You are a Health Officer for a rural county health department and have been assi

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Health Medical


You are a Health Officer for a rural county health department and have been assigned to study the frequency of an infectious disease such as tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS. Write an essay in which you do the following:

  1. Describe observational and experimental epidemiology as the two (2) study designs apply to either of the diseases you have chosen.  Be sure to identify differences between these two types of analytic epidemiology.
  2. Under what conditions will you conduct a case-control study as opposed to a cohort study?

Be sure to support your opinion with evidence from the literature.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 2–3 pages.

Be sure to provide in-text citation(s) and a reference list to support your viewpoints. Please use at least three (3) research sources (not Wikipedia, or fact sheets).

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Explanation & Answer

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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