Date of publication, if available 2. Defend your decision by answering the following questions from the CRAP test. Currency  Has the information been published in the last 5 years?  If this is an historical topic, was the information published around the date of the original event? Reliability/Relevance  Are methods or references provided?  Who published the information? Authority  Is the author a single person or several?  Is the author a corporation or organization?  Are the author’s credentials provided?  What is the author’s reputation or expertise? Purpose/Point of View  Who is the intended audience?  Is the information intended to inform, persuade, sell, or entertain?  Is this a first-hand account of an event or research? Other  Are there any advertisements or distractions? ORG300 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Leadership Vision Research    Who is the site publisher? Could the site be ironic, like a satire or spoof? Could this information be validated through another source (such as a journal article, a group of people who could attest to the quality of the service, etc) Article #3 Title: 1. Provide information about the article and where it comes from. Author Date of publication Title of article Title of source (periodical, website, encyclopedia, etc.) Volume number, issue number, if available Date of publication, if available 2. Defend your decision by answering the following questions from the CRAP test. Currency  Has the information been published in the last 5 years?  If this is an historical topic, was the information published around the date of the original event? Reliability/Relevance  Are methods or references provided?  Who published the information? Authority  Is the author a single person or several?  Is the author a corporation or organization?  Are the author’s credentials provided?  What is the author’s reputation or expertise? Purpose/Point of View  Who is the intended audience?  Is the information intended to inform, persuade, sell, or entertain?  Is this a first-hand account of an event or research? ORG300 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Leadership Vision Research Other     Are there any advertisements or distractions? Who is the site publisher? Could the site be ironic, like a satire or spoof? Could this information be validated through another source (such as a journal article, a group of people who could attest to the quality of the service, etc.)
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