University of New Hampshire American History Article Response and Analysis

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The University Of New Hampshire


You must write a 2 page response to a document from the Major Problems textbook, before we have discussed it in class.

The first part of your paper should be a candid response to the document.Did you enjoy this document, did you find it overly long, or difficult to understand?Why did you choose this document to respond to?Did something about it stick out as familiar or surprising?Was there something you found interesting or intriguing?

The second part of the paper should be a textual analysis focused on why the document was created in the way it was.What type of document is it (an article, a speech, a letter, etc)?Who was intended to read it? What did the author want to accomplish or say through the work, and just as importantly- were they successful in their aims? Why or why not? What choices did they make that allowed the work to achieve that aim (or not)?Does your analysis of the document relate to your earlier reaction to the document (is it suitable that you didn’t find a supreme court case to be very exciting, or that a political speech was written in clear accessible language)?Remember to be specific and use examples from the text (with citations) to describe your ideas.

The papers should contain citations for the information you use and the evidence you provide to support your ideas as well as a bibliographical reference.

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Explanation & Answer


Article response and analysis
The study of the events that took place in the past involving human affairs, history has remained
to be one of my enjoyable areas to explore. It was, therefore, exciting for me to read the article as it
recounted how WW I developed. The article was long, which made it well-detailed giving room to
include details that would be considered of little or no significance in the development of WW I. For
example, the reasons that President Woodrow Wilson gave when asking the Congress to declare war
against Germany. In the beginning, I found it hard to understand the article as it used complex words. As
such, it was hard for me to understand a sentence that had an advanced vocabulary. The sentences used
in the article were long, making it even harder to comprehend. However, after reading it consistently, it
became possible for me to understand and follow the piece with ease. The first reason for choosing the
article is because it explores our history as it explores the development of international co-operation as
it is today. Secondly, my choice of the material was informed by the need to know the allies of WW I. I
have all along had the idea that the WW I development was influenced by Germany but did not precisely
understand how it contributed to it. Reading the article helped me to understand the role of Germany in
the development of WW I. A surprising fact I enc...

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